Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide to learn more about all Endemic Life in the game. This includes endemic life per locale, how to catch, & more!!!
All Endemic Life Per Area
List of All Endemic Life in the New World
All Endemic Life Creatures List
Creature | Where To Find |
Andangler | - Coral Highlands |
Augurfly | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Blissbill | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste |
Bomb Arowana | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Bomb Beetle | - Elder's Recess |
Burst Arowana | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Bristly Crake | - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Cactuar | - Wildspire Waste |
Carrier Ant | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale |
Climbing Joyperch | - Wildspire Waste |
Cobalt Flutterfly | - Ancient Forest |
Copper Calappa | - Caverns of El Dorado |
Dapper Coralbird | - Coral Highlands |
Downy Crake | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands |
Dung Beetle | - Wildspire Waste |
Elegant Coralbird | - Coral Highlands |
Emerald Helmcrab | - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale |
Emperor Hopper | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste |
Flashfly | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Flying Meduso | - Coral Highlands |
Forest Gekko | - Ancient Forest |
Forest Pteryx | - Ancient Forest |
Gastronome Tuna | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Giant Vigorwasp | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Gloom Gekko | - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Gold Hercudrome | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste |
Goldenfish | - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Goldenfry | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Grandfather Mantagrell | - Coral Highlands |
Great Bomb Arowana | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Great Burst Arowana | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Great Gastronome Tuna | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale |
Great Goldenfish | - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Great Goldenfry | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Great Gunpowderfish | - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Great Hercudrome | - Ancient Forest |
Great King Marlin | - Ancient Forest |
Great Pink Parexus | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Great Platinumfish | - Elder's Recess |
Great Sushifish | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Great Whetfish | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale |
Hopguppy | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands |
Iron Helmcrab | - Wildspire Waste |
King Marlin | - Ancient Forest |
Moonlight Gekko | - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Nekker | - Ancient Forest |
Nitrotoad | - Elder's Recess |
Omenfly | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Paratoad | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Petricanth | - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Phantom Flutterfly | - Ancient Forest |
Pilot Hare | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste |
Pink Parexus | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Platinumfish | - Elder's Recess |
Prism Hercudrome | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Revolture | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Scalebat | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Scavantula | - Rotten Vale |
Shepherd Hare | - Wildspire Waste |
Sleeptoad | - Coral Highlands |
Soldier Helmcrab | - Rotten Vale |
Sushifish | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Tyrant Hopper | - Rotten Vale |
Vigorwasp | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands |
Vaporonid | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste |
Whetfish | - Ancient Forest - Wildspire Waste - Coral Highlands - Rotten Vale - Elder's Recess |
Wiggler | - Coral Highlands |
Wiggler Queen | - Coral Highlands |
Wildspire Gekko | - Wildspire Waste |
Woodland Pteryx | - Ancient Forest |
Please note that all creatures are arranged in alphabetical order!!!
How to Catch Endemic Life Creatures
Use Capture Net To Catch Creatures

You will be able to use your Capture Net to catch Endemic Life Creatures. Equip it, aim, and fire! The Capture Net has infinite uses so you will be able to catch as many creatures to your heart's content!
Capture Fish Using the Fishing Rod
Aquatic Life Endemic Creatures can also be captured using the fishing rod. Equip it when near a pond with creatures, cast it, and wait for those fishes to bite!
Remember To Approach Slowly
Make sure to approach the creatures as slowly as possible! Crouch and keep a low profile to avoid startling them, and making them run away!
Ghillie Mantle is a Useful Item

The Ghillie Mantle is a useful item that you can use to sneak up behind creatures. Since this conceals you from them, you can get close without making them run away!
What are Rare Endemic Life Creatures?
Endemic Creatures That Rarely Appear

Rare Endemic Creatures do not spawn very often on the map. Aside from rarely spawning, some of them only appear at certain times. Look out for these creatures since you may not be able to catch them for a while if you miss them!
Creatures that Reward Trophies When Caught
When you capture some of these rare creatures, they will reward you with a trophy or achievement! Take note that some of these creatures will not spawn until certain conditions are met.
Check Out All Trophies Here!What are Endemic Life Creatures
Small Creatures That Live In Different Locales
Endemic Life creatures are small little critters that you find when out exploring the field! These creatures can be caught, but only appear in specific areas, and at times, only appear at certain times of the day.
Can Be Turned Into Pets
After capturing these creatures, you will be able to place them as pets in your room. Depending on the type of room you have, you will be able to place different numbers of pets in the room!