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How To Beat Kulve Taroth Siege Quest - Raid Strategy Guide

MHW: ICEBORNE | How To Beat Kulve Taroth Siege Quest - Raid Strategy Guide

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Check this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne guide & walkthrough on how to beat Kulve Taroth. Including raid strategy against siege quest "Fury of El Dorado"!!!

Kulve Taroth - Siege Quest Overview

How To Beat Kulve Taroth

Kulve Taroth Quest & Monster Info

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Kulve Taroth - Siege Quest Overview

Kulve Taroth - Siege Quest Overview

Hunt & Repel Elder Dragon Kulve Taroth

The main goal and objective of the quest "The Fury of El Dorado" is to hunt and repel the Elder Dragon - Kulve Taroth. This Elder Dragon cannot be killed and can only be repelled. Effectiveness in hunting the monster increases by gathering special points.

Fight Kulve Taroth On Her Own

Like Xeno'jiiva, you'll face the Kulve Taroth on her own in a special map called the Caverns of El Dorado.

Raid Quest With 16 Hunters

The Kulve Taroth siege quest can have up to 16 players in the Gathering Hub working together to complete the objectives. These 16 hunters are broken up into parties of 4 hunters and each successfully complete quest will increase both Pursuit & Rewards levels of the siege.

Not Recommended For Solo Play

It's best to team up with fellow hunters to complete the quest faster and more efficiently. When done solo, even if properly geared, might take you up to 2-3 times as long compared to playing with 15 other hunters.

How To Raise Pursuit & Rewards Level

Raise Pursuit Level By Gathering Tracks

Raise Pursuit Level By Gathering Tracks

The best way to raise the Pursuit Level of Kulve Taroth is to gather its tracks (traces). This is done by picking up footprints and investigating gold chips. You can also raise the Pursuit Level by destroying monster parts, but this is harder to do earlier in the quest.

Pursuit Level Elongates Kulve Taroth's Stay

When the quest's Pursuit Level is high, the Kulve Taroth will stay longer in each area, making it possible for you to focus damage and destroy more of her parts. When the Pursuit Level is still low, it's best to focus on gathering her tracks instead.

Increase Rewards Level Via Pursuit Level & Breaking Parts

Increase Rewards Level Via Pursuit Level & Breaking Parts

The Kulve Taroth quest also has a Rewards Level that, when increased, determines the quality of your rewards when the quest is completed. The higher the level, the better your rewards. The maximum level is 17 and when you reach this, you can get up to 2 frames of Incandescent rewards.

Kulve Taroth Siege Quest Rewards

Kulve Taroth Siege Quest Rewards

When a party is able to repel Kulve Taroth, the siege will be completed and you can claim your rewards from the Arena Lass. You'll receive Appraisable Weapons that, when appraise, can give you weapons that are Rarity 8.

Participate In Quest To Get Incandescent Rewards

Participate In Quest To Get Incandescent Rewards

You'll only receive the Incandescent rewards when you actively participate in the siege quest. If you don't join a single quest, you won't receive any of the Incandescent rewards.

Probability Of Getting Incandescent Rewards

Condition No.
Participate from Pursuit Level 1 2
Raise Rewards Level to 17 2
Destroy Kulve Taroth's Horn 2
Destroy Kulve Taroth's Horn while enraged 2 - 4

How To Beat Kulve Taroth - Raid Strategy

Recommended Skills & Items

Health Boost
(Lvl 3)
Required to withstand high-powered attacks and fireblight damage
Fire Resistance
(Lvl 3)
Required to survive against Kulve Taroth's fire breath
(Lvl 3 )
Easier to break monster parts
(Lvl 5)
[Nice To Have ]
Increases power of explosive items
Earplugs [Nice To Have]
Prevents stuns from monster shouts
Wide-Range [Nice To Have]
Best for Gunners to keep melee attackers health up
Intimidator [Nice To Have]
Keep Gajalakas away when picking up monster tracks

Recommended Items In Pouch

Basic HP & stamina recovery items are not listed below!!!

