Check out this guide about D Medals in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot! Find out the D Medal's uses, how to get them fast in DBZ Kakarot, and more!
Table of Contents
How To Get D Medal Fast
Check D Medals In Area Through World Map

You can check the number of D medals you find in an area by looking at the World Map. New areas will open up as you progress the story, so make sure to comb these areas to find any new D medals there.
An Area May Be Locked As The Story Progresses
Some areas will lock you out as you progress the game, making any remaining items in those areas unobtainable! Always remember to gather items especially D Medals from areas before they disappear completely!
All Story Mission List & WalkthroughUse "Search for Ki" To Spot D Medals Faster
The "Search For Ki" (L1 for the PS4) function will highlight key items and their traces in your screen, making D Medals easier to spot.
Check Out Other Uses Of Ki Here!Complete Substories That Reward D Medals

You will be able to earn D Medals by completing certain Sub Stories. Not only is this a good way to get D medals, completing Sub stories will also reward you with higher friendliness and Soul Emblems, helping your character in many useful ways.
Soul Emblems - How To Get & UseSubstories May Be Lost If Not Done Before Story Progresses
The Substories will depend on the storyline and characters to trigger. Progressing the story without doing these substories may lock them out forever. Remember to seek out new substories as you progress the story!
All Substory List & WalkthroughsGiven As Part Of Main Quest Rewards
A trickle of D Medals are sometimes given out as the story progresses, meaning you can technically advance without doing the additional contents, though your potential can be greatly limited.
All Story Mission List & WalkthroughWhat Is D Medal And Its Uses
Currency For Training & Getting New Super Attacks

D Medal is the currency for the characters to receive Training, which will then unlock new moves and Super Attacks. You may need more than 1 D Medal for one Training session.
Skills & Moves - How To Unlock & UpgradeTraining Required For Individual Characters

A skill that needs training will be shown with green icon.
You will need to training for each individual characters that appears in each different chapters of their story, as their skill trees are separate.
All Character List