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Lapras ex Drop Event - Guide & Rewards

Lapras ex Drop Event - Guide & Rewards

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Lapras ex Drop Event - Guide & Rewards | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

Lapras ex Drop Event for Pokemon TCG Pocket (Pokemon Card App). See rewards & item list, schedule and how to complete the event in Pokemon TCGP.

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Lapras ex Drop Event Guide


PeriodStarts: Nov 4, 2024 10:00 pm (PST)
Ends: Nov 17, 2024 9:59 pm (PST)

Lapras Appears in Solo Battle!


Lapras ex Drop Event is being held in Solo Battle mode. Participate in the event by challenging Solo battles and upon winning, you'll have a chance to obtain Promo Card Booster Packs and items.

Promo Packs Guide

Lightning Deck Recommended

All of the opponent's cards are weak against Lighting. So we recommend using a Lightning Deck for this event.

Consumes Event Stamina

Event Stamina

You need to consume Event Stamina to join the event. You can also use items or Poke Gold to recover stamina.

Losing Doesn't Consume Stamina

You won't consume Stamina when you lose. So don't worry about losing and try the hardest levels that you think you can manage.

Get Limited Cards from Promo Packs

Promo Packs

You can get Promo Packs when you win the battles, which gives you the chance to obtain limited Promo Cards. Try to obtain those limited cards before the event ends.

Guaranteed Drop in Expert Mode?

We did some runs on Expert Level, and so far we obtained a Promo Pack every time we won. We confirmed there are times you don't obtain the Promo Packs in the other levels.

Biggest Prize is Lapras ex

Lapras ex is the card you want to get during this event. So far this event is the only way you can get it and it is a Basic Pokemon that has a powerful move which recovers HP when attacking.

Lapras ex Articles
Lapras ex promoLapras ex (Promo)
Lapras ex

Lapras ex Deck

Mankey Also Added as a New Card

Mankey has been added as a new promo card for this event. This card synergizes well with Primeape, which can deal more damage once it takes damage.

Other Cards Available In Promo Booster Pack

The other cards, including Butterfree, Pikachu, and Clefairy, are alternate artwork versions of cards available in Genetic Apex.

Open Booster Packs From Present Box

Promo Booster

The Promo Booster Pack you receive will appear in your Present Box. Tap the Present button in the top right of the home screen to open your Booster Pack.

Lapras ex Event Best Decks

Expert Level Auto-Battle Deck 1

Pikachu ex Deck
Pikachu exPikachu exZapdos exZapdos exVoltorbVoltorbElectrodeElectrodeBlitzleBlitzleZebstrikaZebstrikaPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallProfessorProfessor

This is a deck that was able to beat the Expert level using auto-battle. We were able to win 9 times out of 10 with this deck. So it's not perfect, but it's recommended for players who want to use auto-mode for this event.

Expert Level Auto-Battle Deck 2

Zapdos ex Solo Deck
Zapdos exZapdos exPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallHand ScopeHand ScopePokedexPokedexRed CardRed CardProfessorProfessorGiovanniGiovanniSabrinaSabrina

Similarly, this deck cleared the expert level on auto-play. Our team confirmed 6 wins out of 10 with this deck. One of its advantages is that it's easy to assemble.

Expert Level ◆3 Rarity Deck 1

Lt. Surge Deck
PikachuPikachuRaichuRaichuVoltorbVoltorbElectrodeElectrodeMagnemiteMagnemiteMagnetonMagnetonX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallProfessorProfessorLt. SurgeLt. Surge

This deck is for completing the Battle Tasks. Use Magneton to gain Energy, then use Lt. Surge to attach the Energy to Raichu and you can one-hit Lapras ex.

Expert Level ◆3 Rarity Deck 2

Eelektross Deck
TynamoTynamoEelektrikEelektrikEelektrossEelektrossBlitzleBlitzleZebstrikaZebstrikaPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallProfessorProfessorSabrinaSabrina

This is also a deck for completing Battle Tasks. Send out Pokemon in the order they can be played and attack. If you lose, it’s recommended to try using Eelektross's Paralyze ability.

Other Good Decks

Lapras ex Event Rewards

Lapras ex (Promo)

  1. Lapras ex (Promo)

Featured card of this event that you can only get here. It has an excellent Attack with HP recovery effects, so aim to obtain at least two during the event period!

EvolveTypeSpecial Elements
Water Type-
  1. Bubble Drain
    Heal 20 damage from this Pokemon.

Mankey (Promo)

  1. Mankey (Promo)

This card features a new effect exclusive to this event. It synergizes well with Primeape which can increase damage when it loses HP, allowing for high damage output from the early game.

EvolveTypeSpecial Elements
Fighting Type-
  1. Reckless Charge
    This Pokemon also does 10 damage to itself.


  1. Butterfree

This is an alternate illustration of Butterfree from Genetic Apex. It is widely used in many Grass decks due to its excellent Ability, so if you like the artwork, aim to get two copies.

EvolveTypeSpecial Elements
Grass Type-
  1. Ability Icon
    Power Heal
    Once during your turn, you may heal 20 damage from each of your Pokemon.
  2. Gust


  1. Pikachu

This is an alternate illustration of Pikachu from Genetic Apex. It is a card used in powerful Pikachu ex decks, so if you like the artwork, aim to get two copies.

EvolveTypeSpecial Elements
Lightning Type-
  1. Gnaw


  1. Clefairy

This is an alternate illustration of Clefairy from Genetic Apex. Its has low usage rate in decks, so if you just want to complete your Card Dex, one copy is enough.

EvolveTypeSpecial Elements
Psychic Type-
  1. Slap

Lapras ex Event Battle Tasks


Initial Reward
  1. Pack Hourglass
  2. Shinedust
  3. Shop Ticket
  1. Knock Out the opponent's Active Pokemon 1 time with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon.
    Event Hourglass
  2. Play 3 Basic Pokemon into play.
    Event Hourglass


Initial Reward
  1. Pack Hourglass
  2. Shinedust
  3. Shop Ticket
  1. Knock out the opponent's Active Pokemon 2 times with an attack from a Lightning-type Pokemon.
    Event Hourglass
  2. Put a Stage 1 Pokemon into play.
    Event Hourglass
  3. Win this battle by turn 14.
    Event Hourglass


Initial Reward
  1. Pack Hourglass
  2. Shinedust
  3. Shop Ticket
  1. Win 5 or more battles.
    Wonder Hourglass
  2. Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ♦, ♦♦, and ♦♦♦ rarity.
    Wonder Hourglass
  3. Win this battle by turn 14.
    Wonder Hourglass
  4. Win this battle without your opponent getting any points.
    Wonder Hourglass


Initial Reward
  1. Pack Hourglass
  2. Shinedust
  3. Shop Ticket
  1. Win this battle using a deck where all the Pokemon cards are of ♦, ♦♦, and ♦♦♦ rarity.
    Wonder Hourglass
  2. Win this battle by turn 12.
    Wonder Hourglass
  3. Win this battle without your opponent getting any points.
    Wonder Hourglass
  4. Win 10 or more battles.
    Wonder Hourglass
  5. Win 20 or more battles.
    Wonder Hourglass

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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