Item Criteria For Recommendation
Cool Drink Prevents fire damage from fire environment
Ancient Potion Fully recovers health & stamina
Max Potion Instantly recovers full health
Farcaster Returns you to camp
Mega Barrel Bomb Deals big explosive damage on Kulve Taroth

Recommended Specialized Tools

Temporal Mantle Temporal Mantle Automatically evades incredibly fatal attacks
Fireproof Mantle Fireproof Mantle Greatly reduces fire & heat damage. Should be used by melee attackers
Vitality Mantle Vitality Mantle Reduces damage taken when worn. Can also reduce fire & heat damage
Rocksteady Mantle Rocksteady Mantle Prevents attack interruptions from tremors & shouts
Health Booster Health Booster Can heal several people within its range, be careful not to get attacked while healing

Kulve Taroth - Attack Phases & Conditions

Information posted below is based off what was verified in the game.

How To Progress Kulve Taroth Area & Phases

Area / Phase Condition
Area 2 Deal enough damage to Kulve Taroth while in Area 1. If damage is too small, Kulve Taroth will leave the locale.
Area 3 Deal enough damage while fighting in Area 2.
Area 4 Kulve Taroth is released from her coat / armor.
Mollifying Deal enough damage to Kulve Taroth's chest.
Dive & Reform Armor Break parts other than Horn & Tail.
Release Break many of Kulve Taroth's parts. Element weakness changes to Ice.
Enraged Break many of Kulve Taroth's parts, including new reformed armor.

Breaking Kulve Taroth Parts Is Important

In this quest, it is very important to keep damaging Kulve Taroth and breaking many of her parts. This will increase both your Pursuit & Rewards levels. Make use of all your skills, cannons, bombs, and more to do as much damage as you can.

Prioritize Mollifying Her Armor

Focus your damage on the Kulve Taroth's chest to mollify her armor. This softens her golden plating up, making it easier for you to break her parts. When in Area 1, focus on dealing damage to her chest.

Element Weakness Changes After Release

When Kulve Taroth is released from her gold plating, her element weakness changes from Thunder to Ice. When this happens, make sure to use a Farcaster to go back to camp and switch your weapons to hit Kulve Taroth's elemental weakness.

Aim To Get Her In Enraged Mode

When Kulve Taroth becomes enraged, her attack pattern changes and she moves faster & more powerful. However, when you are able to repel her in this state, you will receive more Incandescent rewards.

Kulve Taroth - Battle Strategy Per Map Area

Area 1 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Area 1 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Focus On Collecting Tracks In Area 1

If your Pursuit Level is still low for Kulve Taroth, it's best to focus on collecting tracks (traces) while she's still in Area 1. If you do damage to her and she proceeds to Area 2, you won't be able to pick up tracks & increase your Pursuit Level.

Start Attacking When Pursuit Level Is Higher

When you have Pursuit Level 2 or higher, you can start focusing your damage on the Kulve Taroth. With a combination of collecting tracks (traces) and destroying monster parts, you'll be able to raise the Pursuit Level efficiently.

Use Cannons To Deal Big Damage

There are several cannons in Area 1 that you can utilize to damage Kulve Taroth. Make sure to load them up beforehand and move the cannon's angles so that every cannon ball will hit her.

Bring Boulders Down On Kulve Taroth

There are several spots in this map that you can shoot to bring boulders down on Kulve Taroth. Doing so can inflict big damage on Kulve Taroth and stun her long enough for you to attack her chest & different body parts.

Prepare To Fight In Area 2

When you deal enough damage to Kulve Taroth in Area 1, she'll move to Area 2. Here she'll fight you more actively and can hit you with very powerful attacks. Don't forget to recover your health, sharpen your weapon, and use buffs before heading to Area 2.

Area 2 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Area 2 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Kulve Taroth Will Actively Fight In Area 2

Area 2 is where Kulve Taroth will start actively fighting you. Its attacks are extremely wide-ranged due to her size. She has rolling attacks, fire breath, and swipe moves that can bring your HP bar down in an instant.

Place Bombs When Monster Dives Into Ground

In this area, Kulve Taroth will often dive into the ground and reform her golden plating. When she does, lay down Mega Barrel Bombs where she dove down so you can damage her when she emerges from the ground.

