Check this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot) walkthrough on Android Saga Episode 8. Including story mission guides, gameplay tricks, boss fight in the arc, location, and more!
Table of Contents
Story Progression Chart
See Guides For Other Sagas
The Nightmare Begins - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat Cell
No | Procedure |
1 | Vegeta to defeat Perfect Cell |
1: Cell Is In Perfect Form
Cell evolved and now different fromm previous battles. He will use different attack combinations.
Vs. Cell - Boss Fight Tips

Immediately Defeat The Clones
In the final battle, Cell will summon 3 copies of himself. Using the right control stick, swap targets and defeat them immediately. If you leave them up for too long, you will be overwhelmed.
Get Away During Energy Blast

When Cell fires off his Consecutive Energy Blast, make sure you're far away. Don't attempt any melee attacks at this point and just wait it out.
Move Vertically During Punishing Storm

During Cell's massive Punishing Storm ability, don't be tempted to outrun the explosions to the side. Move vertically in order to avoid them!
More Info About Cell Battles HereA Moment of Confidence - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat Goku
No | Procedure |
1 | Gohan to defeat Goku |
1: Gohan's Path To Become A Super Saiyan
You will fight Goku once in this fight. It is Gohan's training to becoming a Super Saiyan with his father Goku.
Vs. Goku - Boss Fight Tips

Do Not Be Overly Aggressive And You'll Be Fine
Goku's attack patterns will severely punish any player that don't know when to disengage, as his Ultimate Scissors Paper Rock combo will be hard to evade for those that wasn't a good distance away when Goku uses it.
Avoid Or Defend Ultimate Scissors Paper Rock

The main source of damage from Goku is his Ultimate Scissors Paper Rock Combo: He will strike 3 times separately, followed up by a Super Kamehameha, causing massive damage. This attack may also stun, so make sure to be miles away when he uses it.
More Info About Goku Battles HereFleeting Normaly - Walkthrough Chart
Gather Materials Chi-Chi & Bulma Need
No | Procedure |
1 | Gather the materials Chi-Chi needs |
2 | Give the materials you've gathered to Chi-Chi |
3 | Gather the materials Bulma needs |
4 | Give the materials you've gathered to Bulma |
1: Collect Meats & Fish Chi-Chi Needs
Select Beast Meat Location

Go to Blake Bog. Search for a gizelle wondering around the area. "Search for Ki" can help you find it!
More Comprehensive Select Beast Meat Location HereFrozen Rabbit Meat Location

Take on Frozen Rabbit Meat in Darlinge Polynya. To do so, find an icy cave at the marked location in the above image. In the cave, you will find dragon surrounded by ice cubes, which is an image under the dragon rader . Breaking those ice cubes rewards you Frozen Rabbit Meat.
More Comprehensive Frozen Rabbit Meat Location HereFatty Giant Fish Location

Go Fishing in Southeast Mountains Area and you will be able to get Fatty Giant Fish. We fished Fatty Giant Fish at the point marked in the map image above.
More Comprehensive Fatty Giant Fish Location Here3: Memorite Locations

Once you leave Goku's house you must mainly follow the map to find the green radar circle that is blinking on your map. Follow your GPS arrow and circle around the rocks in that area.
Check Out 3 Memorite Locations hereKami's Successor - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat Goku
No | Procedure |
1 | Find the newly restored Dragon Balls |
2 | Talk to Dende when you're ready to fight |
How To Find Restored Dragon Balls
1: Go To Areas With Dragon Ball Icon

In the World Map, Areas With Dragon Ball have Dragon Ball icon. Go those areas and find dragon balls!
2: Find Dragon Ball Icon In Area Map

In the Area Map, find Dragon Ball icon marked in the red circle in the above image.
3: Find Yellow Pillar Of Light

The yellow pillar of light is a sign that a Dragon Ball is just under it. Go get it.