Pokemon TCGP
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Battle Mode - Rules And Changes

Battle Mode - Rules And Changes

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Battle Mode - Rules And Changes | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

Battle Mode - Rules And Changes in Pokemon TCG Pocket (Pokemon Card App). This includes the changes from physical TCG, deck building rules, and match flow in Pokemon TCGP.

Table of Contents

Rules In TCG Pocket

  1. Deck size is 20 cards
  2. Energy comes from the Energy Zone
  3. Start with 5 cards in hand
  4. Up to 3 Pokemon can be placed on the bench
  5. Up to 10 cards in hands
  6. Point system instead of prize cards
  7. Weakness deals +20 DMG / No resistance

Deck Size Is 20 Cards

Pokemon TCGPPhysical Game
Deck Size20 cards60 cards
Same Card LimitMax 2 cardsMax 4 cards

Pokemon TCGP decks have 20 cards, and you can only have 2 of the same cards.

No Energy Cards

In Pokemon TCGP, no “Energy” cards are available unlike on the physical trading card game. Instead, the Energy Zone handles energy management, meaning, getting a bad hand is less risky.

Deck Running Out of Cards

Energy Is Placed In Energy Zone

Energy Zone

▲ Your Energy Zone is in the bottom right of the battle screen

Unlike the physical Pokemon TCG, in Pokemon TCGP Energy comes from the Energy Zone.

Determine Energy Type When Building Your Deck

You can set the energy type supplied to the Energy Zone when building your deck. Since only one type of energy is supplied randomly per turn, managing energy becomes difficult if you include too many types.

Energy Zone Guide

No Energy Earned During First Turn

On the first turn of the game, the first player does not receive any energy. Decks that use attacks with just 1 energy can have an advantage if going second.

Start with 5 Cards in Hand

The initial cards held in Pokemon TCGP is 5 cards, which means you draw 1/4 of your deck from the start, as the deck contains only 20 cards.

Recommended Beginners Deck

Up To 3 Pokemon Can Be Placed On The Bench

Up to 3 Pokemon can be placed on the bench

In Pokemon TCGP battles, each player can have up to 3 Pokemon on the bench at once. To place a 4th, you need to clear a bench spot. For example, this happens if one of your Pokemon is knocked out.

Point System Instead Of Prize Cards

Pokemon TCGP uses a point system instead of the prize card system. You earn points by knocking out the opponent Pokemon, and the first to score 3 points wins the match.

Knocking Out Pokemon ex Grants 2 Points

Knocking Out Pokemon ex Grants 2 Points

Knocking out a regular Pokemon grants 1 point. However, if you knock out a Pokemon ex, you gain 2 points thanks to the ex rule.

Weakness Deals +20 DMG / No Resistance

In the physical Pokemon TCG, weakness is calculated as “double damage,” but in Pokemon TCGP, weakness always deals +20 damage. There is no resistance.

Resistances New Rules & Differences

Deck Building Rules

  1. Decks must contain 20 cards
  2. Only up to 2 of the same cards

Deck Size Is 20 Cards

In Pokemon TCGP, decks must contain exactly 20 cards. There is also an auto-deck building feature that allows you to automatically build a deck.

Only Up to 2 of the Same Cards

You can only include up to 2 cards of the same name in a deck. However, normal Pokemon and Pokemon ex are treated as different cards, so be mindful of this.

Best Deck Tier List

Victory And Defeat Conditions

  1. First to get 3 points wins
  2. Automatically lose if there's no Pokemon in field

First To Get 3 Points Wins

The player who is the first to score 3 points wins. Defeating a regular Pokemon earns 1 point while defeating a Pokemon ex earns 2 points.

Lose If There's No Pokemon In Field

If a player has no Pokemon left on their field, they lose regardless of their current points.

Tie When Conditions Are Met By Both Players

If both players meet the victory or defeat conditions at the same time, the match ends in a draw.

