Check this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot) walkthrough on Frieza Saga Episode 5. Including story guides, gameplay tricks, boss fight tips in the arc, locations, and more!
Table of Contents
Story Progression Chart
See Guides For Other Sagas
Goku's Arrival - Walkthrough Chart
Fight Ginyu Force (Part 1)
No | Procedure |
1 | Head to where Gohan and company are |
2 | Challenge and defeat Recoome |
3 | Challenge and defeat Burter and Jeice |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
[Important!] 2: Avoid Getting Damages During The Battle

You will need to continuously fight other members of the Ginyu Force after the battle. So try not get too much damage and keep HP as much as possible to comfortably fight the next bosses!
3: Three bosses In A Row

Jeice Accompanies Burter
Burter is the third member of the Ginyu Force you'll fight. He is accompanied by Jeice in the background during this battle.
Vs. Recoome - Boss Fight Tips

3 Bosses In A Row
The second fight with Racoome (as Goku) will lead into the Burter/Jeice consecutive boss fights where you can't recover your health. It's important to take absolutely as little damage as possible during this fight!
Keep Moving To Dodge Grenade Bomber

In order to minimize damage taken, you need to get hit with as few special attacks as possible. During Grenade Bomber, fly around while avoiding the thin red lines.
Fly To The Side During Eraser Gun
Always be ready to react to Racoome's Eraser Gun sweep. When he uses this ability, immediately start moving sideways to get out of the affected area.
Watch Out For His Kick

As with many other previous bosses, Racoome has a counter kick which will knock you back and stun you. Try to avoid staying up close to him for extended periods of time.
More Info On Recoome Battle HereVs. Burter & Jeice - Boss Fight Tips

Burter Battle
3 Bosses In A Row
This fight connects directly from the previous Racoome fight, which means you might be low on HP. It will also connect to another fight with Jeice after, so make sure you avoid abilities.
Use Recovery Items If Necessary
These two bosses are part of a gauntlet, so if you lose here you'll have to start over from Recoome! Use items without hesitation if it prevents you from dying!
Reduce Physical Damage Taken
Burter doesn't really have any major destructive special abilities, so most of the damage you'll take will probably be from his melee attacks. As such, make sure you guard and dodge appropriately. In general, try to stay above him so you don't get struck by Mach Kick.
When You Always Get Defeated
Back to the previous save point and restart from Recoome battle. In Recoome battle, avoid getting hit so that you can fight Burter & Jeice in an easier condition.
Jeice Battle
First Jeice Battle
This is the first time you fight Jeice in this game. He will also appear in a later fight. Both fights are in the Frieza Saga.
Get Up Close

Unlike Burter, Jeice's physical moves aren't as dangerous. He also should be at relatively low health, so as long you avoid his Crusher Ball, you won't be at risk of taking much damage. Use melee moves and move out if you anticipate a Meteor Crusher to take him out.
More Info On Burter & Jeice Battle HereThe Fight with Captain Ginyu - Walkthrough Chart
Fight Ginyu Force (Part 2)
No | Procedure |
1 | Find a place to take on the Ginyu Force |
2 | Challenge and defeat Ginyu and Jeice |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
2 Battles For The Fight, One With Goku's Body

You'll be fighting Ginyu & Jeice twice, first time with Goku and the second time with Gohan after Ginyu hijacks Gohan's body. Their moves and patterns remains consistent.
Will Not Use Goku Moves
Ginyu will not be using any Goku's moves, instead will be using his own moves & attack patterns, so deal with him accordingly.
Vs. Ginyu - Boss Fight Tips

Focus On Finishing Off Jeice First

Jeice is weaker and will use many Ki-attacks throughout the fight which will cause mini-stuns, disrupting your tempo. Finish him off first for less interruptions.
Simple Attack Patterns For Ginyu & Jeice
Ginyu & Jeice has pretty straight-forward attack patterns that are easy to read, as they often require charging. Their only advantage is in numbers, so focusing on picking one off first.
Kamehameha Is Effective Against The Pair

When fighting Ginyu & Jeice, Kamehameha is highly effective due to their attack patterns leaving many openings. Kamehameha's fast attack animations and stuttering effects can speed up the battle considerably.
More Info About Ginyu & Jeice Battle Here