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Versatile Cards - All Around Card to Have

Versatile Cards - All Around Card to Have

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Versatile Cards - All Around Card to Have | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

Versatile Cards guide in Pokemon TCG Pocket (Pokemon Card App). See trainer cards with multiple deck use, supporting abilities, flexible item skills, tips and more in Pokemon TCGP.

Table of Contents

Best Draw Engine Cards

Professor's Research
[How to Get]
Exchange for 2 Shop Tickets
- Draw 2 cards from the deck
- You will want 2 copies in every deck
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- Attack allows you to draw one card from the deck
- Use in the early game to draw cards from your deck
- Meanwhile, you can prepare a Stage 2 Pokemon in your Bench

Recommended cards that let you draw cards are Professor's Research and Meowth. In particular, Professor's Research is a highly versatile Draw Engine that can be used in every deck.

Best Summon Cards

Poke Ball
Poke Ball
[How to Get]
Exchange for 2 Shop Tickets
- You can draw 1 Basic Pokemon from the deck
- You can use 2 copies in every deck
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- You can draw 1 Grass Pokemon with Attack
- Butterfree after Stage 2 is also excellent
- Highly compatible with many Grass Type decks

Recommended cards are Poke Ball and Caterpie. Specifically, the Poke Ball is highly versatile and you'll want to include two copies in any deck.

Best Energy Acceleration Cards

[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Pikachu
- Flip a coin and you can attach Water Energy for each time it lands on heads.
- You'll want to have 2 copies in any Water Type deck
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Mewtwo
- Ability can attach 1 Psychic Energy
- It pairs particularly well with Mewtwo ex which uses a lot of Energy
Moltres ex
Moltres ex
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- Attack allows you to toss a coin 3 times and add Fire Energy equal to each heads.
- Compatible with many Fire Type decks such as Charizard ex that uses quite a lot of Energy
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex (Common)
- Attack can add 1 Grass Energy
- Particularly compatible with Venusaur ex, which requires a lot of Energy
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Pikachu
- Ability can attach 1 Lightning Energy
- Use it in combination with Lightning Pokemon such as Lt. Surge and Raichu

Recommended cards for Energy Acceleration are Misty, Gardevoir, Moltres ex, Lilligant, and Magneton. Each one is different, so choose the best ones depending on the deck you are using.

How To Attach Energy & Zone

Best Retreat Cards

Self Retreat Cards

X Speed
X Speed
[How to Get]
Exchange for 2 Shop Tickets
- Can reduce the Energy required to retreat by 1
- A versatile card that can be included in many decks

A recommended card for Retreating your Pokemon is X Speed. Although it isn't a direct method for switching cards, it is currently the only versatile option for replacing your Pokemon on the field, making it suitable for many decks.

Force Retreat Cards

[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- You can replace your opponent's battle Pokemon with Bench Pokemon
- The opponent chooses the replacement Pokemon
- A versatile card that can be used in many decks
[How to Get]
Booster Pack [Genetic Apex Mewtwo]
- Ability allows you to replace your opponent's battle Pokemon with Bench Pokemon
- The opponent selects the target
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- Ability allows you to replace Basic Pokemon on your opponent's Bench with battle Pokemon
- Limited to Bench & Basic Pokemon
- You can choose the Pokemon yourself

Recommended cards to force the opponent to switch cards are Sabrina, Pidgeot, and Victreebel. In particular, Sabrina can quickly replace the opponent's Pokemon, so it can be used in many decks.

Best Bench Attack Cards

Articuno ex
Articuno ex
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Mewtwo
- Attack deals 80 damage to your opponent's battle Pokemon and 10 damage to all Bench Pokemon
- There is a possibility that you can Attack immediately with Misty
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Mewtwo
- Randomly attack from among your opponent's Pokemon 4 times for 50 damage
- Use it in combination with disruptive cards like Frosmoth and Weezing
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- 20 damage to one of the opponent's Pokemon using its Ability
- A valuable card that can cause Bench Damage other than just attacking the active Pokemon
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex (Common)
- Attack does 30 damage to one of the opponent's Pokemon
- Compatible with many Lightning Type decks

Recommended cards for attacking Bench Pokemon include Articuno ex, Dragonite, Greninja, and Zebstrika. In particular, Articuno ex is powerful because it can deal damage to all opponents.

Best HP Recovery Cards

[How to Get]
Exchange for 2 Shop Tickets
- Recovers 20 HP for 1 Pokemon
- Recovering 20 HP in the current environment has significant advantages
- An all-around card that can be used in many decks
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- Recovers 50 HP of one Grass Pokemon
- Recovering 50 HP in the current environment is very powerful
- Include 2 copies in a Grass Type deck
Venusaur ex
Venusaur ex
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Mewtwo
- Recovers 30 HP with additional attack effect
- Since it requires a lot of energy, use it in combination with Lilligant
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Pikachu
- Ability restores 20 HP to all Pokemon
- Caterpie, before evolving, is also excellent
[How to Get]
Booster Pack Genetic Apex Charizard
- Recovers same amount of HP you dealt to the opponent's Pokemon
- You can recover more HP if you attack a Pokemon weak against it or use Giovanni

Recommended cards for HP recovery are Potion, Erika, Venusaur ex, Butterfree, and Kabutops. In particular, Potion is the only versatile card to recover HP in the current meta, so it can be used in many decks.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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Anonymous 1

I think Kabutops and Aerodactyl should also in the list

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