Read this guide on how to get Mixed Oil and codes for the Oil Additive in Resident Evil 3 Nemesis. Find where is Oil Addictive and codes for the Umbrella office in RE3 Nemesis.
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis Walkthrough & GuideHow To Get Mixed Oil
Mix Oil Additive With Machine Oil

You get Mixed Oil by combining Oil Additive with Machine Oil. You need to have both the Oil Additive with Machine Oil in your inventory to do so.
Machine Oil Found At Gas Station
Machine oil is found at the gas station, reachable through a door near the cable car at the Y intersection. You can pick these essential items up in any sequence you want.
City Hall ~ Uptown Walkthrough & Maps GuideUsed To Fix Cable Car
Mixed Oil is 1 of the 3 key components necessary to repair the Cable Car so Jill can escape the city. After it is repaired, they will move on to the Clock Tower.
Uptown ~ Clock Tower: Walkthrough & Maps GuideWhere To Find Oil Additive
Go To Umbrella Office In Uptown

Go to the Uptown Umbrella office to get the Oil Additive. You will need to put out the flame burning through the path first with a Fire Hose.
City Hall ~ Uptown: Walkthrough & Maps GuideLocked Behind Umbrella Office Storage

Oil Additive is locked in the Umbrella Office storage, behind an Umbrella Security System. Input the code in the computer to unlock the security.
Input Codes From Commercial To Unlock Security System

The code to the security system is obtained by looking at Umbrella product ads, which is accessed through the remote control on the table. The product name shown is the code.
All Umbrella Office Oil Codes
1 Of 3 Codes Selected

There are 3 combinations of codes that will play in the ads. Which each time is random, but will always come from the known pools of codes.
All Umbrella Security System Codes
- Safsprin
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