Read this Resident Evil 3 guide to learn more about the points of no return and replayability of the game! Check out what you can and cannot redo, replay, and more!
Table of Contents
Points of No Return
Found Charlie Dolls Remain Destroyed

The Charlie Dolls that you have found and destroyed will remain destroyed. Make sure to keep notes of which Charlie Dolls you've found to avoid wasting time while finding the other collectibles.
Check Out the Charlie Doll Locations Here!Bullets & Healing Items Are Limited

Your bullets and healing items will be limited throughout the game, so make sure to manage your resources! If you can get past a section without fighting, by all means!
Check Out the All Item List Here!Replayable Sections
Levels Are Replayable

Most if not all of the levels in the game will be replayable. This lets you redo the story to get a faster time or hunt down collectibles! Keep on replaying the game to achieve the S Rank!
Check Out How to Get S & S+ Rank Here!