Check out this guide on how to find the memorite in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot or DBZ Kakarot! Easy steps to smoothly understand the location and where to find them.
Table of Contents
What is Memorite?
Needed To Finish Android Saga Episode 8

In order to finish episode 8 of the Android Saga, you must find these memorites.
Once you finish eating Chi-Chi's meal as Goku, you will be changing characters and be playing as Gohan. Before leaving the house, Bulma will request you to find 3 Memorites as a quest.
Check Out The Android Saga Episode 8 Walkthrough Here!Where Can You Find The Memorite?
Memorites Are Near By Goku's House

After leaving Goku's house, follow the map to find the green radar circle that is blinking on your map. Follow the GPS arrow & circle around the rocks in that area.
Location 1

▲Click to see the location of the first Memorite

▲Click to see the enlarge picture of the radar map.
Location 2

▲Click to see the location of the second Memorite

▲Click to see the enlarge picture of the radar map.
Location 3

▲Click to see the location of the third Memorite

▲Click to see the enlarge picture of the radar map.
Check Out How To Find Other Quest Items Here!Tip: Search for Ki

A tip to search for them is; Press L1 once you are in the circled area and search for a purple Ki that the rocks will shine. Dinosaurs or trees will shine yellow so they are easy to look out for.
Check Out Other Uses Of Ki Here!