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Articuno ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Articuno ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Articuno ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Articuno ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Articuno ex Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

Articuno exArticuno exPotionPotionPoke BallGiant CapeGiant CapeProfessorProfessorMistyMistySabrinaCyrusCyrusIridaIridaRedRedPokemon Center LadyTeam Rocket Grunt
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Articuno ex Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier 2
- Forces opponent to KO two Pokemon ex cards
- Powerful Energy Acceleration from Misty
- High dependency on Misty

Deck Traits

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Articuno ex Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. High Consistency with Articuno ex Only Deck
  2. Strong Energy Acceleration from Misty
  3. High Dependency on Misty

High Consistency with Articuno ex Only Deck

  1. Articuno ex Blizzard
  2. Articuno using Blizzard

Since Articuno ex is the only Basic Pokemon in the deck, you will always start with Articuno ex. With no need for Evolve Pokemon, attaching Energy and attacking with Articuno ex is consistently achievable, which is a strong advantage.

Poke Ball Guarantees Articuno ex

As Articuno ex is the only Basic Pokemon in the deck, using Poke Ball guarantees you can draw Articuno ex. This consistency is further enhanced by the ease of playing two Articuno ex in the deck.

Strong Energy Acceleration from Misty

  1. Using Misty
  2. Coin Toss 3 Heads

Misty allows you to attach Water Energy, accelerating the timing of attacks. With a successful Misty Energy attachment, even a first-turn attack becomes possible.

High Dependency on Misty

Coin Toss Fail

Although Misty’s Energy Acceleration is useful in battles, it still needs two turns to attack if the coin flip fails. This delay against fast-paced decks can result in losing momentum.

Articuno ex Deck Strategy

  1. Plan Your Strategy with Supporters
  2. Place Fossils with the Second Articuno
  3. Efficient Use of Extra Poke Balls
Plan Your Strategy with Supporters
  1. Sabrina
  2. Professor
  3. Misty

Since Articuno ex is your only attacker, the main challenge is effectively using the 8 Supporters in your deck. Typically, prioritize Misty; however, if you don’t have a second Articuno on the Bench, use Professor’s Research to find it.

Place Fossils with the Second Articuno
  1. Old Amber
  2. Dome Fossil
  3. Helix Fossil

The Fossils act as a buffer to prevent Sabrina from calling out an unprepared Articuno ex from your Bench. Don’t place a Fossil immediately when drawn; instead, place it alongside your second Articuno. If the first Articuno is Knocked Out, be sure to Discard the Fossil.

Efficient Use of Extra Poke Balls
  1. Poke Ball

Due to the deck composition, a second Poke Ball is often redundant. Use the extra Poke Ball to manage your hand based on your strategy: “play it if you want to hold other cards as a buffer against Red Card” or “don’t play it if you want to swap your hand and trigger Red Card.”

Alternative Cards

Hand ScopeHand Scope
- Used to fill out the deck's card count
- Makes it easier to decide whether to use Red Card
- Used to fill out the deck's card count
- Can be used with an extra Poke Ball to swap the top cards of the deck

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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