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Misty Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Misty Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Misty Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Misty Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Misty Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

SnoverSnoverAbomasnowAbomasnowRegiceFrost RotomPyukumukuManaphyManaphyPoke BallPoke BallGiant CapeGiant CapeProfessorProfessorMistyMistyLeafLeafCyrus
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Misty Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- Misty’s Energy Acceleration allows for an aggressive early game
- Frosmoth can put opponent Pokemon to sleep
- Low cost and easy deck to build
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Misty Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. You can use Misty to attack quickly
  2. Frosmoth's guaranteed sleep is powerful
  3. Maximum damage is low at 70

You Can Use Misty to Attack Quickly

  1. Misty
  2. Misty Energy Zone

A successful Energy Acceleration with Misty will allow you to quickly attack. This deck is made up of only Pokemon that have 2 or less Energy to use Attack, so even one head makes it easier for the attacker to attack.

Frosmoth's Guaranteed Sleep is Powerful

  1. Frosmoth
  2. Frosmoth Effects

Frosmoth's Attack will definitely put your opponent's Pokemon into a sleep state, so if you're lucky you can defeat your opponent without doing anything. However, don't be overconfident as it can be easily canceled depending on the result of the coin.

Do Not Knock Out the Opponent With Frosmoth

If you defeat your opponent with Frosmoth, you may be severely damaged by their next attack and may not be able to continue your strategy using Asleep to immobilize the enemy. After sleeping, use retreat to switch places with another attacker. To make the retreat smoother, it's a good idea to have extra energy with Misty or use X Speed.

Maximum Damage is Low at 70

  1. Golduck Aqua Edge
  2. Golduck Aqua Edge Damage

Since the attacker's maximum damage is low at 70, it often has a hard time against Pokemon with high HP. Counter it by using Nemuri or increasing damage with Giovanni.

Misty Deck Strategy

  1. Rush from the Start with Frosmoth and Golduck
  2. Put High-Power Pokemon to Sleep
  3. Use Giovanni When You Can Knock Out an Opponent
Rush from the Start with Frosmoth and Golduck
  1. Frosmoth
  2. Golduck
  3. Misty

Start with Snom or Psyduck and quickly evolve while aiming for an aggressive strategy using Misty for Energy Acceleration. Use Bruxish later in the mid-game, as it’s less effective as an early attacker.

Put High-Power Pokemon to Sleep
  1. Frosmoth

If your opponent’s Pokemon can deal 90 or more damage, all your Pokemon are at risk for a One-Hit KO. Use Frosmoth's attack to immobilize their Pokemon. If you're at a disadvantage, consider using Frosmoth as well.

Use Giovanni When You Can Knock Out an Opponent
  1. Giovanni

Use Giovanni at moments when you can definitely knock out an opponent’s Pokemon. If used recklessly, your opponent might negate the effect with cards like Potion.

Alternative Cards

Lapras exLapras ex
- Can recover 20 HP while attacking
- If Misty gets a good roll, it’s possible to deal 80 damage early in the game
- When you use Misty you can aim for 90 damage from an early turn.
- Total damage including poison is equivalent to Golduck
- There may be cases where the opponent can escape, but its HP is relatively high at 110.
- Although the probability is 1/4, being able to deal 160 damage is appealing.
- A trump card when you don't have all the cards to aim for a one-shot reversal.
- HP is also high at 120.
- Almost the same performance as Kingler.
- Seel before Evolve is not good, so its priority is lower than the above.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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