Requests Quest List & Where To Unlock Request Guide for Pokemon Legends Arceus. Guide includes quest location, how to get requests, Pokemon you can catch, & rewards!
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Requests List & Where To Unlock Guide
*Enter the request or requester name below
No. | Request Information |
1 | Wurmple Can Evolve Requester:Beauregard Location:In front of Galaxy Headquarters in Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Wurmple to give to Beauregarde. Rewards:Dazzling Honey x3 |
2 | Adorable Starly Requester:Marli Location:In front of the General Store in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Show Marli the completed Pokedex entry for Starly. Rewards:Poke Ball x10 |
3 | What Did Shinx's Ears Look Like? Requester:Toshi Location:In front of the Photography Studio in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Catch a Shinx to show to Toshi. (1 Shinx) Rewards:Potion x3 |
4 | Big Buizel, Little Buizel Requester:Dorian Location:Security Guard At The South Gate In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a big Buizel to give to Dorian. Rewards:Oran Berry ×5、Exp. Candy S ×1 |
5 | What It Takes To Be Awesome Requester:Sho Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Craft or buy some Poke Balls to give to Sho. (5 Poke Balls) Rewards:Grit Dust x3 |
6 | Mushroom Cake Marketing Requester:Morel Location:Fieldlands Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Give Morel the item he requested. (1 Springy Mushroom) Rewards:Mushroom Cake Crafting Recipe |
7 | Playing With Drifloon Requester:Drifloon Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Report back to Miki with your findings. Rewards:Stardust x1 |
8 | Bothersome Bidoof Requester:Tsumugi Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Add a Bidoof to your team, and go find the bothersome Bidoof troubling the village. (3 Bidoof) Rewards:Rare Candy x1 |
9 | Zubat's Eyes Requester:Clarissa Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Zubat to show to Clarissa. Rewards:Aux Power x2 |
10 | Wurmple's Evolved! Requester:Beauregard Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Silcoon or evolve a Wurmple into one, then show it to Beauregard. Rewards:Exp. Candy S x1 |
11 | The Timbre Of The Fields Requester:Yeo Location:Fieldlands Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Show Yeo the completed Pokedex entry for Kricketot. Rewards:Vivichoke x3 |
12 | A Perfect Pickling Stone Requester:Radisa Location:In the Hallway at the 2nd floor of Galaxy Headquarters. Clear Conditions:Catch a Geodude to give to Radisa. Rewards:Honey Cake ×3、Exp. Candy S x1 |
13 | Trees That Bear Berries Requester:Bjorn Location:Near Deertrack Path in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Gather the number of Berries Bjorn wanted, then give them to him. (3 Cheri Berries) Rewards:Poke Ball ×15 |
14 | Berry Helpful Requester:Andra Location:At the front gate of Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Gather the number of Berries Andra wanted, then give them to him. (5 Oran Berries) Rewards:Revive x3 |
15 | Balloon Race in the Fieldlands Requester:Balloon Race Location:Heights Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Burst 17 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Rare Candy x1、Feather Ball×15 |
16 | Strange Happenings At Midnight Requester:Sanqua Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Search Sanqua's house to solve the mystery. Rewards:Nanab Berry x7 |
17 | To Bloom Or Not To Bloom Requester:Kichi Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Show Kichi the completed Pokedex entry for Cherrim. Rewards:Vivichoke x5 |
18 | Please! Make Me A Pokeshi Doll! Requester:Anvin Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Craft a Pokeshi Doll, and show it to Anvin. Rewards:Pokeshi Doll x1 |
19 | A Peculiar Ponyta Requester:Yota Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch the strange Ponyta on the Horseshoe Plains in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Razz Berry x5 |
20 | The Mysterious Will-o'-the-Wisp Requester:Paira Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the mysterious red will-o'-the-wisp on Windswept Run at night. Rewards:Exp. Candy S x2 |
21 | Back-Alley Mr. Mime Requester:Andra Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Chase the fleeing Mr. Mime. Rewards:Aux Guard x2 |
22 | Eerie Apparitions In The Night Requester:Vessa Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the wisps found scattered in every corner of the Hisui region. Rewards:Twice-Spiced Radish x3 |
23 | Getting Ahold Of New Wares Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Hearty Grains) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
24 | Inspiration From Hippopotas Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a male and a female Hippopotas to show to Anthe. Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
25 | The Pokemon In The Woodland Photo Requester:Dagero Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon captured in Dagero's photo and show it to him. Rewards:More options at the Photography Studio. |
