Read about the latest News & updates of Dragon Ball Z Kakarot! Find out about the new patches, new Substories, better load times, bug fixes, & other adjustments in DBZ Kakarot!
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Ver. 1.04 Patch Notes
Faster Loading & Sub Story Fixes

Patch 1.04 of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot brings with it faster loading times when traveling between areas. It has also fixed two Sub Stories, namely "Goten's Growth" and "Telekinesis Training".
Sub Story List & WalkthroughsKakarot Quiz Challenge
Challenge Your Knowledge on Dragon Ball Z

It has been announced that on January 23rd, 7:00pm JST, there will be a Kakarot Quiz Challenge, where you will be able to test your knowledge on the Dragon Ball Z world.
Kakarot Quiz Challenge - Answers & RewardsDay 1 Update Version 1.01 ~ 1.03 is live NOW!
Day 1 Update Ready For Download Now!

The day 1 update includes versions 1.01 up to 1.03 and is live RIGHT NOW! Don't forget to update your Dragon Ball Z Kakarot game to the latest versions for extra content!
Ver. 1.03 Patch Notes
Misc. Adjustments Only
Version 1.03 Patch made only Misc. Adjustments to the game, meaning its more or less a stability and bug fixes patch.
Ver. 1.02 Patch Notes
11 New Substories Added
11 brand-new Substories has been added to the game in the patch ver. 1.02, so be sure to update your game! Some of these include:
Crane School Scouting

Time for a Tournament!

The Sins of the Father

Better Loading Time

The update mentioned that there was a decrease to the loading time, making the transition between sagas and episodes smoother.
Better Fast Travel From The World Map

Players are now able to directly travel to Korin Tower Summit and Capsule Corporation through fast travel directly from the World Map. You'll still need to unlock these areas by story progression, however.
Time Attacks (Advance) Fee Lowered
Entry fee for Time Attacks (advanced) has been cut in half, down from 3000 Zeni to 1500.
Zeni (Money) - How To FarmUpdate Version 1.01 Patch Notes
Added Day 1 Bonus Contents
The ver. 1.01 update mentions that Day 1 bonus contents has been added to the game. What these contents are, however, is not announced in the official channels.
Pre-Order Bonus Content In This Patch?

There are speculations that the patch may contain bonus contents promised by Pre-ordering the game, which includes additional food dish, sidestories, and a new character: Bonyu!
Different Editions & Pre-Order Bonuses