Check out this Speedrun Guide in Monster Hunter Rise (Switch). Find out the fastest times, world records for each category, each weapon & demo speed run records in MH Rise!
Table of Contents
List Of Speedruns
Great Izuchi Speedrun Record
Lysio - 1m20s (Great Sword)
SO CLOSE #NintendoSwitch
— Lysio (@Lysio3) January 14, 2021
A player named Lysio from Germany was able to clear the Great Izuchi in a breakneck 1 minute and 20 seconds! Their weapon of choice was the Greatsword.
Mizutsune Speedrun Record
Cronixz - 3m59s (Long Sword)
#MHRise #MonsterHunter #NintendoSwitch
— Cronixz (@Cronixz4) February 8, 2021
A player named Cronixz defeated Mizutsune in just under 4 minutes with their expert use of a Long Sword. Breaking 4 minutes is quite a feat, so it remains to be seen if any other players can duplicate it!
Speedrun Categories
This article includes information from the Demo. It will be updated once the full game releases.
Runs Limited Due To Demo

Given that the only gameplay we've had access to in Monster Hunter Rise has been limited to the game's demo, there are only a limited number of possibilities for speedruns at this present juncture. The game's demo features 4 quests, two of which are tutorials. This leaves only the Great Izuchi and Mizutsune quests as strong contenders for runs.
Full Demo Guide"All Monster Runs" Now Being Done
Players on the popular site seem to have created separate categories which require you to defeat ALL monsters in each of the demo's two quests. This is a longer undertaking, though due to the length of the demo is still not that time consuming.
Overall Category
The overall category's condition is simply to clear the given objective as fast as possible. Weapon choice is not important here, so usually the strongest weapons see the highest amount of representation.
Per Weapon Category
The weapon-based category is in place to account for balance discrepancies between weapons. Players aim to complete the requisite conditions with a given weapon as fast as possible.
Discuss Speedruns In Our Forums

Have you had a shot at speedrunning the demo so far? Excited about the speedrun potential of the full game? Bring your enthusiasm over to our speedrun discussion forum - share your times, weapon preferences, and strategies with other players!
Speedrun Discussion Forum