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Best Decks Tier List (March 2025)

Best Decks Tier List (March 2025)

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Best Decks Tier List (March 2025) | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

This is the Best Meta Decks Tier List in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). See the strongest & best decks in format (BDIF), recommended decklist and build in Pokemon TCGP.

Table of Contents

Triumphant Light Decks

Meta Decks Tier List

The best decks in Pokemon TCG are the Exeggutor ex Deck and the Darkrai ex & Magnezone Deck.
Both have top-tier usage and win rates, and it’s safe to say they are dominant in the current meta, consistently performing at the highest level.

Unlisted Decks in Tier List

Recent Major Evaluation Changes (Updated on 2/26)

Weavile ex
Weavile ex Deck
Evaluation:S→ A
Due to Exeggutor ex continuing to dominate the current meta, the win rate has been steadily dropping.It can be powerful if it achieves its ideal setup, but the difficulty is quite high.
Pachirisu ex
Pachirisu ex Deck
Evaluation:B→ A
The strategy of using a single Pokemon ex aligns with the environment. It's challenging to go first, but the win rate when going second is incredibly stable.
Infernape ex
Infernape ex Deck
Evaluation:A→ B
If Exeggutor runs Giant Cape, it struggles to close out games. As a result, despite the increase in use, its win rate may not improve significantly.
Arcanine ex
Arcanine ex Deck
Evaluation:A→ C
Despite strong expectations, its playrate remains unchanged. When using Moltres EX, Charizard EX is likely the better choice.

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Tier 1 Decklist and Card Breakdown

Dialga ex

Dialga exDialga exArceus exArceus exShayminShayminPotionPotionPoke BallPoke BallGiant CapeRocky HelmetProfessorProfessorGiovanniSabrinaLeafLeafCyrusDawn

This deck revolves around Dialga ex's Energy Acceleration. There is flexibility in choosing a partner for Dialga ex, and building the deck to compensate for its lack of damage can make it very powerful.

Dialga ex Deck Card List

Palkia ex

Palkia exPalkia exArticuno exManaphyManaphyEevee (Mythical Island)Eevee (Mythical Island)Vaporeon (Mythical Island)Vaporeon (Mythical Island)Poke BallPoke BallGiant CapeGiant CapeProfessorProfessorMistyMistyLeafLeafCyrus

This deck utilizes Manaphy to accelerate powerful attackers like Palkia ex. Manaphy and Misty's Energy Acceleration helps compensate for Palkia ex's Energy Discard effect, making it a strong strategy.

Palkia ex Deck Card List

Darkrai ex & Magnezone

Darkrai exDarkrai exMagnemite (Space-Time Smackdown)Magnemite (Space-Time Smackdown)MagnetonMagnetonMagnezoneMagnezoneDruddigonKangaskhanPoke BallPoke BallPokemon CommunicationGiant CapeGiant CapeProfessorProfessorSabrinaLeafCyrus

The Darkrai ex & Magnezone deck uses Druddigon as a wall to prepare Magnezone. Use Darkrai ex & Druddigon to reduce the opponent's HP and then Magnezone's 110 damage attack to finish them.

Darkrai ex & Magnezone Deck Card List

Best Deck Details

Tier 1: Top Tier Decks (BDIF)

  1. Dialga ex
    - Dialga ex's Energy Acceleration is strong.
    - Requires another card capable of dealing with strong attackers.
    - The downside is that it can't act until it has two energies attached.
    See the Decklist
  2. Palkia ex
    - Palkia ex's high damage is powerful.
    - Manaphy's Energy Acceleration is excellent.
    - Easy to achieve a knockout with Bench Attack + Cyrus.
    See the Decklist
  3. Darkrai ex
    - Combination of Darkrai ex & Magnezone is powerful
    - Magnezone can produce its own Lightning Energy
    - Requirement of Stage 2 Evolution may cause bad hands
    See the Decklist

