Check out this guide about Intermissions in DBZ Kakarot! Get to know what Intermissions are, what you can do during an Intermission in Dragon Ball Z Kakarot, & more!
Table of Contents
What Are Intermissions?
Story Breaks After Sagas

Intermissions are breaks between sagas where you can freely roam around, do side quests, farm, and train. To proceed, Speaking to a certain character will continue the story.
Progressing The Story Changes The Setting

Advancing the story may change the setting and time, forcibly moving you to a certain planet or area. Complete Sub Stories before progressing as there is a chance that you might not be able to complete them after the saga ends.
Check Out The Sub Story List & Walkthroughs Here!Things To Do During Intermissions
Collect Dragon Balls

Once you have all 7 Dragon Balls, you can wish for Zeni, for Z Orbs, or for the revival of a boss for a rematch. Use the Intermission to search for Dragon Balls and take advantage of its benefits. Note that Dragon Balls have a 20 minute real time cooldown after each use.
Check Out How To Collect Dragon Balls Here!Complete Sub Stories
Take advantage of the breaks offered during Intermissions to complete Sub Stories. Try to get their rewards before you progress the story as some story events can lock you out of doing Sub Stories until you finish them.
Check Out The Sub Story List & Walkthroughs Here!Collect Soul Emblems

Some characters require you to finish their sub story before you can get their Soul Emblem. Take time to complete sub stories that let you earn Soul Emblems, making your Community Boards stronger!
Check Out The Soul Emblem Guide Here!Farm Items & Materials
You can fish, hunt dinosaurs, gather Z Orbs, collect D Medals, and do other activities to help you in the next saga.
Train & Unlock Super Attacks

Once you have the necessary Z Orbs and D Medals, you can use the Training Grounds to unlock Super Attacks. This requires you to do battle, and even if you lose, you can still roam around and farm EXP until you're strong enough.
Check Out The Super Attacks Guide Here!R&D For Hovercar & Bipedal Robo Walker
After finishing the Android Saga, you can start to do R&D during intermissions to customize and increase the performance of your Hovercar & Bipedal Robo Walker.
Check Out The Android Saga Walkthrough Here!