Into the Darkness Walkthrough Guide for FF16 (Final Fantasy 16). Includes Walkthrough Chart, how to beat the boss, and tips!
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Into the Darkness Walkthrough
Defeat Enemies And Progress

Go through doors and narrow paths to reach the innermost part. If you get lost, press the L3 stick to see where you are going.
Defeat The Orc Warlord

Orc Warlord appears in the hall.
Defeat The Undertaker

After defeating the Orc Warlord, go ahead and open the door to start the battle against The Undertaker.
Go To The Back Of Dajiborg Castle

After defeating The Undertaker, you will enter Dajiborg Castle. Aim for the inner room while defeating enemies. A cutscene will play when you enter the destination room.
Exit The Room And Follow The Path

After the cutscene, go out of the room and follow the path. When you open the door at the back of the hall where the enemies appear, the battle against Eikon Titan will begin.
Defeat The Eikon Titan

When the door is opened, a cutscene will play and a battle with Eikon Titan begins.
Defeat Titan Lost

After defeating Eikon Titan, you will enter the Titan Lost battle.
Defeating Eikon Titan Again

After defeating Titan Lost, you will enter the Eikon Titan battle again. Be aware that when the Titan's HP is low, a QTE will occur, which involves Evade and a series of buttons.
Return To Clive's Hideaway

Return to the Hideaway to clear it.
How To Beat The Undertaker

Repeat Dodge → Attack
The Undertaker has slow overall motions and significant openings after evades. Make sure to dodge each attack carefully and quickly transition to counterattacks.
How To Precision DodgeDodge Spirits Within By Moving To The Side
It will use Spirits Within, a beam attack that fires forwards and swings towards where Clive is following his movement. You can Evade safely by moving diagonally while trying to get close the the boss
For Exhume, Dodge While Keeping An Eye On The Enemy's Movements
An attack that creates a fast shockwave followed by a small explosion over a wide area. If you are hit by a shockwave, you are temporarily incapacitated. Dodge the explosions while watching out for the additional attacks of the enemy.
▶ How To Beat The UndertakerHow To Beat Titan

Evade → Repeat The Attack
Titan has various attack patterns, but overall, its movements are slow, and there are significant openings after evading. Make sure to Dodge each attack carefully and transition to counterattacks.
Use Brimstone To Block Stone Throw

During the battle, Titan will throw giant rocks, but you can guard against them using the newly learned Brimstone ability. Hold down the "R2 + □" button to block them effectively.
Evading Is Possible If The Timing Is Right
With the right timing, you can also evade Stone Throw. It's good to remember the quick evasive moves in case you miss the timing for using Brimstone.
How To Precision Dodge▶ How To Beat The Undertaker