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Gengar ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Gengar ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Gengar ex Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Gengar ex Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Table of Contents

Gengar ex Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

GastlyGastlyHaunterHaunterGengar exGengar exMisdreavusMisdreavusMismagius exMismagius exPoke BallPoke BallMythical SlabMythical SlabPokemon CommunicationProfessorProfessorGiovanniCyrusCyrus
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Gengar ex Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- A deck that can block opponent's Supporter cards
- Evolving to Gengar can be challenging
- Low damage output can be a disadvantage

Deck Traits

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Gengar ex Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Consistent Blocking of Opponent's Supporters
  2. Requires Quick Evolution of Gengar
  3. Vulnerable to High-Power Opponents

Consistent Blocking of Opponent's Supporters

  1. Psyduck can block supporter moves early
  2. gengar has the same move effect for late game

The strategy of the Gengar ex deck revolves around blocking the opponent’s Supporter cards. Early on, Psyduck plays a crucial role, and later in the game, Gengar and Gengar ex continue to lock the opponent out of Supporter use.

Importance of Psyduck in the Early Game

Since Gengar is a Stage 2 Pokemon, it typically takes 3–5 turns to evolve. If the opponent has already used draw-support cards like Professor’s Research or Misty, Gengar’s Supporter-blocking becomes less effective. Hence, Psyduck’s early-game disruption is vital.

Requires Quick Evolution of Gengar

  1. Gastly
  2. Haunter
  3. Gengar ex

As a Stage 2 Pokemon, evolving to Gengar is challenging. With Psyduck as a low-HP (60) Pokemon, evolving to Gengar quickly is essential to maintain consistent Supporter-blocking.

Vulnerable to High-Power Opponents

  1. Vulnerable to High-Power Opponents
  2. Vulnerable to High-Power Opponents 2

The deck’s primary weakness is its low power. While Supporters are blocked, opponents can still attach Energy and continue attacking with Basic or Stage 1 Pokemon, which can lead to being overpowered. Pokemon like Farfetch’d, which is easy to set up as an attacker, poses a particular threat.

Consider Adding Finishers or Counters

  1. Mewtwo
  2. Hypno

Gengar ex’s max damage output is only 100, making it difficult to finish off opponents. To offset this, consider adding a high-damage Pokemon like Mewtwo as a finisher or Hypno to disrupt the opponent’s attacks.

Gengar ex Deck Strategy

  1. Use Psyduck to Stall
  2. Switch to Gengar When Ready
  3. Sabrina's Usage is Key
Use Psyduck to Stall
  1. Psyduck

To restrict your opponent's use of Supporter cards, place Psyduck in the Active Spot early on and try to limit their Supporter actions. Use Psyduck's attack as much as possible until Gengar is fully prepared.

Bridging with Red Card
  1. Red Card

If Gengar isn’t ready yet and there’s no second Psyduck, use Red Card to reduce your opponent’s hand. By resetting their hand, you can increase the chances of wasting their draws when Gengar resumes restricting their Supporters.

Switch to Gengar When Ready
  1. Gengar
  2. Gengar ex

Once Gengar or Gengar ex is ready to use its attacks, move it to the Active Spot. Continue restricting Supporters while taking out the opponent’s Pokemon. Since one Pokemon alone might not be enough to secure three points, keep preparing another Gengar on the Bench.

Sabrina's Usage is Key
  1. Sabrina

The deck’s maximum damage output is Gengar ex's 100 damage, so opportunities for a one-hit KO are rare. Using Sabrina to limit your opponent's action helps you to gain the upper hand.

Alternative Cards

- Ability can be used from the Bench
- Since its overall damage output is low, it's especially effective when able to put the opponent to sleep
Mewtwo exMewtwo ex
- Serves as an attacker to offset low damage
- If you are using primarily Single-Prize Pokemon, the non-ex Mewtwo is also an option
- Damage depends on opponent's Energy but can deal heavy damage with only 2 Energy
- Effective against opponents with high Energy absorbtion
- Allows for Energy Acceleration from the Bench
- Useful when setting up a second Gengar ex
- Having more Stage 2 Pokemon increases the chance of drawing bad hands
- Provides an additional Basic Pokemon slot
- Can draw more cards through its Attack
- Helps gather necessary cards, reducing the chance of bad hands

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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