Check this Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot (DBZ Kakarot) walkthrough on Andoird Saga Episode 5. Including story mission guides, gameplay tricks, boss fight in the arc, location, and more!
Table of Contents
Story Progression Chart
See Guides For Other Sagas
Kami and Piccolo - Walkthrough Chart
Poccolo Merges With Kami & Go Gingertown
No | Procedure |
1 | Head to Kami's Lookout |
2 | Answer Kami's questions about the fusion |
3 | Answer Kami's questions about the loss of the dragon balls |
4 | Head toward Gingertown on the World Map! |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
2: Choose "Nonsense. Now is the time."

Choose 'Nonsense. Now is the time' to progress the story. Show how piccolo made up his mind.
3: Choose "The Dragon Balls? Not an issue."

Piccolo should knows what is the best solution here, so 'The Dragon Balls? Not an issue' progresses the story.
4. Do Fast Travel To Gingertown

This mission is pretty basic. You only need to fast travel to the Gingertown in the northern west area to complete this story mission.
Meeting the Mysterious Monster - Walkthrough Chart
Defeat The Mysterious Monster
No | Procedure |
1 | Find the monster in the Gingertown |
2 | Challenge & defeat the Mysterious Monster |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
2: Mysterious Monster Is Called Cell
The weird looking monster is called cell. Although it's still in imperfect form, watch out its attacks not to be beaten.
Cell Battle
You will take on Cell in three different forms a total of 8 times in the Android Saga. Once as Imperfect Cell, Twice as Semi-Perfect Cell, and Four Times as Perfect Cell.
Cell Battle Chart:
Battle | Form | Battle Character |
1st | Imperfect | Piccolo |
2nd | Semi-Perfect | Goku |
3rd | Semi-Perfect | Vegeta |
4th | Perfect | Vegeta |
5th | Perfect | Gohan |
6th | Perfect | Goku |
7th | Perfect | Gohan |
8th | Perfect | Gohan |
Vs. Mysterious Monster (Cell) - Boss Fight Tips

Dodge Impact Smash

Dodging this move will be key in ensuring you don't take an excessive amount of damage. Press your dodge button at the timing seen in the above picture.
Watch Out For Sonic Blow + Kamehameha combo

After knocking you down with his Sonic Blow combo, Cell will often fire off a ranged special attack, such as Kamehameha. Even if you get hit with the Sonic Blow, spaming dodge to the side to avoid the connecting special attack! Respond with a ranged attack of your own after dodging successfully.
More Info About Cell Battle Guide HereThe Mad Scientist's Lair - Walkthrough Chart
Head To Dr. Gero's Laboratory
No | Procedure |
1 | Head toward Darlinge Polynya on the World Map |
2 | Head to Dr. Gero's Laboratory |
1. Do Fast Travel To Darlinge Polynya

This mission is pretty basic. You only need to fast travel to the Darlinge Polynya in the north area to complete this story mission.
2: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the "!" location, you will see a cut scene.
Cell's Ambitions - Walkthrough Chart
Fast Travel To Gizard Wasteland
No | Procedure |
1 | Head toward Gizard Wasteland on the World Map |
1. Do Fast Travel To Gizard Wasteland

This mission is pretty basic. You only need to fast travel to the Gizard Wasteland in the midst area to complete this story mission.
Fathers and Sons - Walkthrough Chart
Head Towards Kami's Lookout With Others
No | Procedure |
1 | Meet up with Vegeta and Trunks for some training |
2 | Head toward Kami's Lookout on the World Map |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
2. Do Fast Travel To Kami's Lookout

This mission is pretty basic. You only need to fast travel to the Gingertown in the west-end area to complete this story mission.
The Hyperbolic Time Chamber - Walkthrough Chart
Training In The Hyperbolic Time Chamber
No | Procedure |
1 | Head to Kami's Lookout and the Hyperbolic Time Chamber |
2 | Challenge & defeat Trunks |
1: Reach Red ! Mark In Dragon Rader
When reaching the ! location, you will see a cut scene.
Vegeta To Defeat Trunks

Trunks is the son of Vegeta. Despite it being training, you need to defeat the son as a father.
Vs. Trunks - Boss Fight Tips

Maintain Mid - Range Distance Away

Optimal Distance From Trunks
Most of Trunk's big attacks is melee range, and he would often lounge towards you to strike. Maintaining mid-distance can give you the distance needed to evade most of his attacks.
Recovers From Martial Arts Combos Quickly

Trunks can recover from combo stuns quite quickly, meaning you'll be left exposed if you try to chain too much combos onto him. Slower Special Attacks such as Kamehameha may give him opportunity to strike back.
More Info About Trunks Battle Skills Here