Tier 2: High Tier Decks

  1. Articuno ex
    - Forces opponent to KO two Pokemon ex cards
    - Powerful Energy Acceleration from Misty
    - High dependency on Misty
    See the Decklist
  2. Leafeon ex
    - Attack with Leafeon ex while setting up the next Pokemon

    - Consistent due to a limited number of Pokemon

    - Struggles if Leafeon ex doesn't come out quickly
    See the Decklist
  3. Exeggutor ex
    - Fast paced with just 1 Energy to activate
    - Powerful HP recovery with Erika
    - Low max damage is a disadvantage
    See the Decklist
  4. Infernape ex
    - Infernape ex's 2 Energy with 140 damage is powerful.
    - Move Energy with Dawn and repeatedly attack with Infernape ex.
    - The synergy between Giratina, Dawn, and Infernape ex is excellent.
    See the Decklist
  5. Arceus ex
    - Aim for big damage with Arceus ex and Crobat

    - Can still work even if one is missing

    - Struggles against Fighting types
    See the Decklist
  6. Pachirisu ex
    - Pachirisu ex's 2 Energy and 80 damage multi-attacks are a strong combination.
    - Can work regardless of whether you’re going to attack first or second.
    - Energy management can be a bit challenging.
    See the Decklist
  7. Charizard ex
    - Charizard ex's high damage attack is very strong
    - Moltres ex's Energy Acceleration is helpful
    - Prone to bad hands typical of Stage 2 attackers like Charizard
    See the Decklist

Tier 3: Middle Tier Decks

  1. Rampardos
    - Rampardos's 1 Energy for 130 damage is immense.
    - Use a Draw Engine to cycle through your deck.
    - Bad hands preventing evolving is likely to occur.
    See the Decklist
  2. Magnezone
    - An Aggro deck with Magnezone as the finisher
    - Can be combined with various cards
    - Focuses on a build that takes advantage of being a Single-Prize deck
    See the Decklist
  3. Probopass ex
    - Probopass ex has exceptional durability

    - Fast attacks with Skarmory

    - Nosepass struggles before evolution
    See the Decklist
  4. Carnivine (Triumphant Light)
    - Aim for 50 damage from the first turn with Carnivine

    - Arceus ex can consistently deal damage

    - Basic Pokemon's HP is low and weak against Switch
    See the Decklist
  5. Weavile ex
    - The Darkrai + Weavile combo is powerful.
    - It can function with minimal Energy, reducing the chances of drawing bad hands.
    - The deck is somewhat lacking in high-damage attackers.
    See the Decklist
  6. Gyarados ex
    - Gyarados ex's 140-damage attack is effective across matchups
    - Misty's coin flip effects can lead to high-impact plays
    - The set-up is heavily luck based and may take time
    See the Decklist

Tier 4: Secondary Decks

  1. Garchomp ex
    - Garchomp ex has powerful versatile attacks

    - Lucario helps with its low damage output

    - Heavy reliance on Garchomp ex
    See the Decklist
  2. Yanmega ex
    - Can attack with Exeggutor ex in the early stages and Yanmega ex in the middle and later stages.
    - Hard to be defeated because you can recover with Erika.
    - Rockey Helmet helps with damage output.
    See the Decklist
  3. Skarmory
    - Skarmory is guaranteed to appear in the Active Spot first
    - Can quickly defeat low HP Basic Pokemon
    - Struggles in long battles if Fossil cannot be drawn
    See the Decklist
  4. Glaceon ex
    - Accelerate Water energy and attack with Glaceon ex