26 | Aim For The Big Leagues! Requester:Taggart Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Get a score of 10,000 points or more at the target practice game hosted in the practice field outside Jubilife Village. Rewards:Great Ball ×15、Nugget ×1 |
27 | Help Wanted: Plowing The Fields Requester:Miller Location:Farm In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Lend a Ground-type Pokemon to Miller. Rewards:More fields for the farm. |
28 | Measuring Your Compatibility Requester:Belamy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Show a Pokemon with which you have a strong enough bond to satisfy Belamy. Rewards:Rare Candy x1 |
29 | The Search For Bitter Leaves Requester:Shinon Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with three leaves in the Crimson Mirelands and catch one to give to Anise. Rewards:Fine Remedy ×3、Hopo Berry x5 |
30 | A Beautiful Rose... Requester:Berra Location:Mirelands Camp In Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:Show Berra the completed Pokedex entry for Roselia. Rewards:Grain Cake ×5、Exp. Candy S ×2 |
31 | Setting Up The Bogbound Camp Requester:Odo Location:At Sludge Mound In Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:Go to help set up the Bogbound Camp. Rewards:Boghound Camp will be unlocked. |
32 | The Headache-Stricken Psyduck Requester:Martia Location:At Diamond Settlement In Crrimson Mirelands. Clear Conditions:Gather information in Jubilife Village about medicine that might ease the headaches of suffering Psyduck. Rewards:Max Revive x1 |
33 | What A Massive Mushroom! Requester:Morel Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Parasect and give it to Morel. Rewards:Candy Truffle x5 |
34 | Croagunk's Curative Poison Requester:Paselle Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Croagunk to give to Passelle. (1 Croagunk) Rewards:Full Heal ×3、Exp. Candy S ×3 |
35 | Battling With Pachirisu Requester:Ren Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters after registering Pachirisu in the Pokedex. Clear Conditions:Remove all other Pokemon from your party and show Ren a great strategy for battling with a Pachirisu. Rewards:Sitrus Berry x 3、Grit Gravel x1 |
36 | Watering With Care Requester:Odo Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Show a Pokemon that can use Water Pulse to Odo. Rewards:Heavy Ball ×15、Exp. Candy S ×3 |
37 | The Fragrance Of Nostalgic Herbs Requester:Risa Location:At the basement floor of Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon covered in herbs shaped like blue vines and catch one to show to Risa. Rewards:Smoke Bomb x5、Exp. Candy S ×2 |
38 | Gone Astray...In The Mirelands Requester:Zeke Location:At the 1st floor of Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Crimson Mirelands. Rewards:Stardust x3 |
39 | All About Magikarp Requester:Ceci Location:In front of Galaxy Headquarters in Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Complete the Pokedex entry of Magikarp and show it to Ceci. Rewards:Rare Candy x1 |
40 | The Charm Lost In The Swamp Requester:Yojiro Location:Bogbound Camp in Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:Find the charm that Yojiro dropped in the Crimson Mirelands. Rewards:Iron Chunk x5、Grit Gravel x1 |
41 | An Elegant Tail Requester:Asabei Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with the elegant tail that curls like a spring, and catch one to show to Asabei. Rewards:Aux Evasion ×2、Grit Gravel×2 |
42 | Help Wanted: Watering The Fields Requester:Miller Location:Farm In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Lend a Pokemon that can use a Water-type move to Miller. Rewards:More fields for the farm. |
43 | More New Wares Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Pop Pods) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
44 | The Pokemon In The Nighttime Photo Requester:Dagero Location:In front of the Photography Studio in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon captured in Dagero's photo and show it to him. Rewards:More options at the Photography Studio. |
45 | Shellos Of The East And West Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch an East Sea Shellos and a West Sea Shellos to show to Anthe. Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
46 | Setting Up The Coastlands Camp Requester:Gully Location:Near Deadwood Haunt in Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Look for Yorrich of the Construction Corps. Rewards:Coastlands Camp will be unlocked. |
47 | Balloon Race In The Coastlands Requester:Balloon Race Location:At the Coastlands Camp in Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Burst 24 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Cobalt Coastlands. Rewards:Nugget ×1、Ultra Ball x10 |
48 | Taste Of Home Requester:Floaro Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Floaro. (3 Hearty Grains, 2 Hopo Berries, 1 Razz Berry) Rewards:Exp. Candy S ×5 |
49 | Keep An Eye Out For Aipom! Requester:Hiko Location:Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Chase down the Aipom that stole Hiko's pack. Rewards:Scatter Bang ×5、Exp. Candy M ×1 |
