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Early Game Guide - Beginner Tips

Early Game Guide - Beginner Tips

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Early Game Guide - Beginner Tips | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

Early game guide in Pokemon TCG Pocket (Pokemon Card App). See how to clear beginner mission tutorials, how to get card deck fast, unlock collection, tips and more in Pokemon TCGP.

Table of Contents

How to Progress in Early Game

  1. Complete all Beginner Missions
  2. Complete Tutorial up to Step 13
  3. Clear Advanced Missions
  4. Complete the Daily Missions Every Day
  5. Clear Solo Battles

Complete all Beginner Missions

Pokemon TCG Pocket Beginner Missions Image

Once you start playing Pokemon TCG Pocket, proceed through the tutorial and complete all the beginner missions. None of the tasks are difficult, so just complete them in order and receive rewards as you progress.

Complete Tutorial up to Step 13

Pokemon TCG Pocket Advanced Player Tutorial Image

After clearing the beginner missions, make sure to check all the remaining Battle Tutorials 7-13. You can obtain one of each of the five Trainer cards as a reward. Once you view up to 13, the rental Wigglytuff ex deck will be unlocked.

How to Level Up Fast & EXP Farming

Clear Advanced Missions

Pokemon TCG Pocket  Advanced Missions Image

After clearing the beginner missions, the advanced missions will be unlocked. You only need to accomplish 9 of the 12 missions, so start from the ones that seem easy.

Complete Daily Missions Every Day

Pokemon TCG Pocket  Daily Missions Image

Once you have cleared all of the advanced missions, your goal for the time being will be to collect more cards you can use for your deck. To increase your opportunities to open Booster Packs, make sure to complete your daily missions every day.

Claim Complimentary Items at the Shop

Pokemon TCG Pocket Daily Shop Complimentary Items Image

In addition to the daily missions, you can receive items from the shop once a day. The Wonder Hourglass is particularly important, so be sure to collect it without fail.

Daily Activities Guide

Clear Solo Battles

Pokemon TCG Pocket Expert Solo Battle Image

The fastest way to obtain Pack Hourglasses is by leveling up. Clearing a Solo Battle for the first time will allow you to earn experience points efficiently, so aim to clear all battles up to the expert battle.

Battle System & All Game Modes

How to Collect Cards Fast

  1. Open 2 Booster Packs Every Day
  2. Check Wonder Picks Regularly
  3. Exchange Shop Tickets for Trainer Cards

Open 2 Booster Packs Every Day

Pokemon TCG Pocket Booster Pack Image

The key to collecting Pokemon cards is to open at least 2 Booster Packs every day. You can only stock up to 2 Booster Packs worth of Pack Stamina, so open 1 Booster Pack twice a day, every 12 hours, to avoid waste.
Ideally, open a Booster Pack once in the morning and once at night.

Best Booster Pack

Open 1 Additional Booster Pack With a Premium Pass

Pokemon TCG Pocket Premium Pass Image

When you subscribe to the Premium Pass, it will give you extra Pack Stamina. It refills enough for 1 Booster Pack every 24 hours, allowing you to open 1 extra Booster Pack each day. You can stock up to the equivalent of 2 Booster Packs.

Microtransaction Guide

Check Wonder Picks Regularly

Pokemon TCG Pocket Wonder Pick Image

Wonder Pick will retain the results opened by other players up to 4 hours ago. Even though you can open it until the end of the time limit if you use the Rewind Watch, if you can check Wonder Pick every 6 hours or so, you will have more chances to get the card you want.

Exchange Shop Tickets for Trainer Cards

In the shop, Trainer cards can be exchanged for shop tickets. You can obtain one card for each 'How to Play' tutorial you view, but since you'll want 2 copies of each kind, it's recommended to exchange all of them and get one of each kind.

Shop Ticket Guide

Build a Deck and Play Versus Mode

  1. Learn the rules of how to play card battles
  2. Strengthen your deck with the cards you've collected
  3. Try playing against someone in a battle

Learn the Rules from the Tutorial

Pokemon TCG Pocket For Advanced Players Tutorials Image

Before playing against each other, make sure to learn about the match rules. While it's labeled for Advanced Players, the contents in the 'How to Play' sections from 1 to 13 actually covers the minimum basic knowledge needed for Pokemon Card Battles.

Battle Rules And Changes

Strengthen Your Deck With Collected Cards

Start by Strengthening Your Initial Deck

Since there are few cards in your collection at the start of the game, it's recommended to strengthen the initial deck that is provided. You can enhance your deck based on the first Pokemon ex card you can draw.

Recommended Beginners Deck
Starter Deck Overview
PinsirPinsirSandslash Sandslash RapidashRapidash

Build a Deck for Each Type

Pokemon TCG Pocket Build Deck Image

Once you've collected a decent number of cards, try building decks for each type. A good starting point when creating a deck is to include at least 2 cards that can deal 70 damage or more.

Upgrade Each Type of Deck

  1. Pikachu ex
  2. Mewtwo ex
  3. Articuno ex

Once you've gathered powerful cards that can serve as the core of your decks, upgrade each type of deck to focus on these strong cards. Even with some alternative cards or substitutes, you'll be able to create a competitive deck.

Best Deck Tier List

Build Your Own Deck

  1. Dragonite
  2. Gyarados
  3. Alakazam

If you're eager to try out a specific Pokemon, you can build your own unique deck. Winning with a deck that can surprise your opponents is a thrilling experience.

Deck Builder

Try Playing Against Someone in a Random Battle

Pokemon TCG Pocket Versus Private & Random Match  Image

Once you have assembled your deck, you can play against various players. There are no particular disadvantages if you lose. It's quick and easy to play in random matches, but if you want to compete against family or friends, consider using private matches.

Battle Mode Rules And Changes

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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