Check out this guide for full story walkthrough of Police Station ~ Downtown (Part.2) from Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, including hard mode gameplay tips, guides, location maps for RE3 Nemesis!
Story Walkthrough Pt.2 In RE3 Remake

Story Walkthrough In RE3 Original
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Uptown ~ Police Station | Downtown ~ City Hall |
Police Station Map
Police Station 1F Location

Click on the locations to jump to them fast!
▼ 1. Yard | ▼ 2. Entrance Hall |
▼ 3. Police Office | ▼ 4. Evidence Room |
▼ 5. Safe Room | ▼ 6. Hallway |
▼ 7. Briefing Room | ▼ 8. Stairs Hallway |
Some items may not appear in the listed spot as Loot is sometimes randomized.
1. Yard
Notable Loot | - |
Enemies | Nemesis (First Entry) |
Story Items | Card Case (First Entry) |
2. Warehouse Office
Notable Loot | Police Station Map, Pistol Ammo, Green Herb x3 |
Enemies | - |
Story Items | Reception Terminal |
3. Police Office
Notable Loot | Shotgun Shells, File 5 |
Enemies | Zombies x5 |
Story Items | - |
4. Evidence Room
Notable Loot | Gunpowder B (Requires Lockpick) |
Enemies | - |
Story Items | Emblem Key, Blue Gem |
5. Safe Room
Notable Loot | Ink Ribbon x3, Gunpowder A, File 6 |
Enemies | - |
Story Items | - |
6. Hallway
Notable Loot | Red Herbs x2 |
Enemies | Zombies x4 or Zombie Dogs x2 |
Story Items | - |
7. Briefing Room
Notable Loot | Ink Ribbons x3 |
Enemies | - |
Story Items | Jill's STARS Card |
8. Stairs Hallway
Notable Loot | - |
Enemies | Zombie x4, Nemesis (After going here from STARS Office) |
Story Items | - |
Police Station 2F Location

Click on the locations to jump to them fast!
▼ 1. Stairs Hallway 2F | ▼ 2. 2f Hallway |
▼ 3. S.T.A.R.S Office | ▼ - |
1. Stairs Hallway 2F
Notable Loot | - |
Enemies | Zombies x5 |
Story Items | - |
Some items may not appear in the listed spot as Loot is sometimes randomized.
2. 2f Hallway
Notable Loot | Red Herb x2 |
Enemies | - |
Story Items | - |
3. S.T.A.R.S Office
Notable Loot | Handgun Ammo, First Aid Spray, Magnum OR Grenade Launcher, File 7 (Near Fax Machine) |
Enemies | - |
Story Items | Lockpick |
Entrance To STARS Office
No. | Procedure |
1 | Enter Police station and watch the cutscene |
2 | Fighting the monster, grab Brad's Card Case and run into the building. See Tips Below |
3 | Use Brad's ID Card on the terminal to get codes for the evidence locker |
4 | Go to the left room from the hall, through the police office and into the evidence room. |
5 | Go to the back of evidence room to the locker with lights. Type in the code and get S.T.A.R.S. Key. Open locker for Blue Gem. |
4a | (Caution!) If you weren't able to get Brad's Card, you'll have to go to the briefing room to get Jill's ID Card, then get the code from Terminal. |
5 | Clear the pathway next to the stairs to get to a Safe Room. |
6 | Move up the stairs and head to the end. Use the key to enter S.T.A.R.S. Office. |
2. Run Into Police Department To Conserve Resources
Running into the Police Station will prevent nemesis from following you for a while, conserving resources. Interacting with the police Station door will automatically run into it, even if you choose to fight Nemesis.
Grab Brad's Card Case From his Corpse

You can choose to fight Nemesis, dash to Brad's body, and search his body for a Card Case, and run into the station without defeating Nemesis. Investigate the Card Case for ID card you can use immediately at the terminal for the evidence room code.
2. How To Defeat The Monster (Nemesis)
You'll need around 45 Pistol rounds and 10 shotgun shells to defeat Nemesis. It will be knocked out once but will come back up, until you knock it out again to finish the job.
Hit & Run All The Way
Run off to 1 corner, fire 2 ~ 3 pistol rounds, then run off to another corner & repeat. Save your shotgun until he falls down as it is ineffective at range. Dodge his grabbing moves.
4. Shotgun Shells And File 5 In Commander's Office
Around 4 zombies are present in the police office, some pretending to be dead. You can bypass most of them to retrieve Shotgun Shells and File 5 in Commander's office before heading off to Evidence locker.
5. Grab The Blue Gem & STARS Office Key

A Blue Gem is placed in a locker in the evidence room, with the STARS Office key locked behind a number code. You can get the code by accessing the Entrance Hall terminal using Brad or Jill's ID card.
Known Codes For Evidence Locker:
- 0131
- 4011
- 4312
- 0513
5. Safe Room Next To Stairs
There's a safe room next to the stairs, with Ink Ribbons, Gunpowder A, and File 6. Stock up and dump items like the Blue Gem here before moving on.
Save Here If You Want To Reroll Weapon
At STARS office, you'll get either Magnum or Grenade Launcher, based purely on chance. If you like certain weapon better than the other, this is a good place to save so you can save/load the game to get the weapon you want.
All Weapons ListSTARS Office To Downtown
No. | Procedure |
1 | Enter STARS Office, pick up lockpick & New weapon from safe. |
2 | Go back to evidence room (Nemesis will reappear in the hallway under stairs). |
3 | Leave the police department, use the lockpick to open door to Downtown |
Grab Lockpick & New Weapon In Office

The 2 important thing you need from STARS Office is the lockpick and the random powerful weapon (Magnum OR Grenade Launcher) in the locker. Have enough inventory space for them.
Items In the STARS Office
- Lockpick (Jill's Desk)
- Handgun Ammo
- First Aid Spray
- Magnum OR Grenade Launcher
- File 7 (Near Fax Machine)
2. Nemesis Starts Chasing You After Going Down Stairs

Nemesis will start chasing you after you come down the stairs, and will follow you into all areas except the Safe Room next to the stairs. It won't stop until you reached the Entrance Hall.
2. Lockpick Evidence Room Locker For Gunpowder B

Lockpick the lower locker in the evidence room for a Gunpowder B. Even with Nemesis chasing, you should have enough time to do so.
3. Pick The Door Southeast Of Police Station

After exiting the police station, head on southeast to a door next to the Gallery, where you can pick the lock and proceed to Downtown.
Story Progression & Walkthrough
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Uptown ~ Police Station | Downtown ~ City Hall |
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