Check this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot) walkthrough on Android Saga Episode 6. Including story mission guides, gameplay tricks, boss fight in the arc, location, and more!
Table of Contents
Story Progression Chart
See Guides For Other Sagas
Unexpected Visitor - Walkthrough Chart
Find & Defeat Android 17
No | Procedure |
1 | Find a place to battle Android 17 |
2 | Challenge & defeat Android 17 |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
2. Android 17 Battle
You will take on Android 17 as Piccolo in the Android Saga. He is a one-time fight.
Vs. Android 17 - Boss Fight Tips

Keep Moving During Hell Storm
Hell Storm will send out projectiles from various directions at you, so if you stay in one spot it will be easy to get hit. Instead, keep moving until the ability finishes.
Charge During Barrier

Whenever 17 erects a barrier around himself, don't waste your time firing off moves. Instead, use this time to recharge your Ki, as you can do so safely!
More Info About Android 17 Battle HereTien's Sacrifice - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat Semi-perfect Cell
No | Procedure |
1 | Get to Tien |
2 | Challenge & Defeat Cell |
2. Challenge Semi-perfect Cell as Goku
Cell is evolved after the previous battle and Goku will fight semi-perfect Cell this time.
Vs. Cell - Boss Fight Tips

Dodge Impact Smash

Dodging this move will be key in ensuring you don't take an excessive amount of damage. Press your dodge button at the timing seen in the above picture.
Watch Out For Sonic Blow + Kamehameha combo

After knocking you down with his Sonic Blow combo, Cell will often fire off a ranged special attack, such as Kamehameha. Even if you get hit with the Sonic Blow, spaming dodge to the side to avoid the connecting special attack! Respond with a ranged attack of your own after dodging successfully.
More Info About Cell Battles Here