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Cresselia ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Cresselia ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Cresselia ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Cresselia ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Table of Contents

Cresselia ex Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

Cresselia exCresselia exRalts (Space-Time Smackdown)Ralts (Space-Time Smackdown)Kirlia (Space-Time Smackdown)Kirlia (Space-Time Smackdown)GardevoirGardevoirMew exMew exX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallMythical SlabMythical SlabGiant CapeGiant CapeProfessorProfessorDawn
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Cresselia ex Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- Withstand attacks & buy time with Cresselia ex
- Recover more HP with Gardevoir
- Damage output is low, difficult against strong Pokemon

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Cresselia ex Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Cresselia ex can withstand attacks to buy time
  2. Recover HP with Gardevoir
  3. Use Mew ex against strong Pokemon

Cresselia ex Can Withstand Attacks

Cresselia ex

Cresselia ex can recover 20 HP every time you attach Psychic Energy from the Energy Zone, which allows you to withstand attacks for a while. You can buy time by attaching Energy while you prepare to attack.

Recover HP with Gardevoir


Gardevoir can use the Energy Zone for Energy Acceleration, which is useful for recovering HP for Cresselia ex. It will be difficult for the opponent to score a point once you are prepared.

Use Mew ex Against Strong Pokemon

Mew ex

Use Mew ex against Pokemon that deals high damage if Cresselia ex won't be able to withstand the attack. If you have 1 Energy in your Bench, you can use Gardevoir's ability in addition to attaching Energy from the Energy Zone and using Dawn to use Mew ex's second attack immediately.

Cresselia ex Deck Strategy

  1. Use Cresselia ex as a wall
  2. Heal and Aatack with Cresselia ex
  3. Switch with the bench if needed
Use Cresselia ex as a Wall
  1. Cresselia ex
  2. Ralts (Space-Time Smackdown)

Ideally, you should place Cresselia ex in the Active Spot as a defensive wall. If Ralts starts on the field, use Teleport to switch it with Cresselia ex.

Heal and Attack with Cresselia ex
  1. Gardevoir
  2. Cresselia ex

Attach Energy to Cresselia ex in the Active Spot to recover HP, then attack with its three-energy move. If you can evolve into Gardevoir as quickly as possible, you can start attacking as early as turn 3, even when going first.

Switch with the Bench If Needed
  1. Mew ex
  2. Cresselia ex

If Cresselia ex is about to be knocked out, switch it to the Bench and continue attacking with other Pokemon. Use Gardevoir to maintain an uninterrupted offense and put pressure on your opponent.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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