50 | Double The Tails, Double The Fun Requester:Netta Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with two tail fins and catch one to show to Netta. Rewards:Star Piece x1 |
51 | Coming Up Roses Requester:Hiemo Location:At Ramanas Island In Obsiidan Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with a scythe on each arm and catch one to show to Hiemo on Ramanas Island. Rewards:Seed Of Mastery x1 |
52 | Eevee's Evolutions Requester:Floaro Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Search for the missing Eevee. Rewards:Rare Candy x1、 Evolution Stone of your choice x1 (Fire, Thunder, Water) |
53 | Octillery's Ink Requester:Radisa Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Complete enough research tasks to reach the rank of Fourth Star. Rewards:Bean Cake ×5、Exp. Candy M ×1 |
54 | Serving Up Swap Snacks Requester:Bonn Location:In front of Galaxy Headquarters in Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Bonn. (1 Sootfoot Root, 1 Springy Mushroom, 1 Hopo Berry) Rewards:Swap Snack Recipe |
55 | Poor, Peckish Piplup Requester:Maris Location:At Tombolo Walk in Cobalt Coastlands. Clear Conditions:Give Maris the item she requested. (1 Bean Cake) Rewards:Razz Berry ×5、Hyper Potion x 3 |
56 | Getting Help From Machoke Requester:Bosley Location:Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Show Bosley the completed Pokedex entry for Machoke. Rewards:Grit Gravel ×3、Aux Powerguard ×1 |
57 | The Taste Of Honey Requester:Almous Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Combee in Grueling Grove, then show it to Almous. Rewards:King's Leaf x3、Dazzling Honey x3 |
58 | Gone Astray...In The Coastlands Requester:Zeke Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Cobalt Coastlands. Rewards:Star Piece x1 |
59 | Misdreavus The Hairstyle Muse Requester:Arezu Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon needed to inspire Arezu. (1 Misdreavus) Rewards:New Hairstyles |
60 | Help Wanted: Rock Smashing In The Fields Requester:Miller Location:Farm In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Lend a Pokemon that can use Rock Smash to Miller. Rewards:More fields for the farm. |
61 | Even More New Wares Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Crunchy Salt) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
62 | The Pokemon In The River Photo Requester:Dagero Location:In front of the Photography Studio in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Show Turtwig to Dagero, the owner of the Photography Studio. Rewards:More options at the Photography Studio. |
63 | Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Wormadam to show to Anthe. (1 Wormadam) Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
64 | Getting To Know Ghosts Requester:Ward Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Show Ward the completed Pokedex entry for Gastly. Rewards:Linking Cord x1 |
65 | Setting Up The Mountain Camp Requester:Eshim Location:Coronet Highlands Clear Conditions:Find out what Bronzor wants. Rewards:Mountain Camp will be unlocked. |
66 | The Sea's Legend Requester:Laventon Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Solve the mystery of "The Sea's Legend," and catch the Pokemon that Professor Laventon saw. Rewards:Comet Shard x3 |
67 | The Clefairy's Moonlit Dance Requester:Astair Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Investigate whether Clefairy dance at the Fabled Spring on nights with a full moon. Rewards:Salt Cake x5、Exp. Candy M x2 |
68 | A Nosepass To Guide The Way Requester:Gully Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Nosepass to give to Gully. (1 Nosepass) Rewards:Black Augurite×1、Exp. Candy M×2 |
69 | Gone Astray...In The Highlands Requester:Zeke Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Coronet Highlands. Rewards:Star Piece x2 |
70 | Colorful New Looks Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Anthe. (1 Red Shard, 1 Blue Shard, 1 Green Shard) Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
71 | New Wares Yet Again Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Sand Radishes) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
72 | Peselle's Easy Errand Requester:Passelle Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions: Rewards:Adamant Mint x1、Modest Mint x1 |
73 | Which Is The Real Burmy? Requester:Leif Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Burmy to show to Leif, Duna, and Tarush. Rewards:Leaf Stone ×1、Exp. Candy M ×3 |
74 | A Bit Of Help From Blissey Requester:Pippa Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Meet up with Pippa. Rewards:Shiny Stone x1、Max Revive x2 |
75 | Kirlia The Hairstyle Muse Requester:Arezu Location:Hair Salon In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon needed to inspire Arezu. (1 Kirlia) Rewards:New Hairstyles |
76 | Mushroom Hunting With Swinub Requester:Morel Location:Bulletin Boad At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the three mushrooms buried in the snow using Swinub and report back to Morel. Rewards:Sand Radish x5、Exp. Candy L x1 |
77 | Gone Astray...In The Fieldlands Requester:Zeke Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Star Piece x3 |
