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Reroll Tier List (February 2025)

Reroll Tier List (February 2025)

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Reroll Tier List (February 2025) | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

Reroll Tier List in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). See the best Pokemon to reroll, whether or not you should reroll, when to end reroll, deck tips and more in Pokemon TCGP.

Table of Contents

Reroll Tier List

With the release of the new pack, this tier list is being updated continuously. Please stay tuned as we work to provide the most up-to-date information.

Quick Reference Chart for Rerolling

In Pokemon TCG Pocket, you can end the reroll if you pull at least 2 Pokemon that can become your main cards for your deck. Having a strong Basic Pokemon that you can use right away when you get it is a major advantage

Recommended Beginners Deck

Drawing Two of the Same Pokemon Ex is Also Good

  1. Pikachu ex
  2. Pikachu ex

You can have up to two of the same Pokemon in your deck, so drawing two high-rank Pokemon ex of the same kind can give you a competitive edge and improve your chances of winning.

It's Not Easy to Obtain Two of the Same Pokemon Ex

In the 13 Booster Packs available for rerolling, you have nearly a 30% chance of drawing any two Pokemon ex. However, the probability of getting two of the same Pokemon ex drops to about 5%, so it's not highly recommended.

Getting Other Essential Cards is a Big Bonus

It's a huge win if you can draw cards with great synergy for your deck in addition to the powerful Pokemon cards mentioned above. Also, take note that some of those cards may be from different Booster Packs.

▼Click Here for the Best Combination

Cards With Different Illustrations

  1. Pikachu ex Basic
  2. Pikachu ex Basic 2
  3. Pikachu ex Basic 3

Pokemon TCG Pocket has cards with exactly the same effect but different illustrations. It is recommended aiming for a 3-star or high rarity crown mark if you're more into expanding your collection than playing battles.

High-Rarity Cards With Different Illustrations
1 Star1 Star2 Stars2 Stars3 Stars3 StarsCrownCrown

Rare Packs with Five 1-Star or Higher Rarity Cards

There exists a rare pack commonly known as a 'God Pack' that contains cards of only 1-star or higher rarity. The probability of getting it is extremely low at 1 in 2000, but you can get it if you're really lucky.

God Pack Content & Probability

What Would You Reroll For?

Best Booster Pack for Reroll

Mewtwo is Recommended

Pokemon TCG Pocket Mewtwo Genetic Apex Booster Pack Image

The recommended Booster Pack for Pokemon TCG Pocket's reroll is the Genetic Apex Mewtwo. This Booster Pack has many powerful cards that are viable in the current meta, making it easy to build strong decks from the beginning.

Genetic Apex Booster Pack List
Pokemon TCG Pocket Mewtwo Image
Pokemon TCG Pocket Pikachu Image
Genetic Apex Booster Pack Simulator

First Pull Mewtwo or Pikachu Pack

Booster PackPros and Cons
MewtwoMewtwo Genetic Apex
- Recommended for players looking to build a competitive deck
- One Marowak ex card pull is guaranteed and powerful in the meta
- Easy to build a deck if you can draw one more
- One 1-Star Bulbasaur card is guaranteed
PikachuPikachu Genetic Apex
- For those who want to make early game progress easier
- Get a powerful Rapidash Deck (Starter) in the early game
- One mid-tier Arcanine ex card is guaranteed
- One 1-Star Squirtle card is guaranteed
CharmeleonンCharmeleon Genetic Apex
- It's difficult to recommend compared to other packs
One mid-tier Exeggutor ex in the current meta is guaranteed
- Pinsir in the starting deck is a bit weak
- One 1-Star Charmander card is guaranteed.

Right after starting the game, you will be asked to 'choose the Booster Pack you want'. This choice determines the cards you receive at the beginning and your starting deck.

First Booster Pack to Choose in the Tutorial

Best Pokemon Card Combinations

Best Card Combinations

MainCompatible Cards
Mewtwo exGardevoirKirliaRalts
*Available in the same Booster Pack as Mewtwo ex
Pikachu exZapdos exZebstrikaBlitzle
*Available in the same Booster Pack as Pikachu ex
Starmie exArticuno exStaryuMistyミ
*Available in different Booster Packs
Articuno exStarmie exStaryuMisty
*Available in different Booster Packs
Zapdos exPikachu exZebstrikaBlitzle
*Available in the same Booster Pack as Zapdos ex
Moltres exCharmeleonCharmeleonCharmander
*Available in the same Booster Pack as Moltres ex
Marowak exCuboneDugtrioDiglett
*Available in different Booster Packs

The additional cards you want to have consist of cards that can support the Pokemon ex you have or their corresponding Stage 1 or Basic Pokemon. If you have a specific Pokemon in mind that you want to play, it’s advisable to decide which pack to open based on the deck tier rankings.

