Highroad Cave is an area for Elden Ring. Guide includes the map location, how to get, rewards, & boss of Highroad Cave.
Location Of Highroad Cave
Proceed From The Artist's Shack Towards The Canal

Highroad Cave can be reached by descending from the Artist Shack and heading down the canal while going north. If you get off at the wrong location, you will fall to your death, so refer to the video below.
Route To Highroad Cave
Highroad Cave Walkthrough Chart
Route To The Second Hole
- Head right from the Site of Grace.
┗ Bring a torch since it is dark in the cave - Use the scaffolding to get down the hole.
- Go straight down the second hole and use the scaffolding to descend as well.
Route To The Waterfall Basin
- Go down the passage on the right
- In the second large area, go to the left since wolves will start to attack you.
- Continue along the cliff and descend to the waterfall basin.
Route To The Boss
- Jump down the waterfall using the scaffold and proceed up the pillar.
- Jump on the scaffold to the left of the stars in the round square.
- Jump to land and follow the road.
- When you get to the big area, go to the passage on the right.
- When you reach a dead end, go along the cliff on the left.
- Drop down to the waterfall and head left to fight the boss.
How To Defeat The Guardian Golem (Boss)

Drop | Blue Dancer Charm |
Continuously Attacking One Leg Can Be Lethal
You can lock-on to the legs of the Guardian Golem. Continuously attacking one of its legs will cause it to fall over. Once it falls over, attack its chest area to inflict fatal damage. Ashes Of War, heavy, and leaping attacks can easily cause the Golem to fall over.
※While locking on, move the right the stick to switch targets.
Stay Close To Its Heel
Most of the Guardian Golem's attacks are directed to the front side, with a few attacks coming from behind. If you always stick close to its heel of the Guardian Golem, you can inflict damage without being attacked.
Guardian Golem Boss Fight