78 | Setting Up The Icepeak Camp Requester:Brice Location:Alabaster Icelands Clear Conditions:Look for Craig of the Construction Corps. Rewards:Icepeak Camp will be unlocked. |
79 | Balloon Race In The Icelands Requester:Balloon Race Location:Icepeak Camp in Alabaster Icelands Clear Conditions:Burst 30 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Alabaster Icelands. Rewards:Nugget x3 |
80 | The Perfect Pickle Recipe Requester:Radisa Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Radisa. (2 Crunchy Salt, 2 Plump Beans, 2 King's Leaf) Rewards:Twice-Spiced Radish Recipe |
81 | In Search Of A Fiery Pokemon Requester:Brice Location: Clear Conditions:Catch a Fire-type Pokemon to give to Brice. Rewards:Full Restore x3、Exp. Candy L x1 |
82 | Traces Of A Lost Village Requester:Mani Location:Basement floor of Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Search for traces of a village said to have been located at the Avalanche Slopes in the Alabaster Icelands. Rewards:Dawn Stone x1 |
83 | Snow-White Vulpix In The Snow Requester:Keaka Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the Alolan Vulpix hiding out in the Alabaster Icelands. (5 Vulpix) Rewards:Exp. Candy L ×1 |
84 | The Bergmite Enthusiast Requester:Dominia Location:Pearl Settlement in Alabaster Icelands. Clear Conditions:Show the completed Pokedex entry of Bergmite to Dominia. Rewards:Grit Pebble x3 |
85 | A Home Under The Eaves Requester:Ida Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find a place that Chimecho could hang from at the farmhouse near the fields. Rewards:Rare Candy x1、Sun Stone x1 |
86 | Gone Astray...In The Icelands Requester:Wanda Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Zeke in the Alabaster Icelands. Rewards:Ice Stone x1、Star Piece x5、Peat Block x1 |
87 | Rolling With Spheal Requester:Senki Location:Coronet Highlands at the Mountain Camp Clear Conditions:Find Senki's Spheal, which has rolled off toward Bolderoll Ravine. Rewards:Sticky Glob x5、Rare Candy x1 |
88 | Steely Lucario Requester:Rye Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Battle Lucario at the training grounds. Rewards:Grit Rock x1 |
89 | The Diamond Clan's Treasure Requester:Adaman Location:Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:(Battle with Adaman) Rewards:Comet Shard x3 |
90 | The Pearl Clan's Treasure Requester:Irida Location:Alabaster Icelands Clear Conditions:(Battle with Irida) Rewards:Comet Shard x3 |
91 | On The Trail Of Giratina Requester:Laventon Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find out the truth behind the huge shadow in the Cobalt Coastlands. Rewards:Grit Rock x1 |
92 | A Token Of Gratitude Requester:Medi Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the field of Gracidea flowers located somewhere in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Grit Rock x1 |
93 | The Darksome Nightmare Requester:Cael Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch Darkrai around the Clamberclaw Cliffs. Rewards:Exp. Candy XL ×1 |
94 | Incarnate Forces of Hisui Requester:Cogita Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Show Cogita the completed Pokedex entries for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Rewards:Exp. Candy L x4 |
Pokemon Request Location Guide
Pokemon Requests | ||
▼Shiny Ponyta | ▼Manaphy | ▼Alolan Vulpix |
▼Giratina | ▼Shaymin | ▼Darkrai |
▼Legendary |
Request 19: A Peculiar Ponyta

Requested By | Yota |
Location | Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters |
A request where you can get your first Shiny Pokemon. Although it's much like a tutorial, you'll be able to catch a Shiny Ponyta by completing this Request.
Request 66: The Sea's Legend

Requested By | Laventon |
Conditions | Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters after reaching Rank 5 |
Although the The Sea's Legend is a Request that is more difficult than others to complete compared to others, you'l be able to catch Manaphy & Phione. Note that Phione will respawn in the same place even after the Request whereas Manaphy will not.
Request 83: Snow-White Vulpix In The Snow

Requested By | Keaka |
Conditions | Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters after reaching Rank 5 |
Although not a reward of the Request itself, you'll be able to catch Alolan Vulpix by going through the Request.
Request 91: On The Trail Of Giratina

Requested By | Laventon |
Conditions | Automatically available upon returning to Jubilife Village after clearing Main Mission 26: Seeking The Remaining Plates |
In this sub-mission, you will be able to capture the Legendary Pokemon, Giratina. You'll receive a Griseous Orb after completing the Request which will allow you to change Giratina to its Altered and Origin Formes.
Request 92: A Token Of Gratitude

Requested By | Medi |
Conditions | Post game at the Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters with the save data for Pokemon Sword and Shield |
A Request to catch the Mythical Pokemon Shaymin. To start this request, you will need to have a save data for Pokemon Sword and Shield.
