Read this Ghost Of Tsushima guide for a full story walkthrough for the story mission Prologue! Know gameplay & combat tips, boss fight tricks, items, hints, & more!
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Story Progression Table
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- | 1. The Warrior's Code |
Prologue - Walkthrough & Tips
Prologue Walkthrough Chart
No. | Procedure |
1 | After the cutscne, charge into battle and follow Shimura |
2 | After another short cutscene, continue following Shimura |
3 | Defeat the Mongols that appear |
4 | Keep following Shimura until you find the Mongol leader |
5 | After the cutscene, follow the path and head into the village |
6 | Enter the nearby house at the mouth of the village |
7 | Change into your armor and exit the house |
8 | Follow Yuna around the village |
9 | Once you reach the house with Toru, enter the house |
10 | Collect your Katana to trigger a flashback |
11 | Face off against Shimura in the flashback |
12 | After the flashback, defeat the enemy that appeared in the house |
13 | Follow Yuna into the field |
14 | Defeat the Mongols, then help whoever is in distress |
15 | Continue following Yuna to reach the stables |
16 | Select your horse to trigger a cutscene |
17 | After the cutscene, follow Yuna and approach Kaneda Castle |
18 | Challenge the Mongols to a standoff |
19 | Push forward into the castle |
20 | Once you defeat the enemies at the bridge, a cutscene will play |
21 | Face off against Khotun Khan |
22 | Another flashback will play |
23 | Follow the path outside and ascend the stairs |
24 | Once the flashback ends, follow the wind |
25 | After meeting up with Yuna, hide in the grass |
26 | Mission ends after the cutscene |
1. Riding Into Battle - Tips
Attack Enemies On Your Horse

You will be able to attack enemies while riding on your horse. Cut down as many as you can while following Shimura into battle!
3. Defeating Mongols - Tips
Block Incoming Attacks

This will be another section where you can learn basic combat techniques. You can block incoming enemy attacks with your sword. This will keep you safe, especially when you're facing multiple enemies at a time!
5. Entering The Village - Tips
Use Markers To Stay Hidden From Enemies

When sneaking in the village, make sure to be mindful of your HUD. If you are in an enemy's line of sight, a marker will appear. Move away from your position to avoid filling up that marker and stay hidden!
6. Entering The House - Tips
Enter The House With Footprints

The house that you will need to enter will be on the left side of the village. There will be footprints that you can inspect by the door. Use this as a point of reference when sneaking into the village.
7. Wearing Armor - Tips
Receive The Broken Armor Set

Players will receive the Broken Armor Set during this part of the mission. Make sure to equip as it will offer some protection against enemy attacks.
Check Out The Broken Armor Here!8. Following Yuna Around - Tips
Learn Basic Stealth And Movement

Following Yuna around the village will teach you basic stealth. These include crouching down to avoid the enemy's line of sight, crawling under houses to get past guards, and more!
11. Facing Shimura - Tips
Learn More Advanced Combat Techniques

Shimura will teach you more complex techniques in combat. These include breaking through enemy defenses, parrying, countering, and even handling enemies with spears!
Check Out The Combat Mechanics Here!12. Defeating The Enemy - Tips
Use What You Learned In The Flashback To Win

The enemy in the house will be holding a spear. Remember to apply what you were taught in the flashback. Dodge away when the spear glints red and then counter with quick attacks to take down the enemy!
14. Helping The Distressed Villager - Tips
The Villager Will Be By The Burning Farmhouse

The distressed villager will be by the burning farmhouse surrounded by a few Mongol soldiers. These enemies can easily be taken down.
16. Selecting Your Horse - Tips
Only Difference Is Appearance

The horses will not have any differences when it comes to stats. The only difference will be what your horse will look like. The name will also not affect the horse's performance. However, remember to choose carefully as the horse will be with you throughout the game!
Check Out The Best Horse To Choose Here!18, 20. Fighting In A Standoff - Tips
Wait For The Perfect Moment To Strike

Hold down the triangle button to ready your sword as the enemy approaches. Wait for them to strike, then release the triangle button to kill the enemy in a single deadly slash!
Khotun Khan - Boss Tips
You Cannot Defeat Khotun Khan

At this point in the story, you will not be able to defeat Khotun Khan. This is a battle that you are scripted to lose in order to progress the story.
Story Progression Table
<< Previous Mission | Next Mission >> |
- | 1. The Warrior's Code |