Read this Ghost Of Tsushima guide to learn more about longbows & half bows in the game! Find out about bows and different arrows, weapon stats, how to upgrade, and more!
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All Bow & Arrow List
Half Bow

Dealing moderate damage and draw speed, the half bow is a compact yet powerful tool to takedown enemies from a distance. Well placed shot can even kill enemies in a single shot without alert. The arrows for Half bow is not compatible in using with Longbows.
Click Here For How To Get The Half BowLongbow

Using a special Heavy Arrow, the Longbow deals much higher damage and haves a larger zoom compared to its counterpart. This bow specializes in sniping from range, but in return takes longer to draw and prohibits you from crouching while using.
Click Here For How To Get The Long BowExplosive Arrow

Used exclusively by the Longbow, the explosive arrow packs a devastating blow and ignites any enemies in the vicinity with a fiery explosion after landing the shot.
What Are Bows?
Attack From A Distance

Jin Sakai will be able to deal damage to targets at range using a variety of weapons. He will have bows and kunais to be able to dispatch enemies without getting too close! This gives Jin another option on how to approach his encounters!
A Silent Option For Takedowns
It seems as if well placed shots can quickly and silently kill enemies. Ranged weapons are a great way for you to take out enemies while keeping stealth! A great option for players who are fighting as the ghost!
Requires Ammunition

Keep in mind that ranged weapons require ammunition to use. Before going into a fight, make sure that all of your ammo is replenished!
Enhance Bows At Bowyers

Jin can upgrade the stats of these bows by visiting Bowyers. These vendors will increase the bow's damage, draw speed, range, stability, reload speed, and zoom. Keep in mind that you will need bamboo and materials to upgrade bows.
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