Request 93: The Darksome Nightmare

Requested By | Cael |
Conditions | Post game at the Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters with the save data for Pokemon Sword and Shield |
A Request to catch the Mythical Pokemon Darkrai. To start this request, you will need to have a save data for Pokemon Sword and Shield.
Request 94: Incarnate Forces of Hisui

Requested By | Cogita |
Conditions | Speak To Cogita at the Galaxy Headquarters After Clearing Main Mission 26 |
In this mission, you can catch up to a total of 4 Legendary Pokemon which are: Tornadus, Thundurus, Landorus, and Enamorus.
Requests Quest Rewards List
Facility Reward Requests
No. | Request Information |
23 | Getting Ahold Of New Wares Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Hearty Grains) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
24 | Inspiration From Hippopotas Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a male and a female Hippopotas to show to Anthe. Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
25 | The Pokemon In The Woodland Photo Requester:Dagero Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon captured in Dagero's photo and show it to him. Rewards:More options at the Photography Studio. |
27 | Help Wanted: Plowing The Fields Requester:Miller Location:Farm In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Lend a Ground-type Pokemon to Miller. Rewards:More fields for the farm. |
31 | Setting Up The Bogbound Camp Requester:Odo Location:At Sludge Mound In Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:Go to help set up the Bogbound Camp. Rewards:Boghound Camp will be unlocked. |
42 | Help Wanted: Watering The Fields Requester:Miller Location:Farm In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Lend a Pokemon that can use a Water-type move to Miller. Rewards:More fields for the farm. |
43 | More New Wares Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Pop Pods) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
44 | The Pokemon In The Nighttime Photo Requester:Dagero Location:In front of the Photography Studio in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon captured in Dagero's photo and show it to him. Rewards:More options at the Photography Studio. |
45 | Shellos Of The East And West Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch an East Sea Shellos and a West Sea Shellos to show to Anthe. Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
46 | Setting Up The Coastlands Camp Requester:Gully Location:Near Deadwood Haunt in Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Look for Yorrich of the Construction Corps. Rewards:Coastlands Camp will be unlocked. |
59 | Misdreavus The Hairstyle Muse Requester:Arezu Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon needed to inspire Arezu. (1 Misdreavus) Rewards:New Hairstyles |
60 | Help Wanted: Rock Smashing In The Fields Requester:Miller Location:Farm In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Lend a Pokemon that can use Rock Smash to Miller. Rewards:More fields for the farm. |
61 | Even More New Wares Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Crunchy Salt) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
62 | The Pokemon In The River Photo Requester:Dagero Location:In front of the Photography Studio in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Show Turtwig to Dagero, the owner of the Photography Studio. Rewards:More options at the Photography Studio. |
63 | Fancy, Fashionable Wormadam Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Wormadam to show to Anthe. (1 Wormadam) Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
65 | Setting Up The Mountain Camp Requester:Eshim Location:Coronet Highlands Clear Conditions:Find out what Bronzor wants. Rewards:Mountain Camp will be unlocked. |
70 | Colorful New Looks Requester:Anthe Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Anthe. (1 Red Shard, 1 Blue Shard, 1 Green Shard) Rewards:More clothes in the clothing shop. |
71 | New Wares Yet Again Requester:Choy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Try to sweeten up Tao Hua with a gift so he might sell new wares to the general store. (3 Sand Radishes) Rewards:More products in the general store. |
75 | Kirlia The Hairstyle Muse Requester:Arezu Location:Hair Salon In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the Pokemon needed to inspire Arezu. (1 Kirlia) Rewards:New Hairstyles |
78 | Setting Up The Icepeak Camp Requester:Brice Location:Alabaster Icelands Clear Conditions:Look for Craig of the Construction Corps. Rewards:Icepeak Camp will be unlocked. |
Recipe Reward Requests
No. | Request Information |
6 | Mushroom Cake Marketing Requester:Morel Location:Fieldlands Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Give Morel the item he requested. (1 Springy Mushroom) Rewards:Mushroom Cake Crafting Recipe |
