Check out this guide about unlocking and upgrading skills & moves in DBZ Kakarot! Learn how to learn skills, how to make them stronger, and more!
Table of Contents
How To Unlock & Upgrade Skills
Collect Z Orbs To Unlock Skills

Z Orbs are required to unlock and learn skills. These Z Orbs can be acquired and collected by exploring the open world of DBZ Kakarot.
Z Orb Types & Locations
Z Orb Type | Location |
Upgrade Skills By Training

Some skills will require you to visit the training grounds and undergo training before you can unlock and use them. Skills that require training are denoted with a green icon.
Training Requires D Medals

D Medals are required to unlock more training options. They are scattered throughout the world of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, so keep your eyes peeled or use your Ki to easily see where they are. Alternatively, you can even get them as rewards from quests.