Fort Haight is an area for Elden Ring. Guide includes the map location, how to get, rewards, & boss of Fort Haight.
Location Of Fort Haight
Head South From The Third Church Of Marika

Fort Haight is located south of the Third Church of Marika. Follow the road and you will see enemies along the way. Ignore them by dashing through them with your horse. Don't forget to rest at the Site of Grace near Fort Haight.
Fort Haight Walkthrough Chart
- From the Site of Grace west of Fort Haight, head right
- Climb up the hill to Fort Haight
- Head right when you reach the top of the hill
- Ascend the stairs once the enemy descends from it
- Once you are inside the fort, head up the stairs and go to the room in the back
┗ Obtain the ▼Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [6] - Exit the room and head for the stairs on the right
- Climb the stairs to the right
- Once you are at the top of the stairs, climb the ladder
┗ Obtain the ▼Dectus Medallion (Left) - You can obtain ▼Ashes Of War: Bloody Slash once you defeat the knight on the rooftop.
Lure The Large Enemy Out And Head Inside

There is a large enemy at the entrance to Fort Haight, which makes it troublesome to enter the Fort. You'll want to lure them out first while avoiding the attacks of nearby enemies.
Item Locations In Fort Haight
Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [6]
Details | The number of items that can be crafted will increase. |
- Once you are inside the fort, go up the stairs and head to the room on the right.
- Obtain the Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [6] from the corpse.

Dectus Medallion (Left)
Details | Required to operate the Grand Lift of Dectus. |
- Go up the stairs on the left side of the front door to go to the second floor.
- Once you are on the second floor, climb up the ladder on the right.
- Obtain from treasure chest

Bloody Slash
Effect | This skill covers a wide range. |
- Defeat the knight on the second floor.