Read this Ghost of Tsushima guide about character customization, katana customization, armor customization, horse customization, female character, dyes, & cosmetic upgrades!
NOTE: This article is a work in progress. It will be updated as soon as more information is confirmed in-game. Check back soon for more info!
Table of Contents
Is There Character Customization?
Change Clothes & Armor In-Game

Jin Sakai will be able to equip different pieces of armor while fighting as the samurai or while sneaking around as the ghost. Aside from armor, you can also change the appearance of your Katana and Mount!
Also Alters Capabilities

Aside from changing your appearance, character customization will also alter Jin's capabilities in and out of battle. Make sure to check out what abilities will change before equipping a piece of armor!
Cannot Play As Female Character
You will not be able to play as a female version of Jin Sakai, due to his protagonist role in Ghost of Tsushima.
Cannot Change Physical Appearance
You cannot also change Jin Sakai's physical appearance such as his face, hair, and other physical features.
Sakai Storm - Katana Customization
Katana Customization List
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Customize The Sakai Storm

The Sakai Storm is a katana family heirloom passed down from generation to generation in Jin's family. It is an important weapon that will grow with Jin as he progresses through the game. There will be ways for you to improve the weapon's appearance and stats.
Check Out The Katana Weapon Here!Armor Customization
Armor Customization List
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Choose How You Approach Encounters

The type of armor that Jin wears will help dictate your playstyle. Choose to stand proud and take on enemies head-on, or go with a more sneaky approach and stick to the shadows as the ghost!
Check Out The Armor List Here!Enhances Jin's Capabilities
Aside from the changes in Jin's appearance, customizing your armor will allow you to enhance Jin's capabilities. Whether in or out of a fight, armors will give Jin an advantage while taking out the Mongol forces!
Dyes Change Armor Color

While exploring the world, you may come across flower dyes. Keep an eye out for these as these can allow you to change the dye for a piece of armor. This lets you further customize the overall look of Jin!
Omamori Charms
Omamori Charm List
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Gain An Advantage Using Charms

Omamori Charms are items that you discover as you explore the world. These charms can help you increase your abilities in defense, stealth, and even utility! Make sure to equip the right charm for the occasion!
Horse Customization
Horse Mount Customization List
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Change The Look of Your Horse

Your mount will primarily be your way to get around and explore the world. You can also customize its appearance the way you like it.
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