Flow of a Battle

Before Starting the Battle

  1. Decide who goes first
  2. Draw 5 cards
  3. Place a Battle Pokemon
  4. Optionally place Bench Pokemon
  5. Start the battle
Decide Who Goes First

At the start of the battle, a coin flip decides who goes first. If it’s heads, you go first; if tails, your opponent does.

Draw 5 Cards

Draw 5 cards from the top of your deck. This is called your hand, and these are the cards you will use in the battle.

Place A Battle Pokemon
Place A Battle Pokemon

Select 1 Basic Pokemon from your hand and place it face down in the Active Spot.

No Mulligans

In Pokemon TCGP, your initial 5 cards will always include at least 1 Basic Pokemon, so there is no need for mulligans like in the physical version of Pokemon TCG.

Optionally Place Bench Pokemon
Optionally Place Bench Pokemon

After placing your Battle Pokemon, you may place up to 3 Basic Pokemon from your hand onto your Bench.

*This is optional, so you may choose not to place any.

Start the Battle

Once both players have placed their Pokemon, flip the cards face up and the battle begins.

*Now one of the players take the first turn.

Actual Battle Flow

  1. Draw 1 card from the deck
  2. Gain 1 Energy
  3. Use Cards and Energy
  4. Use Battle Pokemon’s Attack
  5. Check Pokemon and pass the turn
  6. Score 3 points
Draw 1 Card

Draw 1 card from your deck and add it to your hand.

Game Continues after Deck is Empty

In Pokemon TCGP, you do not lose even if your deck runs out of cards. If you can’t draw a card, you simply skip drawing a card.

Gain 1 Energy
Gain 1 Energy

At the start of your turn, 1 Energy is added to your Energy Zone, and you’ll see a preview of the Energy for the next turn.

*No Energy is gained on the first turn if you go first.

Use Cards and Energy

You may perform the following actions using your cards or Energy.

*The order and choice of actions are up to you.

Possible Actions
- Attach 1 Energy to a Pokemon
- Place a Basic Pokemon from your hand onto the Bench
- Use a Trainer card
- Evolve a Pokemon
- Use a Pokemon's Ability
- Retreat your Battle Pokemon to the Bench
Use Battle Pokemon’s Attack (Optional)

Use 1 of your Battle Pokemon’s attacks.

*Once you use an attack, your turn ends.
*If you cannot attack, press the “End Turn” button to finish your turn.

First Turn Attacks Are Allowed

In Pokemon TCGP, you can attack on the first turn if you have the required Energy but Energy won’t be gained on the first turn, so you’ll generally need to use Energy Acceleration to do so.

Check Pokemon and Pass the Turn

Check the status of your Pokemon, then pass the turn to your opponent. Pokemon checks involve confirming any special conditions affecting either player’s Pokemon.

▼Details on special conditions here

Win by Scoring 3 Points

If you Knock Out an opponent’s Pokemon with an attack or ability, you score points. The first player to score 3 points wins.

*You also win if your opponent has no Pokemon left on their field.

Battle System

About Special Conditions

What are Special Conditions?

Special conditions refer to the effects a Pokemon experiences when hit by certain attacks, causing states like "Poisoned," "Burned," "Asleep," "Paralyzed," or "Confused."

List of Special Conditions

Special ConditionEffect
PoisonedTakes 10 damage during each Pokemon check.
BurnedTakes 20 damage during each Pokemon check.
AsleepCannot use attacks or retreat.
Recovers if a coin toss during the Pokemon check lands heads.
ParalyzedCannot use attacks or retreat.
Recovers during your Pokemon check.
ConfusedAttacks have a 50% chance of failing, and failure results in 30 damage.
List of Special Conditions & Status Effects

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Type List

List of All Cards
Grass TypeGrassFire TypeFireWater TypeWaterLightning TypeLightningPsychic TypePsychic
Fighting TypeFightingDarkness TypeDarknessMetal TypeMetalDragon TypeDragonColorlessColorless

Rarity List

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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