Check out this guide on how to find the Fatty Giant Fish in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot or DBZ Kakarot! Easy steps to smoothly understand the location & where to find them.
Beginner Tips - Guides For New PlayersWhat is the Fatty Giant Fish?
Required Item For Android Saga Episode 8

Along with the Select Beast Meat and Frozen Rabbit Meat, you will need Fatty Giant Fish to complete Episode 8 Fleeting Normality.
Check Out How To Find Other Quest Items Here!Where Can You Find The Fatty Giant Fish?
Fishing Spot Nearby Goku's House

There are several fishing spots where you can find the fish with Fatty Giant Fish. One of them is the one near by Goku's House

▲Click the image above for its location.
Find Blue Fish

You can find Fatty Giant Fish by catching Blue Fish. It is very common food item so you can find relatively easy.
Check Out The Fishing Guide Here!