Check out this guide on how to find the frozen rabbit meat in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot or DBZ Kakarot! Easy steps to smoothly understand the location and where to find them.
What is the Frozen Rabbit Meat?
Needed To Finish Android Saga Episode 8

To go to the next chapter, you must clear this quest. Each ingredient is in different areas of the maps, but the frozen rabbit meat is one of the harder ones to find.
Go Back For A Meal
After battling Cell and training with the other members, you will be going back home to Chi-Chi to have her make you an amazing meal as a quest.
Where Can You Find The Frozen Rabbit Meat?

Once you leave Goku's house, you should aim to go to Darlinge Polynya. This is located on the top of your world map.
Finding the Iceberg

You will be able to grab both frozen rabbits in breaking 1 iceberg. The iceberg is located in the middle of the woods.
Breaking the Iceberg

Once you find the iceberg, all you need to do is break it. Press L2 and you will be able to aim for your Ki Blast. Aim for the middle and shoot and the ice will break and you will be able to grab your rabbit meat.
Check Out Other Uses Of Ki Here!Look For Memorite After This Quest
After getting the Frozen Rabbit Meat for Chichi, you will again be sent to a fetch quest to find Memorites. Memorite's are located near Goku's house and can be easy to spot using Ki.
Check Out Memorite Locations Here!