    - Using it as a wall can be effective in some situations

    - Difficult decision making with healing
    See the Decklist
  5. Darkrai ex
    - Powerful ability to cause damage.
    - Good compatibility with Cyrus.
    - Weezing can cause damage easily for Darkrai ex to finish off.
    See the Decklist
  6. Gallade ex
    - Fighting-type Pokemon with powerful, fast-attacking moves.
    - There are plenty of potential sub-attacker alternatives.
    - It's important to deal damage in advance for Gallade ex.
    See the Decklist
  7. Starmie ex
    - Starmie ex is Energy efficient
    - Misty's Energy Acceleration is powerful
    - Weak against fast-paced decks like Lightning decks
    See the Decklist
  8. Aerodactyl ex
    - Aerodactyl ex serves as a strong attacker
    - Reliable evolution from Mankey to Primeape
    - Struggles against high-HP attackers / long battles
    See the Decklist
  9. Mismagius ex
    - Can stall and fight persistently with Mismagius ex's Confusion.
    - Can attack at a good pace.
    - Needs to rely on Confusion to make up for lack of damage output.
    See the Decklist

Tier 5: Low Tier Decks

  1. Celebi ex
    - Highly consistent deck centered on Celebi ex
    - The attack, Powerful Bloom, can provide powerful and consistent damage
    - Serperior boosts Celebi ex's overwhelming damage potential
    See the Decklist
  2. Pikachu ex
    - Repeated 90 damage from Pikachu ex is powerful
    - Easy to overwhelm the opponent with multiple Pokemon ex
    - Raichu can also deliver high damage
    See the Decklist
  3. Mewtwo ex
    - A highly stable deck centered around Mewtwo ex
    - The repeated use of Psydrive from mid to late game is powerful
    - It’s crucial to evolve Ralts into Gardevoir
    See the Decklist
  4. Lickilicky ex
    - Maximize damage output with Lickilicky ex.
    - Easy to use the same strategy every time with small number of Pokemon.
    - Lickilicky ex’s damage can vary.
    See the Decklist
  5. Garchomp
    - With Cynthia, Garchomp can deal 150 damage.
    - Garchomp’s ability makes Cynthia easy to draw.
    - Energy attachments may be uneven or hard to manage.
    See the Decklist
  6. Blaine
    - Cost-effective attacks are good for going aggresive in early-game
    - Blaine's damage-boosting effect is strong
    - Overall HP is low and durability is poor
    See the Decklist
  7. Barry
    - Barry allows you to attack quickly with Heracross.

    - Staraptor's damage output is quite high.

    - Overall durability is somewhat low.
    See the Decklist
  8. Luxray
    - 120 damage Bench Attack is powerful.
    - You can get 2 Energy Acceleration at once with Volkner.
    - It is important to effectively reduce the opponent's HP.
    See the Decklist
  9. Electivire
    - Electivire's 4 energy 120 damage is powerful.
    - You can benefit from both Lt. Surge and Volkner.
    - Simple to set up but slightly lacking firepower.
    See the Decklist
  10. Donphan

    See the Decklist
  11. Marowak ex
    - Evolve deck that's easy to play with good pacing
    - Deals an impressive 160 damage with just 2 Energy
    - Highly reliant on coin flips, which can be a drawback
    See the Decklist
  12. Arcanine ex
    - Strong Attack from Arcanine ex
    - Energy Acceleration is possible with Moltres ex
    - Arcanine ex's disadvantage is that it also takes self-damage
    See the Decklist
  13. Tyranitar
    - A deck that relies on Tyranitar’s 160-damage attack to overpower opponents

    - Arceus can serve as a defensive wall

    - Extremely slow to set up
    See the Decklist
  14. Bronzong (Triumphant Light)

    See the Decklist

Strongest Deck Criteria

Summary of Rating Criteria

SS Tier
(Tier 1)
Top Decks in the Meta
- High win rate and popularity
- Low chance of drawing bad hands, making it stable
S Tier
(Tier 2)
Upper-Meta Decks
- Second highest win rate, right after SS Tier
- Second highest usage rate, also close to SS Tier
A Tier
(Tier 3)
Mid-Meta Decks
- Can compete with top-tier decks depending on matchups
- Not as widely used
B Tier
(Tier 4)
Low Usage Decks in the Meta
- Low usage rate
- Win rate isn't particularly high either
C Tier
(Tier 5)
Difficult to Succeed with Decks
- Low win rate and low usage
- Struggles to perform in the current meta

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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