Read this Dragon Ball Z Kakarot guide to find out how to beat Great Ape Gohan. Get tips on his Mouth Cannon, jump attacks, and other moves in DBZ Kakarot!
How To Win Boss BattlesHow To Beat Great Ape Gohan - Tips & Strategy
Great Ape Gohan Battle
You fight Great Ape Gohan as Piccolo during the Saiyan Saga.
Check Out The Next Part Of The Story Here!Tires Out After Mouth Cannon

When Great Ape Gohan fires off 3 beams of Mouth Cannon, he will become exhausted and unable to move. Use this window of opportunity to deal massive damage with a special attack!
Use Long Range Attacks

Close-quarters combat is possible but not recommended. This fight can be easily handled at range. Special Beam Cannon is a great option here.
Rapid Fire Ki Wave Is A Good Choice
Since Ape Gohan has such a massive hit box, it's really easy to hit all shots of your Rapid Fire Ki Wave. Position yourself behind Gohan to prevent getting hit.
Slow Time During Rock Throw
If you hold L to select a move during Rock Throw, time will flow slower than usual. This will give you time to react to the otherwise very fast Rock projectiles. Dodge away from them at the last moment.
Check Out How To Win Boss Battles Here!Great Ape Gohan Abilities
Mouth Cannon

Ape Gohan's main dangerous ability is Mouth Cannon. When he prepares to fire it, start moving and be prepared to dodge to the side. At different points in the fight, this ability may fire off 3 times, with each beam becoming stronger and larger than the last.
Frontal Swipe

This is Ape Gohan's basic attack of sorts. He swipes forward and pounds the ground with his massive fists. Try to avoid frontal engagements.
Jump Forward

Occasionally, Gohan will jump forward. Make sure you're not caught in front of him when he does this.
Rock Throw

Ape Gohan hurls several rocks in your general direction. These move rather quickly, so be ready to dodge them!
Jump Up

Ape Gohan will leap into the area and mark an area with an orange-reddish circle. After a few moments he will fall and deal damage to that area. Make sure to be out of it!