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Starmie ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Starmie ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Starmie ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Starmie ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Starmie ex Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

StaryuStaryuStarmie exStarmie exPalkia exPoke BallPoke BallGiant CapeGiant CapePokemon CommunicationProfessorProfessorMistyMistySabrinaSabrinaCyrusCyrusIridaIrida
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Starmie ex Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier 3
- Starmie ex is Energy efficient
- Misty's Energy Acceleration is powerful
- Weak against fast-paced decks like Lightning decks

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Starmie ex Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Strong Energy Acceleration with Misty
  2. Early Game Points with Starmie ex
  3. Articuno ex’s Blizzard Attack is Strong
  4. Cannot Knock Out Pokemon ex in One Hit

Strong Energy Acceleration with Misty

  1. Using Misty
  2. Coin Toss 3 Heads

Misty enables quicker attacks by attaching Water Energy. You can even attack on the first turn by attaching Energy with Misty.

Activation Depends On Luck

coin toss fail

Although Misty’s Energy Acceleration is useful in battles, it still takes two turns to attack if the coin flip fails. So be mindful of where to attach Energy.

Early Game Points With Starmie ex

Starmie ex

With Energy accelerated to Starmie ex using Misty, it can continuously deal 90 damage starting as early as the 2nd turn. Few Pokemon can withstand this, allowing for early points.

Articuno ex’s Blizzard Attack Is Strong

  1. Articuno ex Blizzard
  2. Using Articuno ex Blizzard

Articuno ex’s Blizzard attack also deals 10 damage to the opponent's Bench. Combined with Sabrina, this move can help take down weakened Pokemon on the Bench while dealing 80 damage to others—highly effective.

Cannot Knock Out Pokemon ex In One Hit

Pikachu ex

Starmie ex deck’s Pokemon max out at 90 damage per attack, meaning it takes two or more attacks to knock out a Pokemon ex card. If Misty’s Energy acceleration fails, it can be challenging to keep up with faster decks like those centered around Pikachu ex.

Pikachu ex Deck Recipe and How to Play

Starmie ex Deck Strategy

  1. Making the Most of Starmie ex
  2. Quick Wins with Misty and Psychic Power
  3. Keep Staryu Safe from Knock Outs
Making the Most of Starmie ex
  1. Starmie ex
  2. Articuno ex

Starmie ex really shines thanks to not needing Energy to retreat. Even if it’s close to fainting, it’s easy to switch it with another Pokemon to keep your strategy going. If your opponent tries to retreat, follow up with Articuno ex to keep the pressure on.

Quick Wins with Misty and Psychic Power
  1. Misty

The Starmie ex deck’s strength is boosted by Misty’s Energy Acceleration. If you flip heads, you’ll be able to deal high-damage attacks quickly. If Misty can be pulled in your opening hand, go for a fast Psychic attack with Pokemon ex!

Keep Staryu Safe from Knock Outs
  1. Staryu
  2. X Speed

The biggest risk to this deck is having Staryu Knocked Out, which could make you unable to evolve to Starmie ex and potentially cost you the game. If you have X Speed, quickly switch out with Articuno ex to keep Staryu safe.

Watch Out for Grass & Lightning Types
  1. Exeggutor ex
  2. Zebstrika

Against Exeggutor ex or Zebstrika, Staryu could get Knocked Out as soon as the second round. If you see an Exeggcute or Blitzle, consider using X Speed to retreat early in turn one to stay safe.

Alternative Cards

Card Description
Giovanni Giovanni
- An alternative to X Speed or Red Card
- Versatile Supporter, unlikely to go to waste
Articuno Articuno
- Alternative to Articuno ex
- Lower damage but has high benefit if Paralyze is triggered
Lapras Lapras
- Alternative to Articuno ex
- Highly effective when Misty boosts it with 4 Energy
Bruxish Bruxish
- Potential additional Basic Pokemon
- Works well as a follow-up attacker after Articuno ex

Starmie ex is a Stage 1 Pokemon, so the main substitute options for additional Pokemon are those that can act as sturdy walls until they evolve.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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