For the “ All-Rounder Bazelreid Rookslayer Build” the female build does not have the Utsushi Set, the head piece equivalent for female is channeler hair tie S (the twins set)
You made the new builds with the Rampage Agitato IV, but there is a V now.
For the high DPS talisman build, you accidentally put Rathalos Arms S with Attack Jewel 2 instead of Tigrex Arms S with Bludgeoner Jewel 2.
@zehell true Im going to be crazy searching why I don't have this xddd
on the high dps set with 2 zinogre 2 rajang and rathalos arms there a big problem. you talk about bludgeonner lvl3 buuuuuut this skill is completly absent in your build neither on jewell or armors.
The weapons listed for some of the builds are not hunting horns
First off, thank you for making this guide, ofcourse. This is my first MH and there are so many armour sets and weapon trees I get lost.
What talisman are you guys wearing for Horn? And what decorations?