MHW: Iceborne - Walkthrough & Guide
How To Beat Rathalos - Tips and Recommended Gear

MHW: ICEBORNE | How To Beat Rathalos - Tips and Recommended Gear

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MHW: ICEBORNE | How To Beat Rathalos - Tips and Recommended Gear - GameWith
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Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide on how to defeat Rathalos. Learn Rathalos's weaknesses, recommended loadout, hunting tips, its moves and how to counter them!!!

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Rathalos - Tips & Tricks

Fight The Rathalos When It's Grounded

Fight The Rathalos When It

Rathalos usually flies making it a harder target for Hunters with melee weapons. When it is flying, keep a distance to avoid getting hit with poison or fire attacks. Move in to deal damage when it lands.

Carry Dung Pods In Case Rathian Interferes

Carry Dung Pods In Case Rathian Interferes

When fighting Rathalos, the Rathian may also appear. Use a Dung Pod on either of them to make them leave. This will allow you to focus on the Rathalos instead of having to manage both monsters during the fight!

Carry Antidotes To Cure Poison

Carry Antidotes to Cure Poison

Rathalos has attacks that can apply the poisoned status effect on players. When this happens, your HP bar will turn purple and start to drain. Make sure to bring as many antidotes as you can to cure yourself!

Destroying Its Wings Makes It Difficult To Fly

Destroying the wings of the Rathalos will make it difficult to take off and fly around. This will make it less agile and an easier target for you. When fighting the Rathalos, try to focus on the wings of the monster first!

Check Out Rathalos Monster Info Here!

Rathalos - Weak Spots & Effective Damage Type

Rathalos - Weak Spots & Effective Damage Type
Area Description
Spikes on its head will start to chip away, leaving the Rathalos looking more rugged when its head is broken
The webbing on its wings will tear, making the wings look ripped when the wings are broken
The tail end will fall off of the Rathalos' body once it is severed

The Rathalos is weak in 3 areas, its head, its wings, and its tail. When enough damage has been done to any of these parts, players will be able to break the head and wings, or sever the tail.

Effective Damage Type Per Weak Spot

Part Sever Blunt Ammo

Rathalos - Weak Spots & Effective Damage Type

Elemental Affinity Reference Chart


Status Effect Resistance Chart


Item Weakness & Resistance Chart

Effective: ✓, Not Effective: ✕!!!

Item Effectiveness
Flash Pod ✓ (Up to ×4)
Shock Trap
Pitfall Trap
Vine Trap
Dung Pod
Screamer Pod
Tinged Meat
Check Out Rathalos Monster Info Here!

Rathalos - Recommended Loadout

Recommended Elemental Weapons

Dragon is the most effective element against the Rathalos
Thunder is also effective against Rathalos, but not as effective as Dragon
Rathalos is resistant to Fire. Do not bring Fire-based weapons

Recommended Skills

SkillRecommendation Criteria
Reduces the effects of monster roars and nullifies roars at high levels
Poison ResistanceReduces the duration of the poison status effect, and prevents poison at high levels
Fire ResistanceIncreases resistance to fire and also increases defense at high levels

Recommended Items

(up to 4)
Stuns monster for a few seconds with flash of light.
Dung PodDung PodCauses certain monsters to flee when hit.
AntidoteAntidoteDrink to cure one's self of poison status effect.

Best Specialized Tools

ToolTool Effect
Rocksteady MantleRocksteady MantleEliminates damage reactions, prevents wind effects, protects your hearing, and grants tremor resistance. You also receive less damage from attacks.
Evasion MantleEvasion MantleIncreases the invulnerability window while evading and grants a temporary attack boost for evading a monster attack at the very last moment.
Affinity BoosterAffinity BoosterPlaces a smoker that increases affinity.

Rathalos - Moves & Counters

Rush ForwardWhen on the ground, will rush forward to attack the hunter. Avoid by dodging to the side. There will be a small window to counterattack.
Swooping AttackWhen flying, will swoop towards the hunter and use its talons to scratch at the player. Dodge to the side to avoid.
Fire BreathWill throw fireballs either at the hunter or in a wide area around it. Telegraph is long so it is easy to dodge.
Retreating Fire BreathWhen on the ground, Rathalos will jump backwards into flight while releasing a fireball directly in front of it. Dodge forward to close the gap and evade the attack.

Swoop Attack Applies Poison

Swoop Attack Applies Poison

The Rathalos's swooping attack will apply the poisoned status effect since the poison comes from its talons. If you get hit by the swooping attack, make sure to drink some antidote to prevent your life from draining!

Roll Around To Extinguish Fire

Roll Around To Extinguish Fire

If you are hit by the Rathalos's fire breath, you will be set on fire. When this happens, you will start to lose life over time as long as you are on fire. Dodge roll three times in any direction to extinguish!

Rathalos's Rewards & Crafting Item Lists Here!
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