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Blastoise ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Blastoise ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Blastoise ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Blastoise ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Table of Contents

Blastoise ex Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

SquirtleSquirtleWartortleWartortleBlastoise exBlastoise exManaphyManaphyMeowthX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallPokemon CommunicationGiant CapeRocky HelmetProfessorProfessorMistyMistySabrina
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Blastoise ex Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- Blastoise ex can be the main attacker for its high durability and attack power
- A Water deck that doesn’t overly rely on Misty
- Other Pokemon besides Blastoise can be easily defeated

Deck Traits

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Blastoise ex Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. High Durability with Strong Offense
  2. Deck Draw Capability with Meowth’s Attack
  3. Weakness in Pokemon other than Blastoise

High Durability with Strong Offense

  1. Blastoise ex
  2. High Durability with Strong Offense

Blastoise ex has an impressive HP of 180, putting it among the most durable Pokemon ex. With only 2 Energy required to attack, it can be actively used in the battle fairly quickly compared to other Stage 2 Pokemon ex.

Swift Attack Tempo on Second Turn

Blastoise’s evolution line has an advantage in tempo, as each evolution stage requires only one additional Energy to attack. With an optimal progression, Squirtle can deal 20, Wartortle 40, and Blastoise ex 100 on successive turns when going second.

Deck Draw Capability with Meowth’s Attack

Deck Draw Capability with Meowth’s Attack

Meowth’s “Pay Day” Attack lets you draw from your deck, which is helpful early on. Attacking with Meowth 1-2 times can help draw into Misty or Squirtle’s evolution lines, making it easier to set up Blastoise ex.

Double-Edged Role

If Meowth is your only starting Pokemon, it can clog your hand with cards like Misty or Wartortle until Squirtle is drawn. Although Meowth improves mid-game consistency, it also increases the chance of early-game stalling.

Weakness in Pokemon other than Blastoise

  1. Meowth
  2. Squirtle

The deck’s biggest weakness is the low durability of Pokemon other than Blastoise ex. With only 60 HP each, Meowth and Squirtle struggle to endure multiple attacks, and can easily become liabilities. It’s crucial to complete Blastoise ex’s setup before losing 2 prize cards.

Blastoise ex Deck Strategy

  1. Start by Battling with Meowth in the Early Game
  2. Develop Blastoise ex on the Bench
  3. In the Late Game, Use Blastoise ex's Attack No.2
Start by Battling with Meowth in the Early Game
  1. Meowth
  2. Squirtle
  3. Misty

In the early game, attach 1 Energy to Meowth and use its attack to draw cards from your deck. This strategy helps speed up Squirtle's evolution or activate Misty for Energy Acceleration sooner.

Develop Blastoise ex on the Bench
  1. Wartortle
  2. Blastoise ex

Once you draw Wartortle or Blastoise ex, evolve Squirtle on the Bench. It’s beneficial to place other Pokemon on the Bench for switch options, such as Sabrina. If you can, consider obtaining and using a second Blastoise ex.

In the Late Game, Use Blastoise ex's Attack No.2
  1. Blastoise ex

Once Blastoise ex obtained 2 or more Energy, place it in the Active Spot. Hydro Bazooka can deal 160 damage with 5 Energy, but without Misty’s Energy Acceleration, this setup can be challenging. Typically, it’s recommended to battle using attacks that require 2 or 3 Energy.

Alternative Cards

- Additional Basic Pokemon.
- Use as a wall in the early stages.
- Additional Basic Pokemon.
- Use as a wall in the early stages.
Starmie exStarmie ex
- Slot for replacing Meowth
- Retreat Energy cost is 0, so you can smoothly replace Bench.
Articuno exArticuno ex
- Slot for replacing Meowth
- High HP and can be used as a wall in the early stages.
- Misty is powerful when it has multiple Energy.
- Additional Basic Pokemon.
- Excellent as an early-game attacker.
- Additional Basic Pokemon.
- Intermediate ability between Lapras and Farfetch'd.
- Slot for replacing Meowth.
- Can buy time with Asleep.
- Meowth replacement candidate.
- Can poison the opponent with its Ability.
- You may want to include Koga.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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