Use Cool Drink Before Heading To Area 3

Area 3 does fire damage to you over time so it's best to consume a Cool Drink before heading into battle. When you do enough damage to Kulve Taroth, she'll move on to Area 3.

Area 3 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Area 3 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

More Boulders To Shoot Down In Area 3

In Area 3, you'll be able to shoot down more boulders onto Kulve Taroth. Use your Slinger and shoot when the Kulve Taroth is directly under stalacties. This will deal very heavy damage on her and can knock her down for a bit.

Hit Kulve Taroth With Magma Eruption

There are magma eruptions in various spots in Area 3. You can lead Kulve Taroth to where the magma erupts and she'll get a lot of damage from this.

Release Kulve Taroth By Breaking Many Parts

In order to release Kulve Taroth and move her to Area 4, you need to destroy a lot of her golden plating and damage her horns and tail. When she is released, her elemental weakness changes to Ice. Go back to camp and switch weapons before heading into Area 4.

Area 4 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Area 4 - Kulve Taroth Battle Strategy

Kulve Taroth Moves Faster In Area 4

When Kulve Taroth moves to Area 4, she'll be able to move faster without her heavy gold plating. You also need to break her horns in this part of the mission.

Aim For Kulve Taroth's Horns

In this area, you need to focus your hits in destroying Kulve Taroth's horn. You can do this by doing mounting / jumping attacks using the pillar in the middle of the field. Use status effects such as sleep, stun, and paralysis to keep her in place.

Beware Of Magma Falling From Ceiling

Be aware of your environment especially while attacking Kulve Taroth. Magma will drip from the ceiling and pool onto the floor, damaging you. It's best to be aware and keep away from the magma to avoid getting hurt.

Use Weapons With Sleep & Mega Barrel Bombs

In this part of the quest, the most recommended weapons to use are those that can implement the sleep status effect. This gives you time to lay down barrel bombs and streamline your damage onto the monster's horns.

Kulve Taroth - Critical Moves & Attacks

Kulve Taroth Attack List

Breath Attack Kulve Taroth lets out a strong breath in front of her. It has high attack power & can kill you instantly.
Fire Floor Move Kulve Taroth breathes fire onto the ground when she stands upright. The lava can reach very far and deal heavy fire damage.
Sweeping Breath Attack A sweeping breath attack that covers the whole range in front of her. Move behind her to avoid getting hit.
Roll Attack A rollover attack that has a very big range. Melee attackers should be ready to dodge away.
Tail Sweep Kulve Taroth sweeps her tail behind her. Another wide-ranged move, keep your distance when she does this attack.
Slam Attack Kulve Taroth will bring herself up and slam her body on top of you. This does heavy damage and can kill you.

Dodge Tail Sweep By Heading To Front Or Back

You can avoid the Kulve Taroth's tail sweep by heading towards her head or behind the tail.

Go To Front Or Back When She Rolls

When the Kulve Taroth does her roll attack, you can avoid getting hit by head towards her front or her back. When she stops rolling, you have a few moments to deal attacks on her instead.

Keep Distance From Breath Attacks

Kulve Taroth has several breath attacks that can knock you out instantly. It's best to keep your distance and try to avoid getting hit by these moves.

Kulve Taroth Quest & Monster Info

How To Activate Kulve Taroth Siege Quest

Step Procedure
1 Gather tracks (traces) in Expeditions
2 Go back to base and talk to leader
3 Go to Gathering Hub & receive the quest
4 Available when event quest "Fury of El Dorado" is active in Gathering Hub

1. Find Tracks In Expeditions

Find Tracks In Expeditions

First of all, you need to gather and collect the tracks (traces) of Kulve Taroth. You only need to find one track for you to activate the quest.

2. Speak To Leader In Base

After collecting the track (trace), talk to leader in the base with the blue exclamation "!" point above his head. You can check your mini-map to find his exact location.

3. Receive Quest In Gathering Hub

After talking to the leader, head up to the Gathering Hub and you'll automatically receive the quest to repel Kulve Taroth.

4. Event Quest "Fury of El Dorado"

You can also do the event quest against Kulve Taroth when it is active in the Gathering Hub. You just need to go up there and talk to the Hub Lass to start or join a siege.

