Read this guide to find out if Mercenaries Mode is returning or not in Resident Evil 3 Remake! Find out what Operation Mad Jackals are and if they come back for RE3 Remake!
Find More Beginner Tips HereIs Mercenaries Mode Returning Or Cancelled?
Not Included With The RE3 Remake Release

Mercenaries mode was not included in the release of Resident Evil 3 Remake. Instead, there features a shop where player buys infinite weapons by getting points from completing Records. Whether Mercenaries will return in future DLCs are unknown.
Check out End-Game Shop Guide hereBundled With RE Resistance Instead

Re3 Remake comes bundled with the PvP game Resident Evil: Resistance, where players control mastermind, survivors and duke it on with different agendas in mind.
Resident Evil Resistance GuideWhat Is The Mercenaries Mode?
End-Game Mode Unlocked For Beating The Original RE3

The Mercenaries: Operation Mad Jackal (Mercenaries Mode) is the end-game challenge mode where players play as the mercenaries in RE3 and beat timed challenges to get new infinite weapons to use in their next main story run.
Remake Vs Original - DifferencesPlay As The 3 Mercenaries

You play as Mikhail, Carlos, or Nicholai in the Mercenaries mode, with different difficulty for each based on their starting loadout. Earn cash for dodging, killing zombies, saving civilians, so you can buy powerful weapons.
Find out who they are in All Characters List!