54 | Serving Up Swap Snacks Requester:Bonn Location:In front of Galaxy Headquarters in Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Bonn. (1 Sootfoot Root, 1 Springy Mushroom, 1 Hopo Berry) Rewards:Swap Snack Recipe |
80 | The Perfect Pickle Recipe Requester:Radisa Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Radisa. (2 Crunchy Salt, 2 Plump Beans, 2 King's Leaf) Rewards:Twice-Spiced Radish Recipe |
Item Reward Requests
No. | Request Information |
1 | Wurmple Can Evolve Requester:Beauregard Location:In front of Galaxy Headquarters in Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Wurmple to give to Beauregarde. Rewards:Dazzling Honey x3 |
2 | Adorable Starly Requester:Marli Location:In front of the General Store in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Show Marli the completed Pokedex entry for Starly. Rewards:Poke Ball x10 |
3 | What Did Shinx's Ears Look Like? Requester:Toshi Location:In front of the Photography Studio in Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Catch a Shinx to show to Toshi. (1 Shinx) Rewards:Potion x3 |
4 | Big Buizel, Little Buizel Requester:Dorian Location:Security Guard At The South Gate In Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a big Buizel to give to Dorian. Rewards:Oran Berry ×5、Exp. Candy S ×1 |
5 | What It Takes To Be Awesome Requester:Sho Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Craft or buy some Poke Balls to give to Sho. (5 Poke Balls) Rewards:Grit Dust x3 |
7 | Playing With Drifloon Requester:Drifloon Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Report back to Miki with your findings. Rewards:Stardust x1 |
8 | Bothersome Bidoof Requester:Tsumugi Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Add a Bidoof to your team, and go find the bothersome Bidoof troubling the village. (3 Bidoof) Rewards:Rare Candy x1 |
9 | Zubat's Eyes Requester:Clarissa Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Zubat to show to Clarissa. Rewards:Aux Power x2 |
10 | Wurmple's Evolved! Requester:Beauregard Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Silcoon or evolve a Wurmple into one, then show it to Beauregard. Rewards:Exp. Candy S x1 |
11 | The Timbre Of The Fields Requester:Yeo Location:Fieldlands Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Show Yeo the completed Pokedex entry for Kricketot. Rewards:Vivichoke x3 |
12 | A Perfect Pickling Stone Requester:Radisa Location:In the Hallway at the 2nd floor of Galaxy Headquarters. Clear Conditions:Catch a Geodude to give to Radisa. Rewards:Honey Cake ×3、Exp. Candy S x1 |
13 | Trees That Bear Berries Requester:Bjorn Location:Near Deertrack Path in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Gather the number of Berries Bjorn wanted, then give them to him. (3 Cheri Berries) Rewards:Poke Ball ×15 |
14 | Berry Helpful Requester:Andra Location:At the front gate of Jubilife Village. Clear Conditions:Gather the number of Berries Andra wanted, then give them to him. (5 Oran Berries) Rewards:Revive x3 |
15 | Balloon Race in the Fieldlands Requester:Balloon Race Location:Heights Camp in Obsidian Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Burst 17 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Rare Candy x1、Feather Ball×15 |
16 | Strange Happenings At Midnight Requester:Sanqua Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Search Sanqua's house to solve the mystery. Rewards:Nanab Berry x7 |
17 | To Bloom Or Not To Bloom Requester:Kichi Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Show Kichi the completed Pokedex entry for Cherrim. Rewards:Vivichoke x5 |
18 | Please! Make Me A Pokeshi Doll! Requester:Anvin Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Craft a Pokeshi Doll, and show it to Anvin. Rewards:Pokeshi Doll x1 |
19 | A Peculiar Ponyta Requester:Yota Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch the strange Ponyta on the Horseshoe Plains in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Razz Berry x5 |
20 | The Mysterious Will-o'-the-Wisp Requester:Paira Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch the mysterious red will-o'-the-wisp on Windswept Run at night. Rewards:Exp. Candy S x2 |
21 | Back-Alley Mr. Mime Requester:Andra Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Chase the fleeing Mr. Mime. Rewards:Aux Guard x2 |
22 | Eerie Apparitions In The Night Requester:Vessa Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the wisps found scattered in every corner of the Hisui region. Rewards:Twice-Spiced Radish x3 |
26 | Aim For The Big Leagues! Requester:Taggart Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Get a score of 10,000 points or more at the target practice game hosted in the practice field outside Jubilife Village. Rewards:Great Ball ×15、Nugget ×1 |
28 | Measuring Your Compatibility Requester:Belamy Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Show a Pokemon with which you have a strong enough bond to satisfy Belamy. Rewards:Rare Candy x1 |
