Flight of the Fledgling Walkthrough Guide for FF16 (Final Fantasy 16). Includes Walkthrough Chart, how to beat the boss, and tips!
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Flight Of The Fledgling Walkthrough
Playable Character Will Be Switched To Joshua

Proceed straight ahead while engaging in several battles. Joshua can use powerful magic, but it drains his energy, so be careful not to get too close to the enemies when fighting.
The Playable Character Switches Back To Clive After Progressing

Progress forward and a cutscene will start and your character will be Clive again. Afterwards continue battling and progress further.
You Will Fight A Dragoon Once You Reached The Plaza

When you arrive to the plaza a battle will start. Defeat all the knights to face the boss, "Knight of the Blinding Dawn".
▼Knight of the Blinding Dawn Guide Here
Control Phoenix In Battle With The Eikon of Fire

Take control of the Phoenix in the battle against the Eikon of Fire. When you win a cutscene will start and complete.
How To Beat Knight of the Blinding Dawn

└ Be careful because the attack range is wide.Jumping (Double Jump) can be avoided by simply running.Always keep your HP high by using items like Potion.
Dodge → Attack While Maintaining A Safe Distance
The enemy's move are fast and has a huge AOE. It is better to focus on dodging then countering when there is an opening. When the enemy attacked, dodge then counter then repeat until it is defeated.
For Jump & Double Jump, Just Running Away Is Enough
For Jump and Double Jump, the name of the skill will be shown on the screen. Once it is shown, run away from the mark if you are not confident that you can dodge it. You can also use this attack to aim for Precision Dodge.
Make Sure To Keep Your HP High
The combo attacks of this enemy is particularly strong and the ATK DMG is also high. Because of this, make sure to keep your HP high. You can also use Stoneskin Tonic that can be obtained on the room before this boss.
▶ How To Beat Knight of the Blinding DawnHow To Beat Eikon Of Fire

└ When they start to wear flames, it is a sign that it is going to attack you.Beat it before the Hellfire countdown.
Attack When The Circle Crosshair Is Huge

When using Phoenix, use Right Stick to move the crosshair to attack the Eikon of Fire. Once the crosshair become a bigger circle, it is proof that you are aiming at the boss properly. During that time, spam the attack button.
Dodge The Moment It Jumps Towards You
You can dodge the attacks of Eikon of Fire by pressing the dodge button as the boss jumps towards you.Once it starts producing fire, it is a sign that he is about to attack so prepare during that time.
Defeat The Boss Before The Hellfire's Countdown Ends

Once the HP of the boss is reduced, Eikon of Fire will start to use Hellfire. The countdown starts from 5 to 0 so make sure to defeat the boss before it becomes 0. Once the countdown starts, spam attacks and reduce the HP to 0.
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