Read this guide on where to find the Lockpick in Resident Evi; 3: Nemesis. Read where Lockpick is at and its uses in RE3: Nemesis!
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Where To Find Lockpick In RE3 Remake

Where To Find Lockpick
S.T.A.R.S Headquarters In Police Station

The lockpick is located in the S.T.A.R.S Headquarters , 2nd floor of the Police Station. Lockpick can be found on Jill's desk (blinking).
Police Station ~ Downtown Walkthrough & Maps GuideNeed Emblem Key To Open Headquarters

You will need the Emblem Key to access STARS Headquarters. The key is located in the Evidence Room locker behind a combination lock.
All Police Station Locker CodesUsed To Open Simple Lock
The lockpick can be used to open any lock that says "Simple Lock" in the description when interact with. It is an essential item to progress the story.
Repeated Use Item
Lockpicks, unlike standard keys, is a repeated used item that won't go away if used. Store it in item box when not needed.
Where To Use Lockpick
1. Evidence Locker In Police Station
You can pick the lock in the evidence locker within the police station for a Gunpowder B. Nemesis might be on your tail at this moment, but its worth the effort.
Gunpowder Mixing Chart & Guide2. Door To Go To Downtown

After exiting the police station, you'll need the lockpick to pick the lock to proceed to Downtown. Head to the door next to the gallery to proceed.
Downtown ~ City Hall: Walkthrough & Maps Guide3. Locker In The Restaurant

Firepick is needed to unlock the locker at the back of the restaurant to get the Fire Hook to get to the basement. Depending on your route taken, the Green Gem can be found here.
Downtown ~ City Hall: Walkthrough & Maps Guide4. Door To Park Maintenance Office

After the hospital ordeal, Jill will need to pick the Park Maintenance Office to get the Park Key to enter the Park area.
Park ~ Factory: Walkthrough & Maps GuideResident Evil 3 (RE3) Nemesis Related Article
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