Check this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot) walkthrough on Android Saga Episode 7. Including story mission guides, gameplay tricks, boss fight in the arc, location, and more!
Table of Contents
Story Progression Chart
See Guides For Other Sagas
A Glimmer of Hope - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat Goku As A Training
No | Procedure |
1 | Head inside the Hyperbolic Time Chamber |
2 | Challenge & defeat Goku |
2: Challenge The Main Character as Gohan
You already know moves of Goku but Gohan could be easily beaten if careless. Remember what could be a weakness of Goku and defeat him.
Vs. Goku - Boss Fight Tips

Do Not Be Overly Aggressive And You'll Be Fine
Goku's attack patterns will severely punish any player that don't know when to disengage, as his Ultimate Scissors Paper Rock combo will be hard to evade for those that wasn't a good distance away when Goku uses it.
Avoid Or Defend Ultimate Scissors Paper Rock

The main source of damage from Goku is his Ultimate Scissors Paper Rock Combo: He will strike 3 times separately, followed up by a Super Kamehameha, causing massive damage. This attack may also stun, so make sure to be miles away when he uses it.
More Info About Goku Battle HereEnter Super Vegeta - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat Cell As Vegeta
No | Procedure |
1 | Head Toward Kame House on the World Map |
2 | Head to where Cell is |
3 | Challenge & Defeat Semi-perfect Cell |
1. Do Fast Travel To Kame House
This mission is pretty basic. You only need to fast travel to the Kame House.
2: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
3: Vegeta To Fight Semi-perfect Cell
You must already know basic moves & skills of Cell at this point. The key here is whether you can use Vegeta well.
>> Vegeta Stats & Skill Tree HereVs. Cell - Boss Fight Tips

Dodge Impact Smash

Dodging this move will be key in ensuring you don't take an excessive amount of damage. Press your dodge button at the timing seen in the above picture.
Watch Out For Sonic Blow + Kamehameha combo

After knocking you down with his Sonic Blow combo, Cell will often fire off a ranged special attack, such as Kamehameha. Even if you get hit with the Sonic Blow, spaming dodge to the side to avoid the connecting special attack! Respond with a ranged attack of your own after dodging successfully.
More Info About Cell Battles Here