Kulve Taroth Monster Information

Kulve Taroth - Basic Monster Info

Type Elder Dragon
Weakness Thunder (when wearing gold plating), Ice (when released from gold plating)
Shout Large Effect
Breakable Parts Horns, Chest, Tail
Rare Drop Kulve Taroth Golden Glimstone
How To Get:
- Carve gold plating
- Break horns
- Break tail

Where To Find Kulve Taroth

Map Initial Position Map Progress
Caverns of El Dorado 1 1 → 2 → 3 → 4

Kulve Taroth's Weakness & Resistances

Elemental Attributes

Order of effectiveness: ◎ > ◯ > △ > ✕ > Invalid. Parenthesis mean Kulve Taroth is wearing gold plating!!!

Element Effect
Fire ×(△)
Water ○(○)
Ice ◎(×)
Thunder ×(◎)
Dragon ○(△)

Status Effect

Order of effectiveness: ◎ > ◯ > △ > ✕ > Invalid. Parenthesis mean Kulve Taroth is wearing gold plating!!!

Element Effect
Exhaust Invalid

Kulve Taroth's Item Resistance

Items You Can Use Against Kulve Taroth

◯ = Valid ✕ = Invalid!!!

Element Effect
Flash Pod ×
Shock Trap ×
Pitfall Trap ×
Vine Trap ×
Dung Pod ×
Screamer Pod ×
Tinged Meat ×

Kulve Taroth - Craftable Set Armor List

Kulve Taroth Gamma (y) Armor Set

Armor Skills Slot
Kulve Taroth's Fury y Power Prolonger (Lvl 1)
Stun Resistance (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Ire y Handicraft (Lvl 2)
Agitator (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Rage y Handicraft (Lvl 2)
Constitution (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Malice y Critical Boost (Lvl 1)
Weakness Exploit (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Wrath y Agitator (Lvl 2)
Heat Guard (Lvl 1)

Kulve Taroth Alpha (α) Armor Set

Armor Skills Slot
Kulve Taroth's Fury α Free Elem/Ammo Up (Lvl 1)
Agitator (Lvl 2)
Kulve Taroth's Ire α Stun Resistance (Lvl 2)
Critical Boost (Lvl 2)
Kulve Taroth's Rage α Free Elem/Ammo Up (Lvl 1)
Power Prolonger (Lvl 2)
Kulve Taroth's Malice α Free Elem/Ammo Up (Lvl 1)
Handicraft (Lvl 2)
Kulve Taroth's Wrath α Wide-Range (Lvl 2)
Peak Performance (Lvl 2)

Kulve Taroth Beta (β) Armor Set

Armor Skills Slot
Kulve Taroth's Fury β Free Elem/Ammo Up (Lvl 1)
Agitator (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Ire β Stun Resistance (Lvl 2)
Critical Boost (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Rage β Free Elem/Ammo Up (Lvl 1)
Power Prolonger (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Malice β Free Elem/Ammo Up (Lvl 1)
Handicraft (Lvl 1)
Kulve Taroth's Wrath β Wide-Range (Lvl 2)
Peak Performance (Lvl 1)

Kulve Taroth - Monster Material Drops

Quest Rewards

Quest Rewards - Kulve Taroth Golden Shell
- Kulve Taroth Golden Scale
- Kulve Taroth Golden Spiralhorn
- Kulve Taroth Golden Tailshell
- Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget
- Elder Dragon Bone
- Elder Dragon Blood

Carving & Material Drops

Horns - Kulve Taroth Golden Spiralhorn
- Kulve Taroth Golden Shell
- Kulve Taroth Golden Nugget
- Melded Weapon
- Dissolved Weapon
- Sublimated Weapon
Gold - Kulve Taroth Golden Shell
- Kulve Taroth Golden Glimstone
Rare - Kulve Taroth Golden Glimstone

Breaking Parts

Horns - Kulve Taroth Golden Shell
- Kulve Taroth Golden Glimstone
Tail - Kulve Taroth Golden Shell
- Kulve Taroth Golden Tailshell
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