Read this Dragon Ball Z Kakarot guide to find out how to beat Dodoria. Get tips on his Crushing Fist, Head Ram, Super Mouth Canon & counters in DBZ Kakarot!
How To Win Boss BattlesHow To Beat Dodoria - Tips & Strategy
Dodoria Battle
You will fight Dodoria two times in the Freiza Saga. First you'll be Gohan, with Krillin as your Supporter. The second time will be one on one as Vegeta.
Check Out Evil Emperor Frieza Walkthrough Here!Use Galick Gun After Dodging

After Dodoria uses Head Ram or Crushing Fist, dodge, then immediately fire off a Galick Gun. Dodoria will stagger around for a moment and you'll have a chance to hit him. Just time your dodges very carefully to easily counter him!
Learn To Dodge Crushing Fist

You probably won't have much problem with Maximum Buster and Super Mouth Cannon, but Dodoria's physical charge abilities might give you a harder time. For this reason, it's important to time your dodges very carefully! Judge the speed of his approach and react quickly.
Check Out How To Win Boss Battles Here!Dodoria Abilities
Dodoria Head Ram

This is one of Dodoria's most common moves. He will charge forward and deal damage to you if he hits. The timing is very important here - don't dodge too early!
Maximum Buster

Maximum Buster is an abilit where Dodoria fires out 3 waves of energy in a straight line. You'll see the red marker and have time to move away. Continue dodging to the side during and don't approach him until it's over.
Super Mouth Cannon

Dodoria sends out fireballs towards you. Can be dodged relatively easily.
Crushing Fist

Dodoria charges toward you and knocks you down if he connects the hit.