Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to know the right timing of the FFXIV jump emote & avoid the Behemoth's Ecliptic Meteor!!!
Table of Contents
How To Time FFXIV Jump Emote
Check The Distance Of The Meteor

When trying to avoid the Ecliptic Meteor, check the distance of the meteor to the ground. This will tell you when it's time to use the Jump emote to safely get out of harm's way.
Jump When Hunter Sways Near Impact Point
If you're near the impact point of the Ecliptic Meteor, make sure to jump after your Hunter sways or flinches. If you're farther from the impact point, you need to jump a little after. Don't forget to put the emote in the radial menu or shortcut for easy access.
Ecliptic Metero Causes Instant Faint
With the Ecliptic Meteor, no matter your equipment or skills, even if you use a Temporal Mantle, you will instantly faint if you don't hide behind a comet. It's best to try and get Felyne Insurance for an extra life in the fight.
Can Faint In Adjacent Areas
Even if you're in an adjacent area of the Behemoth when it casts Ecliptic Meteor, it will also cause you to instantly faint if you're not behind a Comet. The effect of this move is far and wide, making it difficult to avoid.
Being In Camp Can Save You

You'll only avoid the damage from the Ecliptic Meteor if you're in an adjacent base camp if you're inside the tent or talking to the Handler. If you see the Behemoth casting the move and you're in camp, talk to the Handler or go into the tent!
Items Can't Be Used

When you see the Behemoth casting the Ecliptic Meteor, you'll notice that you won't be able to use any items. This includes the Farcast which can teleport you back to base camp.
How To Practice FFXIV Jump Timing
The best way to practice the proper timing for the FFXIV jump emote is to jump behind a Comet. This way, you'll still be safe and you'll be able to determine the proper timing of the jump.