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Lickitung Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Lickitung Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Lickitung Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Lickitung Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Lickitung Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

LickitungLickitungFarfetchFarfetchMankey (Promo)Mankey (Promo)PrimeapePrimeapePoke BallPoke BallPotionPotionX SpeedX SpeedProfessorProfessorSabrinaSabrinaGiovanniGiovanni
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Lickitung Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- Lickitung's high damage potential is appealing
- Being Colorless type allows for flexible support Pokemon
- Pokemon's HP tends to be relatively low overall
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Lickitung Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Has a Chance to Defeat Any Opponent
  2. Easy to Collect Cards and Build a Deck
  3. Lickitung's HP is low

Has a Chance to Defeat Any Opponent

Lickitung 240 Damage

Lickitung's Attack is basically a gamble that deals damage equal to 60 times the number of consecutive heads on a coin flip. If tails come up first, no damage is dealt. However, if you're lucky, it can deliver a one-hit KO against any opponent, making it an interesting card.

1/4 Chance to Defeat Most Opponents

If you get three consecutive heads on the coin flip, you can deal a guaranteed 180 damage, which is enough to "Knock Out" almost any Pokemon in a single hit. Even with two heads, you deal 120 damage, a sufficiently high output. There's a 1/4 chance to defeat most Pokemon and a 1/8 chance to defeat nearly all Pokemon.

Easy to Collect Cards and Build a Deck

  1. Farfetch
  2. Sabrina
  3. Giovanni

Lickitung is a 2◆ rarity card which is easy to obtain, and the other required cards are also mostly low rarity. Being a Colorless Pokemon, it can be paired with any type of Pokemon, making it easier to build a deck.

Lickitung's HP is low

  1. Lickitung

Lickitung's HP is 90, which is relatively high for a Basic Pokemon. However, it can still be One-Hit KO'd by powerful cards like Pikachu ex and Starmie ex. To prevent it from being forced into battle by Sabrina before it's ready, it's best to include some extra Basic Pokemon in your deck to keep your Bench full.

Lickitung Deck Strategy

  1. Prepare Lickitung on the Bench
  2. Score Points with Pokemon Other Than Lickitung
  3. Target Pokemon with Energy Attached
Prepare Lickitung on the Bench
  1. Farfetch
  2. Lickitung

To use Lickitung's Attack, bring out other Pokemon to the Active Spot and attach Energy to the Lickitung on the Bench. Use Pokemon that can attack with 1 or 2 Energy in the Active Spot to apply pressure to the opponent.

Score Points with Pokemon Other Than Lickitung
  1. Farfetch
  2. Primeape

Lickitung's attack is very high-risk, so you need to set things up in advance to secure a win once you deal high damage. Use Pokemon that can deal damage early in the game, and ideally, you want to have at least 1 point before bringing out Lickitung.

Target Pokemon with Energy Attached
  1. Sabrina
  2. Giovanni

The Pokemon to target with Lickitung are those that have Energy attached and serve as attackers. Use Sabrina to bring them from the Bench, or use Giovanni to increase the chances of defeating higher HP Pokemon.

Alternative Cards

Seaking Seaking
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Powerful 1 Energy attack that can deal 80 Damage, depending on luck
- Increases the deck's gamble factor
Dugtrio Dugtrio
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Strong if it can evolve quickly when going first
- Can endure indefinitely depending on the coin flips
Venomoth Venomoth
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- High damage efficiency among 1 Energy Attacks
Weezing Weezing
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- High damage efficiency with Ability
- High retreat cost can be covered with Koga
Exeggutor ex Exeggutor ex
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Strongest first-turn attackers
- Note that 2 points will be taken if you are defeated
Jolteon Jolteon
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Can deal up to 160 damage depending on luck
- Increases the deck's gamble factor
Bisharp Bisharp
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Offers more consistent damage compared to Primeape
Electrode Electrode
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Comparable attacker to Bisharp
- Low HP but benefits from 0 retreat Energy cost
Arbok Arbok
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Strong effect that prevents the opponent from retreating
- Allows you to get points more consistently
Starmie ex Starmie ex
- Substitute for Stage 1 Pokemon
- Extremely strong with unconditional 2 Energy for 90 damage
- Note that 2 points will be taken if you are defeated

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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