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Gallade ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Gallade ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Gallade ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Gallade ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Table of Contents

Gallade ex Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

Ralts (Space-Time Smackdown)Ralts (Space-Time Smackdown)Kirlia (Space-Time Smackdown)Kirlia (Space-Time Smackdown)Gallade exGallade exHitmonleeHitmonleeMarshadowFarfetchX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallPokemon CommunicationPokemon CommunicationProfessorProfessorCyrusCyrusSabrina
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Gallade ex Deck - Tier and Summary

- Fighting-type Pokemon with powerful, fast-attacking moves.
- There are plenty of potential sub-attacker alternatives.
- It's important to deal damage in advance for Gallade ex.

Deck Traits

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Gallade ex Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Fast-paced aggression with Fighting Types
  2. Set up damage for Gallade ex’s KO range
  3. Wide variety of sub-attacker options

Fast-Paced Aggression with Fighting Types

The Gallade ex deck can easily include lightweight attackers like Farfetch'd and Marshadow. This allows for strong plays even before Gallade ex is fully set up.

Set Up Damage for Gallade ex’s KO Range

The damage output of Gallade ex depends on the number of Energy attached to the opponent’s Pokemon, typically landing around 110 - 130 damage. This may not be enough to take down tankier Pokemon, so chipping away at their HP with other attackers is key.

Wide Variety of Sub-Attacker Options

Gallade ex pairs well with many sub-attackers, making the deck highly adaptable. Strong choices include Primeape and Lucario. Since the deck isn’t reliant on a single predictable attacker, disruptive options like Spiritomb can be especially effective.

Gallade ex Deck Strategy

  1. Damage main opponents
  2. Score points with Marshadow
  3. Use Cyrus + Gallade ex to defeat main pokemon
Damage Main Opponents
  1. Spiritomb
  2. Hitmonlee
  3. Ralts

Use Cyrus to pull out the opponent's main Pokemon, then damage it with Spiritomb or Hitmonlee. If Ralts is in the active spot, attach Energy and use its attack to switch it to the Bench.

Score Points with Marshadow
  1. Farfetch
  2. Marshadow

After damaging the opponent’s main Pokemon, switch to other attackers to finish it off. Keep 1 Energy on the Bench for Marshadow, and if it gets knocked out, use it to retaliate and score points.

Use Cyrus + Gallade ex to Defeat Main Pokemon
  1. Cyrus
  2. Gallade ex

After evolving into Gallade ex, bring it to the Active Spot and use Cyrus to force out an opponent’s main Pokemon. If it doesn’t have high HP or attack power, Gallade ex can take it down.

Alternative Cards

- Basic Pokemon Switch slot
- Deals damage efficiently to opponents with Pokemon Tools attached
Primeape (Mythical Island)Primeape (Mythical Island)
- Alternative for Farfetch'd
- Takes up deck space, but 50 damage for 1 Energy is appealing
- Alternative for Farfetch'd
- Lower damage output, but has 80 HP
- Hitmonlee Switch slot
- Advantage is flexibility in targeting with Cyrus

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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