29 | The Search For Bitter Leaves Requester:Shinon Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with three leaves in the Crimson Mirelands and catch one to give to Anise. Rewards:Fine Remedy ×3、Hopo Berry x5 |
30 | A Beautiful Rose... Requester:Berra Location:Mirelands Camp In Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:Show Berra the completed Pokedex entry for Roselia. Rewards:Grain Cake ×5、Exp. Candy S ×2 |
32 | The Headache-Stricken Psyduck Requester:Martia Location:At Diamond Settlement In Crrimson Mirelands. Clear Conditions:Gather information in Jubilife Village about medicine that might ease the headaches of suffering Psyduck. Rewards:Max Revive x1 |
33 | What A Massive Mushroom! Requester:Morel Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Parasect and give it to Morel. Rewards:Candy Truffle x5 |
34 | Croagunk's Curative Poison Requester:Paselle Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Croagunk to give to Passelle. (1 Croagunk) Rewards:Full Heal ×3、Exp. Candy S ×3 |
35 | Battling With Pachirisu Requester:Ren Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters after registering Pachirisu in the Pokedex. Clear Conditions:Remove all other Pokemon from your party and show Ren a great strategy for battling with a Pachirisu. Rewards:Sitrus Berry x 3、Grit Gravel x1 |
36 | Watering With Care Requester:Odo Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Show a Pokemon that can use Water Pulse to Odo. Rewards:Heavy Ball ×15、Exp. Candy S ×3 |
37 | The Fragrance Of Nostalgic Herbs Requester:Risa Location:At the basement floor of Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon covered in herbs shaped like blue vines and catch one to show to Risa. Rewards:Smoke Bomb x5、Exp. Candy S ×2 |
38 | Gone Astray...In The Mirelands Requester:Zeke Location:At the 1st floor of Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Crimson Mirelands. Rewards:Stardust x3 |
39 | All About Magikarp Requester:Ceci Location:In front of Galaxy Headquarters in Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Complete the Pokedex entry of Magikarp and show it to Ceci. Rewards:Rare Candy x1 |
40 | The Charm Lost In The Swamp Requester:Yojiro Location:Bogbound Camp in Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:Find the charm that Yojiro dropped in the Crimson Mirelands. Rewards:Iron Chunk x5、Grit Gravel x1 |
41 | An Elegant Tail Requester:Asabei Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with the elegant tail that curls like a spring, and catch one to show to Asabei. Rewards:Aux Evasion ×2、Grit Gravel×2 |
47 | Balloon Race In The Coastlands Requester:Balloon Race Location:At the Coastlands Camp in Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Burst 24 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Cobalt Coastlands. Rewards:Nugget ×1、Ultra Ball x10 |
48 | Taste Of Home Requester:Floaro Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Gather the necessary materials for Floaro. (3 Hearty Grains, 2 Hopo Berries, 1 Razz Berry) Rewards:Exp. Candy S ×5 |
49 | Keep An Eye Out For Aipom! Requester:Hiko Location:Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Chase down the Aipom that stole Hiko's pack. Rewards:Scatter Bang ×5、Exp. Candy M ×1 |
50 | Double The Tails, Double The Fun Requester:Netta Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with two tail fins and catch one to show to Netta. Rewards:Star Piece x1 |
51 | Coming Up Roses Requester:Hiemo Location:At Ramanas Island In Obsiidan Fieldlands. Clear Conditions:Find the Pokemon with a scythe on each arm and catch one to show to Hiemo on Ramanas Island. Rewards:Seed Of Mastery x1 |
52 | Eevee's Evolutions Requester:Floaro Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Search for the missing Eevee. Rewards:Rare Candy x1、 Evolution Stone of your choice x1 (Fire, Thunder, Water) |
53 | Octillery's Ink Requester:Radisa Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Complete enough research tasks to reach the rank of Fourth Star. Rewards:Bean Cake ×5、Exp. Candy M ×1 |
55 | Poor, Peckish Piplup Requester:Maris Location:At Tombolo Walk in Cobalt Coastlands. Clear Conditions:Give Maris the item she requested. (1 Bean Cake) Rewards:Razz Berry ×5、Hyper Potion x 3 |
56 | Getting Help From Machoke Requester:Bosley Location:Cobalt Coastlands Clear Conditions:Show Bosley the completed Pokedex entry for Machoke. Rewards:Grit Gravel ×3、Aux Powerguard ×1 |
57 | The Taste Of Honey Requester:Almous Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Combee in Grueling Grove, then show it to Almous. Rewards:King's Leaf x3、Dazzling Honey x3 |
58 | Gone Astray...In The Coastlands Requester:Zeke Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Cobalt Coastlands. Rewards:Star Piece x1 |
64 | Getting To Know Ghosts Requester:Ward Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Show Ward the completed Pokedex entry for Gastly. Rewards:Linking Cord x1 |
