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Vaporeon Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

Vaporeon Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters

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Vaporeon Deck Card List - Strategy and Counters | Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP) - GameWith

The card list for Vaporeon Deck in Pokemon TCG Pocket (PTCGP). Learn strategy, card breakdown, and counters to refine your build for Pokemon TCGP!

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Vaporeon Deck - Decklist and Card Breakdown

Eevee (Mythical Island)Vaporeon (Mythical Island)Vaporeon (Mythical Island)StaryuStaryuStarmie exStarmie exArticuno exArticuno exX SpeedX SpeedPoke BallPoke BallProfessorProfessorMistyMistySabrinaLeafLeaf
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Vaporeon Deck - Tier and Summary

Tier- Vaporeon's ability enables efficient energy transfer
- Misty provides reliable energy acceleration
- Starmie ex's zero retreat cost adds strategic flexibility
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Vaporeon Deck - Pros / Cons

  1. Recycle Attached Water Energy
  2. Can Utilize Misty
  3. Cannot OHKO Pokemon Ex

Recycle Attached Water Energy

  1. Pokemon TCG Pocket - Washout

Vaporeon's strength is that it can freely transfer your water energy from benched Pokemon to the active spot. This effectively allows you to move water energy from your retreated Pokemon into your new active Pokemon.

Reduce retreat costs as much as possible

  1. Starmie Ex
  2. X Speed
  3. Leaf

To effectively utilize Vaporeon's ability, you want to spend as little energy as possible during your retreats. Starmie ex is a fantastic candidate due to its 0 cost retreat.

You could also opt to use Support cards like X Speed or Leaf to further reduce your retreat costs.

Can Utilize Misty

  1. Pokemon TCG Pocket - Misty

By attaching Water Energy with Misty, you can accelerate your attacks. Even on the very first turn, you can attack if you attach energy using Misty.

Cannot OHKO Pokemon Ex

  1. Pikachu ex

The Pokemon included in this deck can only deal a maximum of 90 damage per attack, so most Pokemon ex will require at least two turns to knock out. If you can't accelerate energy using Misty, you might have some difficulties against fast decks.

Vaporeon Deck Strategy

  1. Quickly Attack with Starmie ex
  2. Utilize Vaporeon's Ability for Energy
  3. Always Maintain 2 Energy In Reserve
Quickly Attack with Starmie ex
  1. Starmie ex
  2. Articuno ex
  3. Misty

Focus on attacking as quickly as you can with Starmie ex in the early game. If you have Misty in your hand, use her Energy Acceleration to attack with Articuno ex.

Beware of Lightning Energy

After the coin flip at the start of the game, check the opponent's Energy. If Lightning Energy is visible, avoid placing Staryu in the Active Spot as it risks being One-Hit KO’d by Pokemon like Pikachu or Joltik.

Utilize Vaporeon's Ability for Energy
  1. Starmie ex
  2. Vaporeon (Mythical Island)
  3. Articuno ex

If Starmie ex is about to be knocked out, retreat to the Bench and use Vaporeon's Ability to transfer Energy to the Active Pokemon. This eliminates delays in attaching Energy, enabling consecutive powerful Attacks.

Always Maintain 2 Energy In Reserve
Keep 2 Energy

Since this deck's Pokemon can utilize all their Attacks with 3 Energy, having 2 Energy in reserve on the Bench allows immediate attacks using Vaporeon’s Ability combined with Energy from the Energy Zone. Aim to consistently keep 2 Energy on the Bench for optimal performance.

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Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

Pokemon TCGP Strategy Team

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