Best Deck Tier List

Mewtwo Ex and Gardevoir

  1. Mewtwo ex
  2. Gardevoir

Gardevoir can attach Psychic Energy to other Pokemon with its Ability. This helps offset the drawback of losing 2 Energy when using Mewtwo Ex's Attack.

Both Included in the Same Booster Pack

Mewtwo Ex and Gardevoir both come from Genetic Apex Mewtwo. Also, Ralts and Kirlia, which evolve into Gardevoir are also good pulls.

Mewtwo ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Pikachu ex and Zapdos ex

  1. Pikachu ex
  2. Zapdos ex

Pikachu Ex and Zapdos Ex are both powerful Lightning Type attackers. With these two cards, it will be easier to build a powerful Lightning Type deck from the start.

Both Available in the Same Booster Pack

Pikachu ex and Zapdos ex are both featured in Genetic Apex Pikachu Booster Pack. Since neither requires a pre-evolution card, you can add them to your deck and use them after you draw them.

Pikachu ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Starmie ex and Misty

  1. Starmie ex
  2. Staryu
  3. Misty

An essential part of building a Starmie deck is Misty, a Supporter who can attach Energy. Additionally, it's even better if you can draw Staryu to evolve to Starmie.

Cards in Different Booster Packs

Starmie and Staryu come from Charizard Genetic Apex Pack, while Misty can be obtained from Pikachu Genetic Apex Pack. Note that you need to open different Booster Packs.

Starmie ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Decklist Example

Pikachu Ex

Pikachu Ex Deck
Pikachu exPikachu exZapdos exZapdos exBlitzleZebstrikaPincurchinPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardProfessorProfessorSabrinaSabrinaGiovanniGiovanni
Tier 1
- Deck that makes it easy to use two Pokemon ex cards
- Mostly uses Basic Pokemon, which reduces the chances of brick situations during battles
- The problem is that Pikachu ex's damage is capped at 90
Pikachu ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Mewtwo ex

Mewtwo Ex Deck
Mewtwo exMewtwo exRaltsRaltsKirliaKirliaGardevoirGardevoirPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardProfessorProfessorGiovanniGiovanniSabrina
Tier 1
- A reliable deck focused on Mewtwo ex
- Repeated use of powerful Psydrive attacks mid to late game
- Being able to evolve into Gardevoir is crucial
Mewtwo ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Articuno Ex

Articuno Ex Deck
Articuno exArticuno exPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardRed CardOld AmberOld AmberProfessorProfessorMistyMistyGiovanniGiovanniSabrinaSabrina
Tier 2
- You can force your opponent to knock out two Pokemon ex
- Misty's Energy Acceleration is helpful
- Highly dependent on Misty
Articuno ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Best Card Evaluation

SS Rank Card Evaluation

Articuno exArticuno ex
- Obtained from Genetic Apex Mewtwo
- Articuno ex Deck is Top-Tier in the Meta
- Articuno ex also thrives in many other Water Decks

S Rank Card Evaluation

Gyarados exGyarados ex
- Obtained from Mythical Island
- Gyarados ex is top-rated in the meta
- Can be used as the main attacker in a Water Type deck

A Rank Card Evaluation

Starmie exStarmie ex
- Obtained from Genetic Apex Pikachu
- Starmie ex Deck is Top-Tier in the Meta
- If you obtained Staryu, it can perform well in Solo Battles

When To End Reroll

Get Multiple Strong Cards for Battle

Pokemon TCG Pocket Pikachu Ex Basic Image

If you're starting Pokemon TCG Pocket to battle with other Trainers, you should aim to pull around 2 to 4 high rarity 4-Diamond Pokemon cards to conclude your rerolling. You can gather 3-Diamond (and lower) Pokemon cards as you progress through the game.

Up To 2 Cards With The Same Name

Up to two cards with the same name can be included in a deck. Additionally, you'll often want to include 2 of the same cards if it's a powerful card, so you're lucky if you get two of the same powerful cards.

Get High Rarity Cards for Collections

Pokemon TCG Pocket I Pikachu Ex Basic Multicolor mage

If you want to start playing Pokemon TCG Pocket for collection purposes, aim for high rarity cards when you reroll. We also recommend aiming for rare packs as it guarantees 5 high-rarity cards although it has a very low probability of appearing.

Should You Reroll?

Pokemon TCG Pocket Cards Image
Required Time About 25 Min per each attempt

Rerolling Pokemon TCG Pocket is recommended because it makes it easier to build better decks from the beginning. However, it takes time for each attempt, so it is recommended that you compromise to some extent.

Recommended Not to Take More Than 1 Day

Pokemon TCG Pocket gives you 2 Booster Packs for free every day. Therefore, you will incur a loss each time you start the game one day late, so don't keep rerolling for more than one day.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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