66 | The Sea's Legend Requester:Laventon Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Solve the mystery of "The Sea's Legend," and catch the Pokemon that Professor Laventon saw. Rewards:Comet Shard x3 |
67 | The Clefairy's Moonlit Dance Requester:Astair Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Investigate whether Clefairy dance at the Fabled Spring on nights with a full moon. Rewards:Salt Cake x5、Exp. Candy M x2 |
68 | A Nosepass To Guide The Way Requester:Gully Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch a Nosepass to give to Gully. (1 Nosepass) Rewards:Black Augurite×1、Exp. Candy M×2 |
69 | Gone Astray...In The Highlands Requester:Zeke Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Coronet Highlands. Rewards:Star Piece x2 |
Peselle's Easy Errand Requester:Passelle Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions: Rewards:Adamant Mint x1、Modest Mint x1 | |
73 | Which Is The Real Burmy? Requester:Leif Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Catch a Burmy to show to Leif, Duna, and Tarush. Rewards:Leaf Stone ×1、Exp. Candy M ×3 |
74 | A Bit Of Help From Blissey Requester:Pippa Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Meet up with Pippa. Rewards:Shiny Stone x1、Max Revive x2 |
76 | Mushroom Hunting With Swinub Requester:Morel Location:Bulletin Boad At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the three mushrooms buried in the snow using Swinub and report back to Morel. Rewards:Sand Radish x5、Exp. Candy L x1 |
77 | Gone Astray...In The Fieldlands Requester:Zeke Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Wanda in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Star Piece x3 |
79 | Balloon Race In The Icelands Requester:Balloon Race Location:Icepeak Camp in Alabaster Icelands Clear Conditions:Burst 30 balloons within the time limit for the balloon race in the Alabaster Icelands. Rewards:Nugget x3 |
81 | In Search Of A Fiery Pokemon Requester:Brice Location: Clear Conditions:Catch a Fire-type Pokemon to give to Brice. Rewards:Full Restore x3、Exp. Candy L x1 |
82 | Traces Of A Lost Village Requester:Mani Location:Basement floor of Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Search for traces of a village said to have been located at the Avalanche Slopes in the Alabaster Icelands. Rewards:Dawn Stone x1 |
83 | Snow-White Vulpix In The Snow Requester:Keaka Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the Alolan Vulpix hiding out in the Alabaster Icelands. (5 Vulpix) Rewards:Exp. Candy L ×1 |
84 | The Bergmite Enthusiast Requester:Dominia Location:Pearl Settlement in Alabaster Icelands. Clear Conditions:Show the completed Pokedex entry of Bergmite to Dominia. Rewards:Grit Pebble x3 |
85 | A Home Under The Eaves Requester:Ida Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find a place that Chimecho could hang from at the farmhouse near the fields. Rewards:Rare Candy x1、Sun Stone x1 |
86 | Gone Astray...In The Icelands Requester:Wanda Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Ride on Ursaluna and follow the blue signals to locate Zeke in the Alabaster Icelands. Rewards:Ice Stone x1、Star Piece x5、Peat Block x1 |
87 | Rolling With Spheal Requester:Senki Location:Coronet Highlands at the Mountain Camp Clear Conditions:Find Senki's Spheal, which has rolled off toward Bolderoll Ravine. Rewards:Sticky Glob x5、Rare Candy x1 |
88 | Steely Lucario Requester:Rye Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Battle Lucario at the training grounds. Rewards:Grit Rock x1 |
89 | The Diamond Clan's Treasure Requester:Adaman Location:Crimson Mirelands Clear Conditions:(Battle with Adaman) Rewards:Comet Shard x3 |
90 | The Pearl Clan's Treasure Requester:Irida Location:Alabaster Icelands Clear Conditions:(Battle with Irida) Rewards:Comet Shard x3 |
91 | On The Trail Of Giratina Requester:Laventon Location:Jubilife Village Clear Conditions:Find out the truth behind the huge shadow in the Cobalt Coastlands. Rewards:Grit Rock x1 |
92 | A Token Of Gratitude Requester:Medi Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Find the field of Gracidea flowers located somewhere in the Obsidian Fieldlands. Rewards:Grit Rock x1 |
93 | The Darksome Nightmare Requester:Cael Location:Bulletin Board At Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Catch Darkrai around the Clamberclaw Cliffs. Rewards:Exp. Candy XL ×1 |
94 | Incarnate Forces of Hisui Requester:Cogita Location:Galaxy Headquarters Clear Conditions:Show Cogita the completed Pokedex entries for Tornadus, Thundurus, and Landorus. Rewards:Exp. Candy L x4 |
How To Check Request Quests & Take New Requests
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Check Quests On The Map Page

Check Requests | Open map with - Button → Open Missions & Requests page with Y Button → L /R Buttons to switch between Missions & Requests page |
A list of the Requests you've taken can be checked via the Map Page. Press the - Button to open the Map and press the Y Button to check all your Requests.