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Recommended Beginners Deck

Recommended Beginners Deck

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Recommended Beginners Deck | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

Best Beginner Deck for Pokemon TCG Pocket (Pokemon Card App). See the list of recommended decks for beginners, how to build each deck, and more for Pokemon TCGP.

Early Game Guide - Beginner Tips

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Recommended Beginner Decks

  1. Strong enough for Random matches
  2. Able to build mostly from 1 type of pack
  3. Easy deck to use, even for card game beginners

Most Recommended Decks

Mewtwo ex
Mewtwo ex Deck
- Mostly included in "Genetic Apex Mewtwo"
- Deal 150 Damage with Mewtwo ex continuously
- Can beat most solo battles with Mewtwo ex alone
Pikachu ex
Pikachu ex Deck
- Mostly included in Genetic Apex Pikachu
- Deal 90 damage with Pikachu ex continuously
- Can alternatively use Jolteon ex
Articuno ex
Articuno ex Deck
- Cards other than Articuno ex are all versatile cards
- Can alternatively use Starmie ex
- Solely relies on Articuno, so the strategy is simple

Recommended beginner decks for Pokemon TCG Pocket are "Mewtwo ex", "Pikachu ex" and "Articuno ex" decks. Mewtwo ex deck is especially recommended as most cards in the deck are included in Genetic Apex Mewtwo pack making it is easy to build and very powerful.

Best Deck Tier List

Other Recommended Decks

Blaine Deck
- Deck can be built with "Genetic Apex Charizard" and Promo cards
- Built only using cards of ◆2 or lower rarity
- Requires little Energy and can attack from early on
Starmie ex
Starmie ex Deck
- Powerful energy drive using Misty
- Can also build deck with just Articuno ex
- All the main cards are included in different packs
Marowak ex
Marowak ex Deck
- Marowak ex can be obtained from the first pack guaranteed
- Can one-shot many Pokemon depending on luck
- Dugtrio is included in Genetic Apex Pikachu

Other recommended decks are Blaine, Starmie ex, and Marowak ex decks. One especially easy to build is the Blaine deck which only requires cards from Genetic Apex Charizard and Promo cards, and they are all ◆2 or lower rarity.

Mewtwo ex Deck

Mewtwo ex Deck
Mewtwo exMewtow exRaltsRaltsKirliaKirliaGardevoirGardevoirPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardProfessorProfessorGiovanniGiovanniSabrina
Deck Strength★★★★★
Ease to Build★★★★

Mewtwo ex Deck utilizes Gardevoir's ability so that Mewtwo ex can continuously use Psydrive. 150 damage can one-shot most of the Pokemon in the current format, which is very powerful.

All the Pokemon are Included in Genetic Apex Mewtwo

  1. Sabrina

Cards needed to build the deck with the exception of Sabrina, can be drawn from the Genetic Apex Mewtwo booster packs, making the deck fairly easy to collect. We highly recommend spending some of your Pack Points to purchase Sabrina, as she is an exceptionally powerful and versatile Support card.

Mewtwo ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Pikachu ex Deck

Pikachu ex Deck
Pikachu exPikachu exJolteon exJolteon exBlitzleZebstrikaPincurchinPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardProfessorProfessorSabrinaSabrinaGiovanniGiovanni
Deck Strength★★★★★
Ease to Build★★★

Pikachu ex Deck puts Lightning Pokemon in the bench and attacks using Circle Circuit to deal 90 damage. The main damage dealer is a basic Pokemon making it very easy to use.

Collecting 2 Copies Each of 2 ex Cards is Difficult

  1. Pikachu ex
  2. Jolteon ex

Pikachu ex deck requires 2 copies of 2 different ex cards, making it harder to build than a deck with only 1 type of ex card.

Pikachu ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Articuno ex Deck

Articuno ex Deck
Articuno exArticuno exPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardRed CardOld AmberOld AmberProfessorProfessorMistyMistyGiovanniGiovanniSabrinaSabrina
Deck Strength★★★★
Ease to Build★★★★

The characteristic of the Articuno ex Deck is that the only Pokemon in the deck is Articuno ex. Use Misty to boost Articuno ex's energy and attack using Blizzard from the early game.

Articuno ex Deck Cards and Strategy

Blaine Deck

Blaine Deck
VulpixVulpixNinetalesNinetalesPonytaPonytaRapidashRapidashFarfetchX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallRed CardProfessorProfessorBlaineBlaineSabrinaSabrina
Deck Strength★★★
Ease to Build★★★★★

Blaine deck enhances Rapidash and Ninetales using Blaine. All the cards in the deck are from Genetic Apex Charizard and Promo cards, so the deck is very easy to build but is also powerful.

Blaine Deck Cards and Strategy

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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