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Centiskorch Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Centiskorch Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Centiskorch Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Centiskorch Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Table of Contents

Centiskorch Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

SizzlipedeSizzlipedeCentiskorchCentiskorchMoltres exMoltres exPonytaPonytaRapidash (Mythical Island)Rapidash (Mythical Island)PotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedProfessorProfessorSabrinaBlaineLeafLeaf
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Centiskorch Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- Centiskorch's moves are powerful
- Energy Acceleration is possible using Moltres ex
- Centiskorch's HP is concerning
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Centiskorch Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Centiskorch's 130 damage is powerful
  2. Energy acceleration is possible with Moltres ex
  3. High dependence on Moltres ex

Centiskorch's 130 Damage Is Powerful

  1. Centiskorch

The move "Fire Blast" from Centiskorch boasts impressive damage among non-ex Pokemon. With 130 damage, it can one-hit KO Stage 1 Pokemon and certain Pokemon ex.

Use Moltres ex Energy Acceleration

  1. Moltres ex

Utilizing Moltres ex enables energy acceleration, speeding up the turns required to use Centiskorch's attack. Centiskorch needs four energy to attack, but if you're going first, it can be activated by turn three; if going second, by turn two.

High Dependency On Moltres ex

Whether energy acceleration with Moltres ex is successful depends on the coin flip results, leading to variable stability. Moreover, if you can't draw Moltres ex, you are at a significant disadvantage.

Centiskorch Deck Strategy

  1. Start by Using Moltres ex's Attack
  2. Grow Centiskorch on the Bench
  3. Attack with Centiskorch
Start by using Moltres ex's Attack
  1. Moltres ex
  2. Sizzlipede

At the beginning, attach 1 Energy to Moltres ex and use Inferno Dance on the Bench to Sizzlipede for Energy Acceleration. If you're lucky with the coin flip and could attach 4 Energies to Sizzlipede early, it might be worth it to Attach Energy from Zone to Moltres ex and use Heat Blast.

Grow Centiskorch on the Bench
  1. Centiskorch

Once you've successfully accelerated Energy with Moltres ex, evolve Sizzlipede into Centiskorch. Keep in mind that Centiskorch has a retreat cost of 3 Energy, and if your opponent used Sabrina to send to the Active Spot without any Energy, it may be unable to act for a while.. Be careful about choosing the right time to evolve Sizzlipede.

Attack with Centiskorch

Once Centiskorch has 4 Energies, bring it to the Active Spot. Using its Attack will require discarding 1 Energy each time, but you can still keep attacking in turns by attaching Energy from the Zone.

Alternative Cards

- Alternative for Heatmor
- Retreat Energy is 1, HP is high at 100, making it an excellent wall
- Alternative for Heatmor
- High Retreat Energy, but has 100 HP with a chance to deal 30 damage
- Alternative for Heatmor
- Requires Stage 1, but excellent with HP 100 and 40 damage with 1 Energy

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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